Paraproctitis recurrence is a recurrent disease

With the penetration of harmful bacteria through the folds of the mucosa of the anal canal or, which is much rarer, through the furuncle on the skin or the inflamed prostate gland into the fatty tissue, the inflammatory process - paraproctitis develops. The ideal environment for the development of this unpleasant disease is the presence of anal fissures, constipation, diseases such as hemorrhoids, diabetes, atherosclerosis and weakened immunity.

Paraproctitis is treated by surgical intervention, but spontaneous dissection of the abscess after application of folk remedies is possible. In the event that the fistula has opened itself, without medical intervention and the wound has closed, there is always a risk of relapse. Sometimes the process may reappear after a year, but in general relapse is diagnosed after a couple of months.

Removal of an abscess with all types of inflammation of the peritopulmonary tissue during surgery usually leads to a complete cure. However, after surgery, a paraproctitis recurrence is also possible. The cause of this phenomenon may be incorrectly chosen tactics of surgical intervention, when instead of complete excision they are limited to opening an abscess. There are also technical errors in the elimination of the fistula in chronic paraproctitis.

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A healed wound after surgery or spontaneous breakthrough of the abscess is not yet evidence of a full recovery. The fact is that after the elimination of acute paraproctitis, no matter how it happened, a certain number of people have small swelling in the place of paraproctitis, infiltrates, which at first do not bother the person at all. However, further paraproctitis may begin through infiltrates.

Causes of paraproctitis recurrence

Basically, the relapse of the disease occurs due to the presence of a fistulous hole that remains after the opening of the abscess. With complex forms of paraproctitis, especially when purulent inflammation seizes and destroys surrounding tissues, it can be very difficult to find an entrance through which the infection penetrates. Provokes a relapse in this case:

  1. Non-compliance with personal hygiene.
  2. Traumatic injury.
  3. Other infectious diseases, including ARVI.
  4. Abuse of alcohol, fatty, spicy, salty foods.
  5. Immunity, purulent skin diseases.

To prevent repeated paraproctitis in case of spontaneous dissection of the abscess at the first signs of the return of the disease, it is necessary to apply to specialists in a medical institution for the operation. Ignoring these recommendations can lead to serious consequences and malfunctions in the normal functioning of the body.

The primary importance for the prevention of recurrence of paraproctitis in the postoperative period is dietary nutrition and strict adherence to the recommendations on body hygiene. Effectively promote the healing of wounds after surgery methods of traditional medicine. It can be herbal tinctures, decoctions, mixtures, substances that have antiseptic properties and increase immunity.

Regarding the diet, specific recommendations come from the doctor taking into account the characteristics of the body. It is also possible drug treatment. Basically, these are candles and enemas with medications. Effective in the prevention of recurrence of the disease of the bath with mummies and baths with medicinal plants. Immediately after the operation, bandages are applied, impregnated with antiseptic solutions or ointments based on propolis, other drugs.

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