Follicular gastritis and its treatment

Among a wide variety of forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, united under the general name of gastritis, follicular gastritis is a rare type of this chronic disease, which accounts for only one percent of all its species. Proceeding from this, at its treatment doctors experience certain difficulties.

The development of follicular gastritis occurs against the background of already existing inflammation of the mucosa, which is mainly caused by helicobacteria. To protect against the harmful effects of these bacteria, the body on the damaged area accumulates lymphocytes. In this case, based on the characteristics of immunity, overlapping with so-called follicles, glands responsible for the production of substances that break down food.

The resulting thickening can reach a large size and, in order not to confuse the follicular gastritis with a different kind, it is necessary to perform an FTDS procedure or a biopsy. In comparison with other types of gastritis, there are no obvious pain symptoms in this disease. Pain in the upper abdomen can be frequent, but weak, accompanied by heartburn and a feeling of raspiraniya and heaviness in the abdomen. The non-persistent symptoms include an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and nausea. The disease begins in the most important part, separating the stomach and intestines, and then spreads to the entire body of the stomach and its bottom. The final stage of the disease is characterized by an absolute destruction of the glands, separated by wide interlayers of connective tissue.

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Treatment of follicular gastritis

To select a specific therapy for follicular gastritis, first determine the root cause of this type of disease and then prescribe treatment.

Having determined that the cause of this type of stomach disease is Helicobacter bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed. The use of the Gastrostat and Pilorid at the same time provides, simultaneously with the removal of harmful bacteria from the human body, also prevents the development of serious diseases such as duodenal ulcer and stomach. There are many other types of medications, but they can only be taken after consultation with a gastroenterologist and according to the prescribed scheme. Otherwise, instead of good, you can cause additional harm to the body. For example, Almagel, like other antacids, is very useful for neutralizing hydrochloric acid in the stomach. However, taking it on an ongoing basis leads to a general decrease in the amount of calcium in the blood. In addition, the composition of the gastric juice changes, turning into an alkaline medium, which makes it impossible to normal food processing.

When treating lymphoid gastritis as otherwise called the follicular type, great importance is the diet. Food should be divided and meals are recommended in small portions every three to four hours. Of course, it is necessary to exclude from the menu products and spices that irritate the mucous membrane, that is, fatty, sharp, hot dishes. It is strictly forbidden to use fried foods in the menu, preferring cooked steamed, boiled or baked. Given that this type of stomach disease can be unnoticeable for a patient to develop into a malignant form, it is necessary to be under constant medical supervision.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding nerve shocks and stressful situations is an important condition for the successful treatment of follicular gastritis.

Herbs, methods of traditional medicine are also widely used in the complex therapy of follicular gastritis.

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