Early cancer of the stomach( initial stage), how does it start?

Early gastric cancer( zero or initial stage) begins its development with the processes of cell mutation of the intraepithelial layer. This does not apply to cancer, but rather to a precancerous condition, and is called "carcinoma" or "intraepithelial carcinoma of the stomach," although a more accurate diagnosis is established by several doctors after a series of tests. Still, early cancer with the diagnosis of "carcinoma of the stomach" refers to a tumor disease and is of a malignant nature. Mutating cells do not participate in the GI tract, they gradually degenerate into a tumor.

The most common mutation of gastric mucosa cells is due to external and internal influencing factors, such as:

  • alcohol
  • nicotine
  • super-fast or salty food
  • nitrates
  • carcinogens
  • helicobacteriosis
  • ecology
  • heredity
  • less frequent antibiotic treatment

Period from the initiation of gastric carcinomabefore overflowing into the first stage of cancer sometimes takes up to 10 years, and some may not at all degenerate into cancer throughout life.

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According to statistics, early cancer( the initial stage) ranks second among tumor diseases. In the risk group of stomach cancer, men from 40 to 50 years of age predominate, as well as all people suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive tract:

  • ulcers
  • gastritis
  • polyps

Symptoms of early cancer

Early cancer( zero stage) occurs, most often without symptoms, so itsit is difficult to detect when a general examination of the body. The main symptoms begin already when the third or fourth stage of cancer is started, but the following can be distinguished from those present and weakly expressed:

  1. Rapid fatigue even with rare or completely absent physical and mental loads. A person experiences weakness and constantly wants to sleep. Unfortunately, this symptom can also indicate other health problems, for example, about banal avitaminosis or nervous disorders, so many ignore it and continue to struggle with fatigue, with the help of vitamin therapy and rest. And in the meantime, the zero stage smoothly flows into the first.
  2. Common symptoms include a bad appetite, sometimes there is an unreasonable nausea and disgust for some dishes that people before the illness ate with pleasure. Against the backdrop of a lack of appetite, an oncological patient begins to lose weight. With the growth of the tumor appears heaviness in the stomach, aversion to food increases, cases of nausea and vomiting become more frequent.

Diagnosis and diagnosis of

The X-ray method is one of the inexpensive ways to detect pathology and in time to diagnose early cancer( zero stage) inside the stomach. Endoscopy allows you to look inside the stomach and make a more accurate diagnosis in a short time.

A timely blood test will help detect an increased content of leukocytes and myelocytes myeloblasts.

If one of the three analyzes revealed abnormalities and abnormalities, then the assumption is confirmed by complete biochemical analysis of blood, as well as biopsy, ultrasound, tomography.

How early cancers of the stomach are treated

The most effective method is surgical intervention in the affected area of ​​the stomach. An integrated approach is possible together with local radiation or chemotherapy. More precise treatment is determined by the attending physicians.

How to prevent early cancer

  1. Give up smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. To limit or exclude from the diet salt in any form, spicy seasonings and meals with them, smoked and starchy foods, greenhouse vegetables, dyes and chemicals, genetically modified foods, carcinogens.
  3. Add more fruits, vegetables, vitamins to the diet. It is important that the vegetables are grown naturally, without nitrates and nitrites.
  4. Do not exceed the dose of medicines.
  5. Protect yourself from the impact of an unfavorable environment, cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, often in the fresh air.
  6. Try to avoid stressful situations or to protect yourself from them as much as possible.
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