Streptococcal angina in children and adults: symptoms, treatment, photo

Infection of the oropharynx with fungi, bacteria and various medical viruses is commonly called angina. Typical forms of the disease are provoked by bacteria that are localized on the glands. Being natural protective barriers, these organs prevent penetration of conditionally pathogenic organisms into the respiratory system.

Failures in the work of immunity lead to a focal cluster on the glands of dead protective cells and decay products of pathogenic flora, which causes subsequent inflammations.

Streptococcal angina

One of the most common forms of tonsillitis is streptococcal angina. B-homologous streptococcus affects mainly the tonsils and causes purulent processes, which makes this type of angina extremely dangerous. In addition, against the background of streptococcal infection, serious complications can occur, and an untreated disease often turns into a chronic form.

Infection of the oropharynx viruses takes place in a less acute form and does not cause purulent reactions. Fungal lesions have erased symptoms in a vast area of ​​distribution.

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How to distinguish streptococcal angina from other infections, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Causes of the disease

  • The main cause of streptococcus reproduction is a decrease in immunity. In the cold season, the risk of infection increases significantly, however, in the summer months, streptococcal forms of angina often develop in a more acute form.
  • Infection from a sick person is often enough to cause infection. To avoid epidemics, the patient is placed in the infectious disease department and minimizes contact with people.


  1. Catarrhal tonsillitis is considered the initial form of tonsillitis. If the therapy was chosen correctly, then purulent processes it does not cause.
  2. Follicular angina in some cases is a complication of catarrhal. With her on the tonsils, there are separate abscesses.
  3. The lacunar form is, as a rule, a further stage in the development of streptococcal infection, but in people with weak immunity it can occur initially, bypassing the previous stages.
  4. Necrotizing angina may be a consequence of a primary infection, or an independent form of tonsillitis. Foci of necrosis( necrosis) affect deeper tissues of the oropharynx, which leads to more serious consequences.

On the photo types of angina

Provoking factors, risk group

People with immune disorders and children are more likely to suffer ailment than other categories of the population.

Air pollution increases the load on the respiratory system, increasing the risk of disease.
To a certain risk group are workers of production with increased harmfulness.

Immunity is affected by the following factors:

  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Subcooling.
  • Bad habits.
  • Strong stress.
  • Overdose or prolonged treatment with potent drugs.

To provoke an angina are capable of trauma to the oropharynx, caries and various gum disease.

Symptoms and signs

In adults

  • Sharp temperature jump to high rates.
  • Pain in the area of ​​glands.
  • Edema of the glands.
  • Increased pulse.
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes.
  • Loss of appetite, difficulty in swallowing.
  • Headaches, ear pains.
  • Sore throat.
  • Development of suppurative reactions.
  • White thick plaque on the palate and on the tongue.
  • General toxicosis.

Symptoms of angina

In children

The above symptoms may be complicated by the following manifestations:

  • Digestive problems.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Confusion.
  • Fainting condition.
  • Loss of coordination.

It is quite difficult to determine the focus of pain in a baby, therefore, if the temperature is increased dramatically, you should immediately contact a medical institution.


The doctor at a primary examination puts a preliminary diagnosis. It is important to establish the prescription of symptoms and its characteristics. Also it is necessary to inform the doctor about the recently transferred diseases and applied antibiotics. Secondary treatment with one group of antimicrobial agents may be less effective.

For the accurate diagnosis, the following procedures are needed:

  • A general blood test( comparing the number of lymphocytes, monocytes and leukocytes).
  • A swab taken from the throat( with the help of which the type of infection is precisely determined).
  • Urinalysis( the presence of protein is determined).
  • ECG( for pains in the heart).
  • Antibioticogram( done in a number of cases with secondary and chronic pathologies).
  • X-ray of joints( performed during treatment in advanced stages).
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity( appointed during pregnancy).

In the presence of concomitant diseases, additional procedures are possible.

Throat at visual inspection


Inpatient therapy is designed for 10 days, but complications may include longer-term treatment. During the illness, the following general recommendations should be observed:

  • Strict bed rest.
  • Discarding bad habits.
  • Vitaminized diet that excludes heavy food.
  • Drinking lots of liquid, natural juices. This will help reduce the effects of intoxication.
  • Limiting contact with healthy people.
  • Strict personal hygiene.


In a short time and without complications, streptococcal infection can be cured only with antibiotics( Flemoxin, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Zinnat):

  • Drugs based on penicillin.
  • Cephalosporin series.
  • Group of macrolides.

To relieve acute symptoms use:

  • Antipyretic drugs( aspirin, paracetamol, nurofen, ibuklin).
  • Antihistamines reduce the likelihood of allergies and relieve swelling( Cetrin, Zirtek).
  • For rinsing, baking soda, furacilin, and manganese are most often used).
  • Sprays and softening tablets reduce inflammation( Ingalipt, Cameton, Pharyngosept, Strepsils).
  • Complex multivitamin preparations in the period of illness are necessary. Particularly needed vitamins B and C.

Folk remedies

When rinsing a sore throat, it is more important not to choose a better remedy, but the frequency of the procedures and their regularity. Breaks between rinses are best done for no more than one hour.

Rinse solutions:

  • Baking soda with salt( in equal proportions, one small spoon for 250 grams of water).
  • Infusion of garlic.
  • Broth of beets.
  • Sea water dissolved in water.
  • Alcoholic infusion of cranberries and beets with the addition of honey.
  • Infusion from the leaves of plantain.
  • Juice of garlic, lemon. Apple vinegar.
  • Green tea. A mixture of St. John's wort, marigold and chamomile.

Use in the procedures of bee products stabilizes immunity. Effective inhalation based on herbs( mint, sage, thyme, St. John's wort, eucalyptus).


After acute symptomatology has passed, the doctor often directs the patient to additional physiotherapeutic treatment. This is often practiced with repeated tonsillitis or in childhood. The procedures can be as follows:

  • Infrared irradiation.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Heating.
  • Quantum Therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Chronotherapy.
  • Irradiation of the tonsils with ultraviolet.

During the remission period, sea air is very useful.

How to cure a sore throat:

Features of treatment for pregnancy

  • Physiotherapeutic treatment is contraindicated for future mums. Thermal procedures( including inhalation) can not be carried out.
  • As the body temperature is strictly contraindicated aspirin, it can cause dangerous bleeding during pregnancy.
  • Herbal preparations should be treated with care, the natural components in women in the position often cause allergies.
  • Treatment is carried out only in the infectious department, under medical supervision. Additional examinations are mandatory.
  • If the future mother is prescribed antibiotics, the course of therapy can not be interrupted independently, exceeding the dose is also extremely dangerous. Modern medicines can cure the disease without interrupting pregnancy. The risk of intrauterine pathologies exists, but it is insignificant at competent choice of preparations.
  • Careful personal hygiene reduces the risk of mixed infection.

Possible complications of

  • Asphyxiation.
  • Infection of the blood.
  • Arthritis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Lymphatic system disorders.
  • of the phlegmon of the neck.
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Ear infections.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Various abscesses.

Than angina is dangerous in our video:

Prevention and precautions when dealing with a patient

  • It is necessary to choose clothes according to weather conditions. This will prevent hypothermia.
  • Routine regular examinations at the dentist will help to detect small infectious foci and take measures to eliminate them.
  • Rejection of bad habits and regular sports activities will strengthen the protective immune system.
  • Complete rest and healthy food normalize metabolic processes.
  • In the period of various epidemics, mass entertainment should be abandoned.

When dealing with an infected streptococcal infection patient should use a cotton-gauze dressing, practice rinsing for the throat and apply special antibacterial ointments for the nose.


Streptococcal forms of angina occur only in acute form, the incubation period lasts several days, but with the proper use of antibiotics, the prognosis is favorable. Secondary and mixed infections are more dangerous, so it is important to cure the disease to the end and prevent complications.

Treatment lasts no more than 2 weeks, but in the presence of other pathologies and with the advanced stages the process can drag on for several months.

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