Than it is dangerous for children, adults, pregnant women: purulent, herpes

Various inflammations affecting the area of ​​the glands and oropharynx are conditionally considered an angina. Typical manifestations of this disease are caused by a variety of bacteria, most commonly streptococci. Infection with staphylococci, hemophilic rod, corynebacteria and spirochaetes is diagnosed significantly less often, but is also reckoned with typical forms of angina.

Etiology of the disease

Viruses do not have their own cells, they enter into healthy cells of the body and, multiplying in them, lead to their death. There are no special medicines for viruses, the treatment is aimed at combating the consequences of the disease, but viral angiomas occur in less acute form than bacterial ones.

How to distinguish viral sore throat from bacterial

Causes of provoking factors

Conditions that contribute to the development of some form of sore throat may be different, but there are also common factors provoking inflammation on the glands and in the oral cavity.

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  • The presence of small foci of infection.
  • Chronic pathologies of the oropharynx. Microdamages and burns.
  • The period after a serious illness.
  • Allergies.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Bad ecology.
  • Work in conditions of increased harmfulness.
  • Stresses.
  • Tobacco smoking.

Typical reasons:

bacterial tonsillitis Viral tonsillitis fungal angina
Hypothermia Hypothermia effects after long-term use
antibiotics Infection from an infected person Contamination from an infected person Excess sugar in the diet
presence of abscesses, abscesses Seasonal epidemics Depletion
Bacterialinfections of other organs Complications of colds Reduction of competitive bacteria in the body


Focusing only on the initial symptoms, it is difficult to independently calculate the type of pathogen that caused angina. The main difference is that infection with bacteria and all kinds of viruses proceeds in more or less acute form, and reproduction of fungi tends to erased and relatively painless symptoms.

In addition, bacteria with viruses are localized to organs less scale and more pronounced than fungal infections.

General symptoms of angina:

  • Disadvantages of swallowing.
  • Various aches and pains in the throat.
  • Manifestations of Toxicosis.
  • Characteristic for each type of angina plaque in the mouth or on the glands.
  • General malaise.
  • Inflammation of the lymphatic system in the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Enhanced saliva production.
  • Decrease or total lack of appetite.


Bacterial infection Viral infection Fungal infection
Sharp temperature jump, difficulty in reducing it Temperature can rise abruptly, but it is also possible and its slow rise Temperature values ​​slightly increase or remain within the norm
Severe pain in the area of ​​glands Strongpain in the area of ​​glands Minor pain symptoms or their absence
Mucosal swelling, severe inflammation Mucosal swelling, severe inflammation Swellingnce no
Education ulcers absence of purulent formations absence of purulent formations
In some forms of bacterial infection is possible deep tissue damage affects mainly the upper layers of the mucosal tissue under fungal bloom
not damaged. The exception is the extremely neglected stages of

. Symptoms and causes of angina in our video:

Than the angina of

  • is dangerous. First of all, typical and viral sore throat are dangerous for choking. At an early stage of development without the necessary medical care, swollen tissues can block the airways. Fungi can also provoke suffocation, but in the late stages of their reproduction, when the airways are able to fill with a fungal attack.
  • The cranes are dangerous complications of angina and the emergence of its mixed forms, which is much more difficult to treat and more often leads to pathologies of other organs.
  • Targets for complications are primarily the kidneys, heart, liver and joints.

However, any sore throats in a neglected state can develop into a more dangerous disease or in a chronic form, so it is most dangerous to ignore timely therapy or to engage in self-treatment without the supervision of a qualified physician.

Than the angina tells the doctor:

Complications of

Complications caused by tonsillitis are very diverse. First of all, weakened organs are affected, but there are also certain risks for each infectious form:

  • Catarrhal angina is capable of developing into a follicular( purulent) or lacunar stage, which in turn can lead to abscesses, to blood infection, to heart disease, to an increaseliver and kidney failure. Purulent processes without the use of antibiotics have the ability to spread throughout the body and affect almost any body organ.
  • Necrotizing angina is able to partially destroy even the bone system, there are much more fatal cases here than with previous bacterial forms of the disease.
  • Syphilitic angina presupposes the development of syphilis, and this illness is treated for a very long time and its serious consequences are still not fully understood.
  • There are no special medicines against viruses in medicine, viruses quickly mutate and cause epidemics, although in most cases they do not cause serious consequences.
  • Herpes form( a kind of viral) is not as dangerous as bacterial varieties, however, children suffer from it often enough, and during pregnancy it can lead to pathologies of the future child's development.
  • Fungal forms of angina are more dangerous when bacterial infections are attached to them, but even by themselves they can lead to infection of the blood with fungi and to stenosis of the larynx.

What does the throat look like with angina

A common list of pathologies that can cause angina:

  • Asphyxiation( suffocation).
  • Phlegmon( purulent processes of unlimited character).
  • Otitis.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Endocarditis.
  • Pericarditis.
  • Abscesses( abscesses).
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Infection of the blood.
  • Chronic tonsillitis.

In pregnancy

  • When any angina occurs, toxicosis is observed. In pregnant women, symptoms of toxicosis are much more acute, which can lead to severe poisoning of the body as a whole and adversely affect the development of the fetus.
  • Treatment is complicated by the fact that many effective medications and procedures are contraindicated in pregnancy. Even the drugs allowed for use can not guarantee that treatment with them will not cause negative consequences.
  • Hormonal alteration of the body weakens the functions of immunity, which can also complicate therapy and delay recovery.
  • Additional experiences during the period of illness negatively affect the emotional state of a woman, which can lead to stress and depressive syndrome.
  • Early in gestation, sore throat is dangerous to a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage. On later - premature birth.
  • The organs of the child are formed in stages. Therefore, if the fetus is infected with an infection, pathologies of the development of precisely those organs that are being formed at the moment may arise.

For children

The disease that has arisen in childhood has its own peculiarities:

  • Immunity is only partially developed, therefore the risk of complications arises much more often.
  • Lymphoid tissue, on the contrary, is more developed than in adults, but mostly it affects the angina, which again increases the possibility of complications.
  • Quickly identify the focus of inflammation in children is difficult. A small child is unable to describe the symptoms that have arisen from him, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Children 3 to 6 years of age do not always feel a temperature increase and without primary attention the primary symptoms can move on their feet, which in the future is not conducive to a quick recovery.

Complications after sore throat:

Treatment rules for

It is worth noting that the treatment of angina depends on the pathogen, but there are general recommendations:

Bacterial form Viral form Fungal form
Bed rest, vitaminized diet, plentiful drink, limiting contact with healthy people Bed rest, vitaminized diet, plentiful drink, limiting contact with healthy people Bed rest is not necessary. Sour-milk products are necessary in the diet.
Mandatory treatment with antibiotics. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs are secondary agents. Antibiotics - only as a last resort. Therapy is based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and antipyretic drugs. Therapy is focused on the use of antifungal medicines.
Vitamin Complexes Vitamin Complexes Vitamin Complexes


Based on the complexity of the classification of angina and the characteristics of each case, it is impossible to give a general prognosis for all forms of this disease.

Fungal infections are treated for a long time, but they cause less complications.

The minimum course of stationary antibiotic therapy is 10 days, but it can be increased depending on the stage of the disease and the severity of its course.

Modern medicine has ample opportunity to treat all forms of angina, but it is important to begin therapy as early as possible and bring the treatment to an end. In this case, the risk of complications will be minimal.

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