Flikten on the skin: photo, treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

Flicken is called a pustule on the surface of the skin. The bubble is surrounded by a patch of reddened skin, and inside it contains a serous discharge. If you do not treat the disease, then its deepening can cause even an abscess. What to do to cure the rash and how to identify it?

What is foldyen on the skin

This type of rash is very contagious, it accompanies the most often impetigo disease. Under the influence of bacterial inflammation, the upper parts of the skin become inflamed. Children usually get infected, especially those who go to kindergarten. For adults, a secondary flicten is more characteristic, that is, developing against a background of some pathology.

Provoke a symptom of staphylococci and streptococci - Gram-positive bacteria. Normally they are always on the skin, and inside the human body, but with weakened health, immunity is not able to suppress their spread.

People with the following problems are especially vulnerable to conflicts:

  1. Non-compliance with hygiene.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Skin diseases.
  4. Problems with metabolic processes.
  5. Microtrauma.

Flikten( photo)


The flictuen is subdivided by the causative agent that provoked the rash:

  • mixed form;
  • streptococci;
  • of staphylococci.

How to identify

The defeat spreads over the hands and face, with the area initially acquiring a reddish hue. Then there will be flicks. Vesicles are usually assembled into groups, but they themselves do not exceed 1 mm in size. In the next stage, it is much easier to identify a violation, since they are opened and crusts are formed. Gradually, to these manifestations will be added peeling, itching.

For a month or two, the skin on which the fiction has appeared will remain red, but after that it will restore its normal shade. If there is a rash in children, then the picture of the disease is more vivid, as symptoms of infection are added:

  • lymph node enlargement,
  • apathy,
  • temperature,
  • weakness,
  • refusal of food,
  • headache.

Diseases and disorders

Flicktient usually indicates some form of impetigo, but it also develops against the backdrop of dermatological problems, diabetes mellitus. Indicate rashes on hypovitaminosis, anemia, chicken pox, or pediculosis. Sometimes a similar reaction occurs after insect bites.

Secondary infection occurs as against such diseases as:

  • ulcers and pressure ulcers;
  • pyoderma gangrenous;
  • burn;
  • skin porphyria;
  • pemphigus;
  • pemphigoid bullous;
  • herpes;
  • of lymphedema.

On whether it's possible to treat crypts, we'll tell you later.

How to deal with the symptom

Flickr is just a symptom of impetigo, so it is important not to treat this symptom, but to affect the disease in a complex manner. Even children need to use antibiotics, since rashes are very contagious.

Only a physician can select a suitable category of medication, otherwise self-medication will greatly aggravate the condition. This type of drugs with long admission depresses immunity, so it is desirable to limit the course and drink funds for no more than 14 days. Effective therapy will only be provided that the right drug is selected, and it is impossible to do it yourself. In severe forms of lesion, it is better to use injections.

  • Local treatment is also performed. Processing flicten should be conducted at least 2-3 times per day by any antibacterial means, at least green or alcohol solution. You can give up antibiotics and do only local treatment if the areas with rashes are limited. In such cases, it is advisable to choose different medications with the doctor, including lotions, creams and ointments with antibacterial effect. Especially well-supported drugs based on erythromycin, mupirocin.
  • Treatment is necessarily complemented by therapy aimed at the underlying disease, if it is it triggered the emergence of phlynen. For example, in diabetes it is important to control the pathology, with chronic eczema - to prevent her re-education, etc.
  • The infected child should not visit public places( kindergarten too!) Throughout the treatment phase. Care is required to monitor hygiene, and even adults. Combing the skin can spread the disease throughout the body, so it is advisable not to allow her injury during this period.
  • When the healing process has already begun, you can connect folk remedies to therapy. Process the skin can be broths of calendula, sage, comfrey, chamomile, string, sage.
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