Plaques on the skin: dry, cholesterol, red, white, pink, round

Changes in the skin condition, disruption in the structure and quality of the epidermis are obvious negative indicators of deterioration in the functioning of internal organs, therefore, if any changes in the skin or unpleasant sensations occur on them, you should pay sufficient attention to this change and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures to prevent possible pathologies. Plaques on the skin, representing a thickening of the skin and protrusion of its individual parts above the general level, can indicate various pathologies in the body, the appearance of disturbances in the work of organs and their systems.

Plaques on the skin can have different shapes, their sizes can also vary significantly. The causes of appearance are individual;However, there are a number of reasons that become provoking factors for the onset of such plaques. With different skin pathologies, plaques have a color different from healthy skin, the sensitivity and appearance of the upper surface of such plaques also vary significantly.

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What are plaques on the skin

In general, plaques appearing on the surface of the skin can be described as small in size seals of the upper layer of the epidermis, which can have different sizes, appearance, be single and merge as the underlying disease progresses into significant areassites of defeat. These lesions may have a different shade, the appearance of the skin on the surface of the plaque, they may develop unpleasant subjective sensations or they may be absent.

The method of classification of the neoplasms under consideration on the skin surface is different, it assumes the presence of specific differences in both the external appearance of the plaques and in the structure of the skin and tissues under the skin. With different types of dermatological lesions, plaques on the skin are different. To compile the most effective treatment regimen by a dermatologist, a complete diagnosis of the affected areas of the skin with the identification of probable causes of this pathology development is carried out.

The boundaries of skin patches may also be different: in some cases, the boundaries of the plaques are clearly marked, structured. In other skin diseases, the borders are less distinct, plaques can be located in the form of a spot or in a skin with a changed color. When several plaques are drained into one, the skin color changes into a different color.

The defeat of such neoplasms on the skin can occur due to internal negative changes inside the body and under the influence of external factors. Representatives of all social groups are subject to this manifestation, regardless of age. Most parts of the plaque on the skin are diagnosed in childhood and adolescence, as well as during menopause and pregnancy - during hormonal changes in the body.

Cholesterol plaques on the eyelid( photo)

Classification of the symptom

Methods for the separation of plaques formed on the surface of the skin suggest a difference in the color, location, quality and structure of the tissues that form the plaque, as well as benign( benign and malignant).

The basic classification is as follows.

Normal colors

These plaques that have a normal color( the color of healthy skin) are subdivided into the following subspecies with their own characteristics:

  1. Non-celled nevi , which is formed by the upper layer of the skin and the adjacent layer of tissue under the skin, externally represents the so-called birthmark,which has clearly delineated boundaries, slightly elevated above the surface of the skin and has a uniform structure.
  2. The molluscum contagiosum , which is a papule with a colorless content, has no severe pain in any manipulation. Above the skin, this kind of cutaneous plaque rises to an insignificant degree.
  3. Neurofibromatosis - neoplasms that grow from nerve cells. Do not have a certain color, a few rise above the surface of the skin. There can be both single and multiple.

With a pronounced surface finish

Plaques with pronounced surface coloration - red. Such plaques are usually clearly visible on the surface of healthy skin, can have a variety of shapes and sizes - much depends on the type of dermatological lesion. There are the following types of red dermal plaques:

  1. Secondary syphilis - manifests itself in numerous small lesions, characteristic of a particular stage of syphilis and characterized by a bright color of the surface of the rashes, which are represented as papules.
  2. Dermatitis herpetiform , which has not fully studied nature and is characterized by periodic rashes on the skin surface of numerous small rashes( papules, blisters, pimples) with a transparent or colorless filling.
  3. Mushroom variety of mycosis is a malignant dermatological lesion, in which the smallest vesicles and papules of red color are formed on the affected part of the skin. They are accompanied by severe itching or burning.
  4. Dermatomycosis - skin lesions with a fungus of a certain variety, also accompanied by itching.
  5. Flat red lichen , accompanied by the formation on the skin of many tiny shiny pink and red nodules. The nature of the origin of this pathology is not fully understood.
  6. Lyme disease, transmitted by a specific type of ticks and accompanied by the formation on the surface of the skin of many small bubbles of red or bright pink.
  7. Pigment pigmentation , characterized by the formation of spots on the skin with an elevated crimson-red surface. This lesion is most often seen in childhood. Can be localized as not the upper layer of the epidermis, and on the surface of some internal organs.
  8. Pink lichen , which also has no clearly defined cause for emergence and is shown seasonally( mainly in the autumn and spring period) in the form of light pink flaky, flaky spots that protrude slightly above the skin and can scratch and itch. Presumably, this kind of skin patches is of an infectious nature.
  9. Psoriasis , which is a large number of dry skin particles of various colors( mostly pale pink), nodules with a shiny surface, plaques with a thickened body and a reddish surface.


Plaques on skin with a dark surface color are subdivided into the following subspecies:

  1. A basal cell carcinoma of the , in which nodules of various sizes with a shiny surface predominantly pink or light brown in the skin do not cause tangibleanxiety and discomfort. Most often, this kind of skin plaque occurs in men with fair skin, in the head, the base of the neck.
  2. Melanoma is also a type of malignant neoplasm in which the top layer of the birthmark develops.
  3. Star keratoma is a benign neoplasm in which there is an increase in the size of the birthmarks, their increase in number, their surface slightly protrudes above the skin.
  4. Fixed toxemia , resulting from severe damage to the body by allergenic chemicals that enter the human body.
  5. Pigment nevus is a kind of birthmark that stands out sharply in color and is raised above the surface of the skin.
  6. Nevus Becker , characterized by a gradual( within 1-2 years from the appearance on the skin) thickening of the plaque, its surface becomes dark brown, on it can begin to grow individual hard dark hairs.


The listed varieties of plaques on the skin can be supplemented by classification depending on the location of the lesion. They can be located on the neck and in the face, on the palms and soles, as well as in the folds of the limbs - this arrangement is typical for psoriasis, some types of mycoses.

It is also possible to classify these lesions depending on the skin type of their surface - rough and flaky( with fungal lesions, psoriasis), smooth and even( with some types of malignant lesions), cholesterol( the formation of such plaques occurs with excessive amounts of cholesterol in the body thattestifies to the existing violations in the lipid-carbohydrate metabolism).

How it manifests itself

In order to timely initiate a therapeutic effect on the plaques on the skin, it is necessary to pay attention in due time to any abnormalities in the condition of the skin. This allows for diagnosis to determine the internal cause of these changes, which triggered changes in the skin, and to eliminate the most characteristic symptomatology.

Because most of these tumors on the skin are characterized by the appearance of changes in the state of tissues and skin, as well as a change in the color of the epidermis in the area of ​​the lesion, and this should be the first alarming factor that attracts attention. When there is the same itching and burning of the skin, it is required to urgently apply to a medical institution for a skin examination, which will allow an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

What kind of infringements does the sign of

show? Because most often any changes in the skin condition indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the body at the level of internal organs, timely diagnostics will help to detect the disease at the initial stage and begin the necessary treatment for the early elimination of external manifestations of pathology and the cause that caused them.

It should be noted which symptoms and characteristics of the plaques on the skin can speak about certain disorders and require specific therapeutic effects:

  • , the scaly surface of skin patches and papules often indicates a skin lesion with a fungal infection, therefore, after clarifying the diagnosis, treat the affected skin with antifungal agents;
  • smooth surface of tumors can speak of malignant changes in the upper layer of the epidermis, therefore carrying out a histology of the skin will determine whether there are any cancerous changes in it;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin on the surface of the plaque or papules - a frequent indicator of aggravation of the current process, because in this case, a thorough diagnosis of the condition of the body with the establishment of an accurate diagnosis and drawing up a scheme for subsequent treatment.

Diagnostic methods differ and require the most comprehensive approach, which makes it possible to obtain an accurate diagnosis on the basis of subjective feelings of the patient and laboratory data.


The following measures and studies are the most frequently used diagnostic methods for the appearance of plaques on the skin surface:

  • scraping of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • inspection of skin particles under a Wood lamp;
  • skin allergological test;
  • bacterial culture;
  • histological examination of the skin;
  • cytological analysis of skin particles.

Treatment and remedy of the

symptom For the treatment of an identified lesion on the skin, which looks like a plaque or papule, methods are commonly used that address both the underlying symptom and the underlying cause of the manifestation. The greatest influence on the recovery process is the normalization of nutrition and the elimination of bad habits in the patient.

Also, therapeutic measures may include various activities that reduce the degree of manifestation of the main symptoms of the lesion, removing unpleasant subjective feelings in the patient.

In children

Because children's skin is hypersensitive, with treatment of such external manifestations as plaques and papules on the skin, it is necessary to apply with special care all the methods of medical treatment that are prescribed by a dermatologist. It is also necessary to completely eliminate the risk of possible negative consequences for the body in self-treatment: only diagnosis in a medical institution and control by a dermatologist will completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease and rule out the possibility of its recurrence.

For the treatment of plaques on the skin in children, the following methods of exposure are used:

  • application of skin ointments with anti-inflammatory action, eliminating peeling and moisturizing the skin;
  • antihistamines with a low concentration of active substance, removing discomfort such as burning and itching of the affected skin;
  • complexes of multivitamins for raising the body's immunity and prompt elimination of disease manifestations.

If the use of physiotherapy( magnetotherapy, laser and ultrasound) is added to the listed methods, the positive effect of the treatment will increase.

In adults

For the treatment of papules and plaques on the skin in adults, the same methods are used as for treating this condition in children. They can be supplemented with the use of antidepressants, electrosleep, healing and restorative ointments with a higher concentration.

Allergic plaque on skin

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