Vegeto-vascular dystonia( VSD) in hypertensive type: causes, signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention and diagnosis

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a violation of the normal functioning of the vegetative-nervous system of a person. Dizziness, frequent heartbeats, jumps of arterial pressure in the big party - all these signs doctors define or determine, as a dystonia. There are a number of names of this disease - "neurosis of the heart", "panic attack", "syndrome of autonomic dysfunction" and others.

Hypertonic type of VSD negatively affects the ability of the body to adapt to external conditions( weather changes, stressful situations), and also to maintain the stable functioning of the body systems( pressure, temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate).

Reasons for the emergence of

Dystonia in hypertensive type affects men less often than women. But the following categories of people are most susceptible to this disease:

  • closed, apathetic people;
  • overly emotional personality with uncontrolled reaction;
  • people in a family who have or have been afflicted with this disease;
  • people who are exposed to adverse social or economic conditions, often experiencing stressful situations( at work or at home).
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Signs and symptoms of

Signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia according to the hypertonic type can be:

  • a sharp increase in blood pressure without the presence of other diseases;
  • normalization of pressure without medication( after rest or soothing);
  • decrease in pressure after taking ordinary sedatives( motherwort, valerian) and anesthetics.

Symptoms of a hypertonic type of dystonia may be:

  • attacks of rapid heartbeat;
  • insomnia, drowsiness;
  • excessive sweating;
  • severe headaches, migraine attacks;
  • sensation of lack of air;
  • feeling of anxiety, nervous and excitable state, feeling depressed;
  • decreased concentration, memory impairment;
  • trembling in the hands and feet;
  • discoordination of movements;
  • a violation of appetite( sometimes to its full absence).

What do you know about the symptoms of an ischemic stroke of the brain? Types and diagnosis of ischemic stroke.

Methods of treatment of cerebral ischemia can be found here.

We recommend
For MORTAL from vegetative-vascular dystonia Elena Malysheva recommends a new method on the basis of the Monastery collection of Father George.

It consists of 16 useful medicinal plants, which have extremely high efficiency in the treatment and prevention of VSD, arrhythmia, hypertension, migraines and many other diseases. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemistry and hormones! Read about Malysheva's method ยป

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of the dystonia according to the hypertonic type according to the results of the survey, taking into account the patient's complaints about health. In the diagnosis of the VSD, examination of the doctor and ECG is mandatory.

It is the last method of detecting the disease that reveals the whole picture: with the help of ECG, you can detect the presence of cardiac murmur or arrhythmia. Based on these examinations, the doctor diagnoses whether the patient is sick or not.

Treatment of

VSD There is a common misconception that dystonia in hypertensive type will pass by itself by itself, this stage needs to be experienced. This is not true.

Without proper treatment, the disease will adversely affect the body, exposing it to the risk of various comorbidities that affect both the nervous and endocrine system, depress mental and sexual functions.

Therefore, in diagnosed hypertensive dystonia, it is necessary to start appropriate treatment in time.

Non-pharmacologic therapy

This treatment method includes:

  • lifestyle optimization : normal mode of work and rest, full sleep at least 8-9 hours on a properly selected orthopedic bed, optimal change of physical and mental loads on the body;
  • psycho-physical training : application of auto-trainings, programs of psychological unloading, restriction of TV viewing, computer use, application of soothing herbs, removal of psychological problems, in some cases - family psychotherapy;
  • therapeutic and physical activities : useful swimming, skiing and hiking, aqua aerobics, hiking. At the time of treatment, we must abandon the practice of athletics, visits to the gym, aerobics, as all these sports overload the cardiovascular system;
  • physiotherapy : application of electrophoresis, darsonvalization, galvanization, magnetolaser therapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, ozocerite and paraffin applications;
  • sanatorium treatment ;
  • application of non-medicinal methods : acupuncture, reflexology, massage( superficial and soothing), and also massage of the collar zone.

Drug treatment

Treatment of hyperinic type of AVR is used with neglected forms and is performed strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. Drug treatment involves the use of a number of medications:

  • psychotropic drugs: these drugs reduce or completely remove the feeling of panic and the fear of death. These include sedatives - tranquilizers, antidepressants, antipsychotics;
  • nootropic drugs: they improve the work of the brain( nootropil, pyracetam, phenotropil, tenotene, acefen, selegiline);
  • metabolic drugs: among them is the widely known glycine;
  • drugs that relieve the symptoms of the disease, increase immunity and have a general restorative effect. These include vitamins C and B, preparations containing selenium and zinc. In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the hypertensive type uses enzymes, adaptogens, drugs for the therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system, beta-adrenoblockers, drugs for the expansion of cerebral vessels;
  • soothing herbs and herbal preparations( motherwort, peony, lemon balm, valerian), as well as preparations based on the extracts of these herbs( novopassit, persen).
Drug treatment for dystonia hypertonic type lasts several months. Self-medication in this case is not recommended.

Prevention of VSD

Due to the fact that vegetative-vascular dystonia in the hypertensive type is a complex disease, prevention is of no small importance:

  1. A healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as coffee and strong tea. It is necessary to establish a full and varied diet, pay special attention to vegetables and fruits, prefer vegetable oils, as well as foods with a rich content of magnesium and potassium. From the menu marinades and various pickles are excluded, and in general the use of salt is sharply limited.
  2. Training in physical culture, sports, optimal workload. Their main goal is to relieve tension( mental and nervous).Classes should only take place on a positive attitude.
  3. When exacerbating the VSD recommended the use of weak sedative medications( tinctures of motherwort and valerian) .
  4. Training in psychological training, positive ways to influence the mind.
  5. Self-massage or massage of the collar zone or head.

Do you know when triptans from migraines are effective? All about medicines containing triptans.

Prices for "Spazmalgon" from the headache can be found here.

See the list of drugs for dizziness under increased pressure can be found at the following link: http: // tabletki-ot-golovokruzheniya.html.

Army and VSD for hypertensive type

Dystonia in the hypertensive type is not a disease that gives the right to release from service in the RF Armed Forces. The presence of this disease is established, if there are no other diseases, accompanied by violations of the functions of the autonomic nervous system. Everything is decided by the draft commission, but only after an in-patient examination and if the doctor-neurologist of the conscription commission finds it necessary to send the draftee for examination.

VSD hypertensive type without prevention and treatment can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure, which causes changes in the internal organs, to digestion disorders, etc. Hypertensive dystonia does not go away by itself, it needs complex and adequate treatment under the supervision of a neurologist.

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