Leukoplakia of the oral mucosa: photos, symptoms, treatment, folk remedies

Leukoplakia in the oral cavity occurs quite often( ICD code - K13.2).This pathology refers to precancerous diseases.

In men, such lesions are detected twice more often than in women. According to statistics, after 50 years, this pathology is found in 1% of the population.

If you follow the hygiene of the mouth, carry out its sanation and eliminate the provoking factors, then leukoplakia will pass irretrievably. Although some forms of this pathology are distinguished by increased oncogeneity, they are therefore able to be malignant. In such cases, surgical removal of pathological foci is recommended.

A local or widespread focality is characteristic of the leukoplakia of the mouth. Externally, it is white or grayish-silvery plaques, spread over the surface of the oral mucosa, accompanied by active hyperkeratosis.

Usually leukoplakic lesions are localized in the corners of the lips and in the tongue, inside the cheeks and in the hyoid area. In these places, patients feel a feeling of itching and burning, the skin seems to contract. For treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause and exclude traumatization of lesions.

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Reasons for the appearance of

A number of factors that can cause the development of leukoplakia of the oral cavity are revealed. Most often they are external in nature, that is, they are exogenous.

This includes:

  • Excessive consumption of acidic, hot, spicy or spicy dishes, as well as alcohol;
  • Tobacco smoking in which simultaneous thermal and chemical effects are observed on the oral mucosa;
  • Side effects of various medications;
  • Appearance of galvanic currents in the mouth caused by the various metal composition of used prostheses, seals and other constructions for the oral cavity;
  • Permanent mechanical traumatization of the mucous tissues of the mouth with fillings, prostheses, sharp edges or cleavages of the teeth, etc.

Sometimes the causes of the development of leukoplakia of the oral cavity lie inside the body, ie, they are endogenous in nature. These include:

  • Anemic processes;
  • Hypovitaminosis( especially retinol deficiency);
  • Human immunodeficiency virus;
  • Pathologies of the digestive system;
  • Substantial metabolic failures and related pathologies such as diabetes, etc.;
  • Genetically determined predisposition;
  • Chronic inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • Neurodystrophic lesions of the mucous membranes, etc.

Symptoms of the leukoplakia of the oral cavity

The most common pathological sites of keratinization are located on the inner side of the cheeks, in the corners of the lips or on the lower lip, on the back or sides of the tongue, etc.

Symptomatic disease depends on its shape, althoughthere are common manifestations of pathology.

  1. It begins with the appearance of inflamed edematic zones, localized on the cheeks, the sky, the bottom of the mouth, etc.
  2. Soon on these edemas appear characteristic keratinization with a dense whitish-silvery coating.
  3. If you scrape the plaque with something solid, then it will easily take off, but after a few days it will form again.
  4. Usually, such leukoplakic foci do not cause uncomfortable sensations, only rare patients notice the appearance of an interfering thickening in the mouth.

Sometimes, against the background of leukoplakia, candidiasis of the oral cavity develops. Approximately 7-13% of cases of cancer. Moreover, leukoplakia, localized in the region of the bottom of the mouth, is most often malignant.

Malignancy of the pathological process is evidenced by such signs:

  • Rapid growth of the original foci;
  • Hardening and compaction of the base of the lesion;
  • Appearance of papillate growths in affected areas;
  • Bleeding damage;
  • The appearance of ulceration and erosive lesions on the foci of leukoplakia.

Sometimes the pathological process develops secretly, but since the mouth is still more accessible for self-diagnosis, leukoplakia of such localization is detected at an earlier time than in a different location.

Types and forms of the disease

Distinguish between erosive, simple, verrocus form and leukoplakia of smokers.

  1. Erosive-ulcerative of leukoplakia is characterized by the presence of different erosive lesions formed on the keratinized areas of a simple form of the disease.
  2. Simple leukoplakia is a sharply outlined area of ​​various shapes and sizes that have a cornified white-gray coating. Usually a simple or flat form of leukoplakia does not have seals and does not rise above the surface. These attacks are difficult to remove mechanically.
  3. Veracious leukoplakia externally manifests itself in plaque or wart form. Lesions markedly protrude above the mucosa, accompanied by swelling and pronounced hyperkeratosis.
  4. Leukoplakia of smokers , Tipeyner's syndrome or nicotinic stomatitis is a damage to the oral mucosa due to the carcinogenic effect of nicotine metabolites. The sky acquires a white-gray coating and completely keratinizes, and against the background of the plaque red nodules appear. A similar leukoplak form can occur in any smoker, regardless of age or sex.

The image shows the verruzed form of the

oral leukoplakia Diagnosis

The diagnostic process starts with a preliminary medical examination, after which a preliminary diagnosis can be made. However, for the final confirmation, additional studies like dentistry, bacteriological examination, biopsy and histological examination of the biomaterial are needed.

How to treat leukoplakia of the oral cavity?

The basis of the traditional treatment of leukoplakia is the elimination of all provoking and mechanical irritating factors. It can be the removal of substandard seals, prostheses, as well as mandatory sanitation of the oral cavity.

Sometimes leukoplakia occurs against the background of endogenous factors, so the patient is recommended to undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination. After the root cause is identified, adequate therapy is prescribed, which allows the patient to be rid of the pathology that provoked leukoplakia in a short time.

To cure a smoker, he needs to give up smoking in order to stop the carcinogenic effect of tobacco smoke on the oral cavity.

Patients are assigned vitamin therapy( intake of retinol and B-group vitamins), aimed at the restoration and activation of metabolic processes. In addition, the patient takes sedatives( tranquilizers, valerian, bromides, etc.), laser treatment is prescribed, etc.

Verrux leukoplakia requires additional blockages under the affected areas using Honsurid or Delagil solutions. With erosive ulcer forms of the leukoplakia of the mouth, means of nonspecific treatment such as Sodium Nucleinate or Metacil are prescribed.

Sometimes cryodestruction of the lesion is shown, ie, the area of ​​the leukoplakia spread is frozen with liquid nitrogen, after which the patient undergoes a course of chemotherapeutic treatment using antitumor drugs.

Excision of

In some cases, treatment is possible only through surgical intervention.

  • If the pathology is characterized by rapid progression and can not be treated, ulcers and cracks develop, the color of the lesion lesion changes, then surgical excision of the lesion or diathermocoagulation is resorted.
  • In addition, it is mandatory to undergo radical excision when signs of malignancy appear.
  • Also surgical removal is indicated for erosive or verruzed lesions.

Folk remedies

Doctors categorically forbid the use of cauterizing and irritating agents in home treatment of oral leukoplakia, because such actions can lead to malignancy of the leukoplakic focus.

Positive effect provides local application of applications with rose hips and sea-buckthorn oil.

If leukoplakia has acquired an erosive-ulcerative character, then the use of Kalanchoe juice is recommended.

Folk recipes are quite effective, and with simple forms of defeat they can even become an alternative to traditional treatment. But do not forget about the risk of malignancy. The faster the pathology is eliminated, the more favorable the forecasts. Therefore, you can not abandon the traditional medicine.


Prophylactic measures for leukoplakia are quite versatile.

To exclude the possibility of this disease, it is necessary to follow the simplest recommendations:

  1. Take measures to strengthen immune protection;
  2. Exclude unhealthy habits from life, in particular alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking;
  3. Install only quality implants, dentures or seals;
  4. Regularly undergo dental examinations.

Forecasts for such a pathology are always serious, because leukoplakia is different in oncogenicity and can be malignant at any time.

Patients with this disease are usually registered and periodically examined. This is a necessary measure, since leukoplakia can recur after the appearance of specific factors.

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