Mixtures for dysbacteriosis, introduction of complementary foods, than to feed with artificial feeding and HS?

Dysbacteriosis in a baby is a very common and well-known problem for many parents. Almost all children under the age of one year face it, especially when they are on artificial feeding, and inappropriate mixtures are used for their nutrition. But most specialists are advised not to resort to medical treatment of a baby with dysbacteriosis, but to give him the opportunity to overcome pathology independently by organizing proper nutrition and using special mixtures introduced as complementary foods. This is not without justice, because if you know what to feed your baby with dysbiosis, then certain mixtures that have the right composition can actually help solve the problem quickly.

In the treatment of this ailment, various means should be used. The correct approach to the organization of feeding of children suffering from bowel dysfunction or infectious diseases of the digestive organs is important, for which antibacterial drugs have been prescribed for therapy. In these cases, the expert, as a rule, recommended on a sour-milk basis, which contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora. They contain a high content of probiotics and fiber, used to treat dysbacteriosis. These mixtures are designed to create favorable conditions in which an optimal bacterial environment will be formed in the child's digestive organs. They also contribute to the recovery of the stool, upset because of pathological dysfunction in the organs of the digestive tract.

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Introduction of complementary feeding for dysbiosis

Before you start treating the disease, you need to get acquainted with it in more detail. If we talk about the basics, then the concept of dysbiosis is absent in the list of diagnoses. In fact, it is a complex of symptoms, for which it is usually not medicines that are recommended, but proper nutrition. There are several reasons for the development of this ailment. The most frequent of them is the appointment of antibiotic therapy to a child or his mother. In this case, breastfeeding( HS) should not be present, as it will contribute to the rapid development of dysbacteriosis. The pediatrician will appoint a suitable mixture for complementary foods containing probiotics.

In the normal state of the child's gastrointestinal tract, there is a mass of bacteria and microorganisms that contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive system. However, in the event that there is an imbalance in them, dysbacteriosis with HS may develop. It is accompanied by an unstable stool, abdominal pain, an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, as well as stools that stand out as a mixture of slices of food, mucus and green feces. In this case, an urgent call for a doctor to take a survey and determine the cause of this ailment. The doctor will appoint the baby the necessary drugs, complementary foods and nutrients that help restore the balance of bacteria and microorganisms in the digestive system, disturbed by dysbiosis.

Very often it happens that there is a dysbacteriosis with artificial feeding. This is a consequence of the fact that the introduced complementary food does not allow the body to receive the necessary vitamins and trace elements that enter the infant from the mother in HS.In this case, the best way out will be to exclude artificial mixtures for a while and completely switch to breastfeeding( if the mother is unable to exercise it because of the existing contraindications there is an alternative - donor feeding), and also to take medication on the recommendation of the doctor.

Mixtures for the dysbacteriosis

In order for the intestines of the diseased crumbs to function correctly, in its daily diet it is necessary to add the mixtures used for dysfunction of the digestive organs with the presence of dietary fibers in them, and probiotics. It is such a lure for dysbiosis that will restore the intestinal microflora. Nutrition of the child must necessarily be enriched with such porridges as oats, wheat, barley and buckwheat( or mixtures of these cereals).On sale today there are also specialized children's mixtures on their basis, in which probiotics of lactulose and also inulin are available in sufficient quantities. They are contained in soluble porridges, which are very well absorbed by the baby.

Moms always ask what to feed a child with a dysbacteriosis from vegetables, and whether they are allowed to enter them into the lure. The answer in this case can be only one - it is possible and necessary. Very rich in fiber, useful for a child in this state, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin and beets. Of these vegetables, you can cook puree for the baby, suffering from symptomatic dysbiosis. It is also worth noting that with GV, the child will recover faster, so breast-feeding can not be ruled out completely.

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