Calendula: flower photo

Calendula is a plant that is known not only for its medicinal properties, but also for its aesthetic beauty. It reaches up to 60 cm in height. Has an erect stalk, densely covered with leaves. Calendula attracts its brightness, it can be seen in the photo of flowers. Bright yellow or orange, they attract everyone's attention. In addition, they have a delicate pleasant aroma.

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    Calendula planting

    Calendula is an unpretentious plant thatcan withstand even a minus temperature. Despite the fact that it is able to grow on any soil, it is better to choose a fertile moderately moist one. In such conditions, the plant will develop as effectively as possible. Calendula is best not to plant in shady places, in the sun the flowers will grow brighter and lush. The number of them in the sunlight will be greater.

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    When to plant calendula? The seeds are large semicircular in brownish hue. How to look like the seeds of marigold can be seen in the photo. Planting of the plant is carried out in the middle of spring or autumn. And forget about this procedure for 5 years. It's so much time they have the ability to rise. Sowing is required at a depth of 4 cm with a distance of 15 cm from each other. The marigold begins to appear a few weeks after sowing, and in a month you will see the first flowers. In order for calendula to flourish more dynamically, seedlings are used.

    It's important to remember! Despite its unpretentiousness, certain care for the plant is still required!

    Care for the plant

    Calendula flowers require regular watering, otherwise they will dry up under the influence of sunlight. Also, do not forget about the periodic loosening of the soil, resulting in the flowers are more lush and colorful. Weeding in the flowerbed is a mandatory event at least 2 times a month. This is important for the aesthetic growth of plants. After all, the grass between the flowers does not look very attractive.

    It's important to remember! High-quality flower care will help to collect the maximum amount of useful harvest!


    Self-cultivation of this plant provides for not only decorating the infield area, but also obtaining a crop for medicinal purposes. When to collect calendula? Collection should be carried out until the cold snap, that is, autumn is the deadline. In this case, the plant has the greatest number of useful properties. After frosts, they are reduced to a minimum, harvesting is already pointless.

    For collection the maximum usefulness is possessed only by flowers, their most magnificent heads are required to be cut off at the base. It is very important not to damage the branches, since new flowers will soon appear in their place.

    The crop should be folded carefully, so as not to deform the structure. Spread on a flat surface in 1 coat and leave in a dry place for subsequent drying. Do not dry the crop in the sun. During the preparation period for the plant, flowers should be periodically turned over. It needs to be done carefully to preserve their integrity. The drying takes about 1 week, after which you need to remove the petals from the flowers.

    It's important to know! Store the workpiece data better in a cool, dry place by first putting them in a paper bag!

    Sorts of calendula - photo

    There are many varieties of this plant. The most common should be considered in more detail:

    AS Calendula officinalis. It is actively used in folk and traditional medicine, has a wide range of effects on the human body.
  • Gold Calendula. It is used as a decoration along the paths of park areas and personal plots. Has a spectacular view due to its bright orange colors.
  • Green heart. Cultivated in botanical gardens and picturesque flower gardens. Appearance of orange flowers with a green core, which is why the name of this variety has occurred.
  • Calendula white decorative. It has a delicate cream-white shade. It is used as a garden ornament. Calendula white can also be used in medicine. Has antibacterial action.
  • Pink surprise. It refers to stunted plants, differs pearly pink color of flowers. It is used in folk medicine.
  • When growing a plant, you can combine the varieties at the time of planting for a more aesthetic effect.

    Calendula medicinal photo

    Calendula in the photo

    Calendula Green heart on the photo

    Calendula white decorative

    Calendula pink surprise on the photo

    The healing properties of the plant

    This plant has many healing properties due to its rich composition. It is used in the treatment of such ailments:

    • spasms and pain;
    • stomatitis, tonsillitis;
    • various skin diseases, such as dermatitis or eczema;
    • breast disease, benign tumors;
    • dysfunction of the gallbladder and liver;
    • neural surge, regular migraines;
    • sleep disturbance, memory impairment;
    • atherosclerosis, hypertension.

    Newborns are made with baths from the first days of life, which contribute to strengthening the central nervous system, promote sound healthy sleep and rapid healing of rashes on the body.

    Recipes of medicines based on the plant

    Calendula has a wide range of effects on the body. Therefore, there are a lot of options for preparing medicines based on this plant. The most popular recipes that treat such diseases:

    1. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the medicine, take 2 tbsp.l.marigold, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Tightly clog the lid and press for 1 hour. At the end of the time, decoction should be filtered and used for 1 tbsp.l.4 times a day.
    2. Stomatitis. It will take 1 tbsp.l.of the initial ingredient and 1 tsp.dried chamomile flowers. Pour 1 cup of boiling water, to insist 1 hour. Then strain and take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day.
    3. Eruptions on the skin, acne.1 tbsp.l.plants should be filled with 1 glass of vodka or medical alcohol. Infuse in a cool dark place for 1 week. At the end of the time, tincture is filtered and treated with its help affected areas 3 times a day.
    4. Gynecological diseases. It will take 1 liter of purified water and 1 tbsp.l.calendula. Put on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for about 5 minutes. After the liquid has cooled to room temperature, you should use the decoction as a syringing.
    5. Angina. It is necessary to take the original ingredient, wormwood and plantain in the same proportions, optimally - 1 tsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on the fire cook for 10 minutes. Strain the cooked broth and use to rinse your throat 5 times a day.

    Despite its universality, the use of this plant as a medicine should be agreed with a specialist. He can help to choose the right dosage. With regular observation will assess the effectiveness of such treatment.

    Contraindications to the use of

    As for the ban on the use of calendula, there are very few of them:

    • individual intolerance to plant components;
    • underpressure.

    If you take medications based on calendula to people with such manifestations, it can lead to unpleasant consequences, which will be difficult to get rid of later.

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