Erosion of the stomach: symptoms and treatment, diet, folk remedies, medicines, photo

Damage in the stomach of the mucous membrane, not touching the submucosa and muscle layers, is commonly referred to in gastroenterology as erosion of the stomach.

The frequency of occurrence of pathology belongs to one of those found in gastroenterology. Every sixth to seventh patient examined by the endoscopic method, discovers erosive processes in the organs of the digestive system.

The disease was first described by the Italian founder of the pathological anatomy Giovanni Morgane in the middle of the 17th century. The disease has since undergone several generations of diagnostic methods and methods of treatment, but the nature of the pathology and the features of its symptoms have remained the same.

Causes of the disease

Understanding the cause of erosion of the stomach opens the right treatment regimen. Especially important is finding out the etiology for primary and secondary reasons for eliminating symptoms. All causative factors of the disease fit into the systematic categories.

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  1. Excessive or incorrect oral administration of medications that can initiate erosion processes. These include cardiac glycosides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. The mucous membrane is exposed to irritation both from the temperature and mechanical factors, therefore the use of acute, too rough and hot food is fraught with erosive processes in the mucosa.
  3. Alcoholic drinks cause damage to the mucous membrane, and tobacco smoking triggers a mechanism of damaging factors that contribute to rapid erosion. A cigarette smoked on an empty stomach can not only affect the mucosa, but also endanger the patient's life.
  4. Liver pathologies( cirrhosis) cause spasms in the blood vessels of the stomach. Due to the anatomical proximity and unity of the functional system, blood disorders are the cause of erosive processes.
  5. Production and household work related to the use of harmful and toxic substances. Penetrating into the human body in different ways( through the skin, respiratory and digestive system), toxins are a source of erosion of the stomach.
  6. Malignant neoplasms in the stomach have a property to be covered with erosion or the onset of oncology is accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane, therefore it is difficult to determine the primaryity of the process in this case.
  7. Operational and traumatic processes with the stomach are the primary cause of erosion of the gastric mucosa.
  8. Erosion of the gastric mucosa is naturally a consequence of deviations in the carbohydrate content in the blood observed in diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of

The clinical picture of erosion of the stomach has many similarities with peptic ulcer. For this reason, it is possible to establish an accurate diagnosis after several diagnostic procedures.

The photo shows endoscopic diagnostics of stomach erosions

The classic manifestation of gastric erosion boils down to a complex of phenomena:

  1. Pain sensations in the stomach - the main sign of pathology. The nature of the pain has no specificity: the intensity can build up, then temporarily fade away, there may be a slight pain( the patient takes a drug of the No-shpy type) or the patience of pain becomes impossible. Severe pain indicates severe erosion. Dangerous pain of medium and low intensity, when their relief with analgesics promotes rapid growth of the focus of the disease.
  2. Bleeding is an alarming symptom of m, requiring immediate medical attention. Without surgical intervention, you can dispense with blood admixtures found in the emetic masses or feces of the patient. In the case of acquiring a vomit weight of a dark brown shade and obvious signs of internal bleeding, it is not always possible to preserve the integrity of the stomach, to save the patient sometimes resort to the ectomy of the affected part of the stomach.
  3. Nausea and vomiting of , in the absence of other signs, are not specific signs of erosive processes. Do not exclude nausea and vomiting from signs of erosion if their frequency becomes regular or the symptom is accompanied by other manifestations of the disease.
  4. Due to the fragility of nails and hair , as well as the dryness of the skin, it is judged on the erosion of the stomach on the basis of the physiological justification for the occurrence of anemia due to internal bleeding. Low hemoglobin causes blueness of the skin, thinning and unhealthy color of nails and hair.

Classification of



In medicine, it is customary to treat as primary gastric erosion a pathology that occurs in the stomach itself. Sometimes for primary erosion, a pathology with an unclear etiology is accepted.


Secondary erosion of the stomach is a pathological process, which is the consequence of disturbances in the functioning of other organs and functional systems( liver, heart and circulatory system).


Erosive processes occur in cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in lymphogranulomatous inflammatory processes with a fragmentary erosive lesion of the sites of the gastric mucosa( Crohn's disease).



Regardless of the systematic variety of gastric erosion, two forms of this disease are distinguished, one of which is acute. Localization of the acute form of organ erosion is the body of the stomach or its bottom.

With competent treatment and successful coincidence, the disease can be eliminated in 6-7 days, in more severe cases, several weeks are necessary for treatment.


The chronic form of erosion of the stomach usually displaces the localization of pathology to the pyloric( antral) department of the organ. A chronic form is characterized by a longer treatment, sometimes taking up to 5 years.



In hemorrhagic form, erosion is accompanied by the release of blood into the vomit and feces.

In this case, the patient's hemoglobin is reduced. Hemorrhagic form of the disease is typical for acute leakage. In the study, pathological formation is surrounded by a ring of small points of cherry color. Bleeding is usually the edges of the hyperemic ring.

Surface flat

Ulceration of erosion looks the same as with hemorrhagic form, but the ring surrounding the affected area is whitish in color, without signs of hyperemia. Flat defects with erosion have slightly convex edges, discernible by color due to a slight hyperemia of adjacent tissues.

Hyperplastic inflammatory or complete

In endoscopic examination, complete erosion of the stomach is observed in the pyloric department. Under the mucous organ visible bulges that resemble cutting large molars: a crater form with a depression in the center with signs of ulceration.

In a number of cases, the formation is not sufficiently seen due to the hyperemia of the mucosa covering the convex pathologies.

What is the danger of erosion of the stomach?

Untimely or illiterate treatment of gastric erosion intensifies the degree of severity of the pathology and can develop according to one of the following options:

  1. Ulcer state. With ulcer, gastric damage is localized not only in the inner shell( mucosa), but also affects deeper layers( submucosal, muscular membrane).The course of an ulcer is characterized by exacerbations and relapses of the disease. The ulcer is a more dangerous form of the pathology of the stomach, as it reveals a patient's weight loss, nausea and vomiting after eating. The healing of erosion of the stomach is not accompanied by the formation of scars, with the ulcer the mucosa and the deeper layer are replaced by connective scar tissue with loss of functionality.
  2. With hemorrhagic form, internal bleeding causes a condition of anemia. Renal failure may be one of the variants of anemia. When vomiting is internally bleeding is recognized by the color and consistency of the coffee grounds.
  3. Yazvenno-erosive states of the stomach have unpleasant possible consequences of , worsening the quality of life for a long time: resection of a part of the stomach, a strict diet, previous operations and during a prolonged recovery. Operations are more often in the condition of an ulcer, although in rare cases erosive phenomena require surgical intervention.
  4. Polyps in the stomach - one of the more severe reactions in response to irritation of the mucosa. Removal of polyps occurs infrequently due to the infrequent occurrence of polyps. The prognosis after resection of polyps is favorable.
  5. The most dangerous development of erosion is malignant neoplasm. The relationship between the two pathologies is bilateral: after the onset of stomach cancer, pathologies are covered with erosive spots, cancer can form on the site of erosion.


Endoscopy is one of the few methods of erosion detection. The procedure is unpleasantly painful for the patient, vomiting, but there is no more informative method about the state of the gastric mucosa in modern times.

The endoscope is a telescopic tube that is inserted into the oral opening and then, through the esophagus, into the stomach. A biopsy is necessary to study the histological section of the gastric mucosa.

Scheme for the treatment of gastric erosion


When a pathogenic Helicobacter pylori bacterium is detected, antibiotics are required.

In other cases, treatment is dispensed with antibacterial agents using a scheme of using drugs-cytoprotectors( a gastroprotector in the form of colloidal bismuth on a substrate or De-Nol tablets), proton pump inhibitors, synthetic prostaglandins and H2 blockers( Kwamatel).With secondary etiology, preference is given to prostaglandins and cytoprotectors.

Diet: menu for the week

Successful treatment of erosion of the stomach requires compliance with dietary intake from the patient as part of the treatment regimen. The nature of nutrition during treatment should have a direction of absence of irritation and stimulation of the mucosa.

In this regard, rude products rich in fiber, excess of spices, sharp, salty and smoked dishes are excluded. It excludes fatty foods, coffee, vegetables with bitterness( radish), fruits with a high content of organic acids.

The number of meals should be at least 6. With each meal, do not eat much. Take only warm food, waiting for it to cool down, but do not eat foods in a cold form.

Folk remedies at home

Healing occurs more quickly if the patient takes oil from the fruits of sea-buckthorn for 20-30 minutes before breakfast. To achieve therapeutic effect, sea buckthorn oil is consumed three times a day before meals.

Strengthen the effect of oil can be flax oil, for which both oils are mixed in half a spoon. Honey has also healing properties in relation to gastric erosion, but it is better to take it in a dissolved form in warm water or milk.

From phyto-healing properties to the gastric mucosa have infusions and decoctions, used both in mixtures and as a separate medicinal product. The main plant used in the treatment of erosion is celandine large. In the mixture can be used with cucumbers ordinary, mountaineer bird, St. John's wort, perforated chamomile, chamomile.

A glass of boiled hot water herbal mixtures are poured and after half an hour the preparation is ready for consumption. Three times a day, drink 100 grams of this drink.

Whenever pain occurs, bee propolis is used.

Reviews about the treatment of

All patients who have recovered from erosion of the stomach, unequivocally affirm the need to comply with the diet.

Patient F. responds like this:

No medicine was taken, cured only by a strict diet. True, the treatment took 2.5 months.

Patient K. shared experience of complex treatment with sea buckthorn oil, herbal infusion, "Vicair" preparation and medical diet. The patient can not single out a separate factor of treatment - she does not know what exactly helped her.

It was excruciated by pains, sometimes calmed down, was cured. .. So it lasted 3 years. For breakfast, oatmeal, so 7 years. She forgot about the disease - she advertises her way of treatment. A.

Answers to frequent

  • questions What is the difference between erosion and stomach ulcers? Erosion is the initial stage of ulcer development, affecting only the mucous membrane. With the ulcer, other shells under the gastric mucosa are involved in the damaging effect.
  • How much is erosion of the stomach treated? There is no single answer. Everything depends on the degree of severity, form and typology of the disease, adherence to treatment. The minimum period is 10-14 days in acute form, with chronic erosion it takes months to get rid of the disease.
  • Can I eat bananas? You should not eat bananas on an empty stomach. Substances in the fruits of bananas have a beneficial effect on the healing of the mucosa, but it should be borne in mind that the accompanying disorders of the stomach( flatulence, diarrhea) with the intake of tropical fruits only increase. In the absence of these disorders, bananas should be eaten after eating.


To prevent the development of ulcerative-erosive events, each person must follow the rules of rational nutrition, including in the daily menu products with enveloping effects on the gastric mucosa.

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