Xeroform preparation: instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews, composition

Skin lesions are accompanied by penetration of the infection into the dermis, provoking inflammatory processes of varying intensity. Today, a variety of topical preparations are offered for sale, which are excellent at dealing with manifestations of such lesions;However, not all of them eliminate the causes that cause such manifestations. An important indicator of the effectiveness of the chosen remedy is also the ability of its active substance to restore the epidermis, dry the inflamed areas and clean the surface of the affected area.

Xeroform, which has proven itself in the application for various types of mechanical damage to the skin, copes with even large areas of the area, leaving no traces in the form of scars and scars. Perfectly stimulating all the recovery processes in the epidermis, Xereroform is easy to use, has a minimum amount of contraindications to use and at the same time has affordable value, which is important for customers. The properties of the drug are due to its thoughtful and balanced composition, and the breadth of the field of application determines the constant demand for the skin treatment agent under consideration.

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Features of the preparation

Representing a high-performance drug for external use in the presence of severe damage to the skin, Xeroform is of interest in the treatment of many types of lesions of the upper layer of the epidermis. The active substance eliminates visible manifestations of the main lesion for a short time, stimulates the activation of metabolic processes in the skin, which allows you to quickly eliminate inflammation and associated pathological processes that worsen the appearance of the skin and reduce its protective properties.

The dosage forms provided on the market provide the possibility of choosing the kind of remedy that will better cope with the existing pathological manifestations, eliminating them and healing the damaged skin. Xeroform can be used for application to both the skin and mucous membranes( for example, the eye is a medicinal form ophthalmic ointment with a high content of Xeroblast).

The main active part of any dosage form of the drug in question is the basic bismuth salt, which has pronounced antiseptic qualities, disinfecting the surface of the skin, stimulating its rapid recovery. The substance has a characteristic unobtrusive odor of the drug, in the form of a powder it is almost completely insoluble in water, chloroform and alcohol.

Dosage forms

Xeroform is available in pharmacies in the city in several forms:

  • powder, which is used only for external use in the presence of severe damage to the skin. Powder is sold in packages of 10 grams, it is a homogeneous loose product( powder) of yellowish color;
  • powder, which is easily and evenly applied to damaged skin due to its fine grinding and uniform consistency;
  • ophthalmic ointment with increased content of xerobe( 3%);
  • ointment for external use on the basis of xeroform( about 10%) and vaseline purified( 90%), which is perfectly absorbed into the skin, leaving no traces of fat on it and restoring the natural elasticity of the epidermis, the speed of its self-regeneration.

Also xeroform is a part and is the main active part of the Wisniewski ointment, which is used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids, anal fissures, cracking of the skin on the hands and feet.

Composition Xeroform

The main active substance of any dosage form of this drug is bismuth oxide( Bismutum tribromphenylicum).It is about 55% of the total amount of funds. Xerobes in powder form are sold in packages of 10 g.

. Prices for

. The value of this medication is quite affordable, which is important when making a purchase of a remedy for the treatment of mechanical damage to the skin. The price may vary slightly depending on the policy of the seller and is based on a crystalline powder from 87 to 125 rubles per package.

Pharmacological action of

The special feature of Xeroform is its rapid action with a large area of ​​the skin lesion. This is due to the balance of the composition and its thoughtfulness.

The high degree of decontamination is due to the bactericidal properties of the preparation, which allows to eliminate the inflammatory processes of any localization and degree of neglect. It is noted that the ability of the active substance to bind the cell proteins to their membrane parts is high, which leads to the rapid death of microorganisms and the impossibility of their further active reproduction.


Due to its astringent effect, Xeroform eliminates the susceptibility of the wound surface to the negative effects of external stimuli. This is achieved by using a certain degree of dehydration on the affected parts of the skin, resulting in a partial coagulation of the proteins of the skin molecules. In this case, the wound surface loses its ability to react with the external environment by eliminating the ability of the proteins of molecules to interact: this forms a film on the surface of the affected skin and does not allow penetrating into the infections.

This leads to active stimulation of the surface cells, their stimulation to further regeneration. Improving and stimulating blood circulation, this process( dehydration of proteins and formation of a thin film on the wound surface) provides an increase in the rate of cell division and the inflow of tissue fluid, which also guarantees the speedy recovery of injured skin areas.

Photo Xeronform


Thanks to the activity of the active substance, the following positive changes in the condition of the wound surface have been observed for a short time since the beginning of the application of the agent in question:

  • stimulates the regeneration of cells of damaged skin areas;
  • decrease in the severity of inflammatory processes;
  • decrease in the amount of exudate released;
  • prompt restoration of normal circulation in the affected area, regeneration of epidermal cells.

By reducing the enzymatic activity and decreasing the sensitivity of the affected area, Xereroform copes well even with significant lesions, eliminating the effects of the active propagation of pathogenic microflora on them and eliminating the possibility for growth of the number of microorganisms in this area.


Use of Xeroform allows you to quickly cope with many skin lesions, accompanied by mechanical damage to the epidermis and development on the wound surfaces of pathogenic microorganisms. The greatest effect from the use of this drug is noted in the presence of inflammation on the skin, with deterioration of the skin's resistance to external aggressive influences.

The following conditions should also be considered indications for the use of the drug:

  • eczema and dermatitis of various species( including Ritter), even in the acute stage;
  • fungal lesions, accompanied by an active increase in the area of ​​damage due to the multiplication of the fungus and the occurrence of cracks and pressure sores on the skin;
  • frostbite, in which there is a destructive process in the damaged parts of the skin;
  • solar and thermal burns with the appearance of mechanical damages;
  • presence of purulent and sinking wounds, which most often occur after surgical intervention;
  • boils, including deep and purulent;
  • small skin lesions - cracks, abrasions, scratches.

This drug excellently showed itself in the fight against bloodsucking insects - flies, mosquitoes, when applied to clean healthy skin. Xeroform can also be used to accelerate the healing of the umbilical wound in newborn infants. In combination with antibacterial external agents, Xeroform has proven itself in the treatment of inflammatory processes that occur in the lymph nodes and vessels, as well as in eye diseases - in this case, a doctor prescribes ophthalmic ointment based on xeroform.

Instruction for use

Possessing the expressed efficiency, and also an opportunity of application in complex treatment, Xeroform is simple in use and practically does not have collateral displays at use. The minimum number of possible adverse events, even with prolonged use of this external remedy, explains the constant demand for it among buyers.

The simplicity of the application should be considered as a feature of the instructions for use of Xeroforms: it is enough to apply the agent to the affected skin surface for a certain time, leave it for action, and for a short time there is a marked improvement in the skin condition, elimination of inflammatory conditions on it and restoration of normal blood circulation. Regeneration of tissue allows it to be used as a preparation for dermal plasty.


For adults, the drug is used topically at a dose calculated by a dermatologist. Usually it makes the application of the drug in any of its dosage form 3-4 times a day on a previously cleaned surface, the application of a fixative bandage is not required.

Duration of use - until a marked improvement in the condition of the damaged skin. Usually, the improvement occurs after 1.5-2 weeks from the beginning of the application. However, the duration of the use of the remedy should be determined by the attending physician, taking into account the features of the course of the revealed disease and the individual characteristics of the organism.

For children, newborns

Because children have a skin with increased sensitivity and a high susceptibility to allergic manifestations, the frequency of application of the drug to areas with damaged skin can be reduced 1-2 times during the day. It should be carefully monitored during the use of the skin reaction: in the presence of any allergic manifestations, it is necessary to abandon the use of the drug or replace it with a less active external remedy for damaged skin.

In pregnancy and lactation

Because Xeroform is highly active in the absence of penetration into breast milk and through the placenta, its use is not prohibited during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. However, in view of the likelihood of allergic reactions from both the woman's and the baby's body, it is necessary to follow the skin's reactions to the remedy and, if even slight negative manifestations are revealed, to refuse to use it.


Contraindications include an increased tendency to allergic skin reactions, the presence of excessive sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Side effects of

Side effects of Xeroblast include allergic manifestations in the form of redness and swelling of tissues, the emergence of an area of ​​hypersensitivity, the upper layer of the epidermis can turn red.

Special instructions

In case of individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug, its use should be stopped or continued to be used under the supervision of a dermatologist, who will help to correct the method of using the drug in a timely manner.

Interaction with other medications

Xerobean can be used both in monotherapy and in complex therapy. This makes it possible to obtain more pronounced and quicker results, which are already manifested during the first one and a half to two weeks from the time of application. The use of agents with a similar effect on the skin with its inflammations and mechanical traumas ensure greater success of the therapeutic effect.

Reviews and the effectiveness of

According to reviews of those who have already used this drug in the fight against pressure ulcers and inflammations of the superficial layer of the epidermis, Xereroform copes with most of the external manifestations: it removes the swelling of the affected area, reduces its sensitivity, eliminates the inflammation of tissues,to the negative effects of pathogenic microflora. Also, many people note the simple use of this drug, and the possibility of using it in complex treatment gives faster results and a positive effect on the treatment.

Even the advanced stages of skin lesions are perfectly cured with the use of Xeroform, since a high percentage of the active substance( bismuth oxide) determines the effectiveness of the drug.


For preparations that have a similar therapeutic effect in eliminating many skin lesions, one should include Vishnevsky ointment, which contains a high percentage of xerogen, the drug "Anuzol", which is most often prescribed for the treatment of cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids.

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