Exudative otitis media: symptoms, forms, course, treatment, consequences

There are several types of otitis media, exudative is more common in children. According to statistics, the peak of the disease falls on the age of 3-7 years. Acute form is found in 60%.By 12-15 years, this disease is detected in 10%.

Exudative otitis media

This inflammatory disease of the middle ear, which is characterized by the appearance of serous-mucous fluid in the ear canal.

Causes of

This form of the disease occurs against a background of decreased immunity, allergic ailments, poor ecology. Often its development is associated with the appearance of adenovirus infection in the body. Exudative otitis often occurs during hypovitaminosis.

The body at this time is the most sensitive to various bacteria. Within a few weeks, the infection multiplies in and "permeates" the entire serous fluid of the middle ear. This leads to the development of the disease.

The cause in the physiological plan is obstruction of the auditory tube. It leads to catarrhal eustachyte. The tube has a small diameter, so it closes against the background of swelling and inflammation.

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The result is a violation of air supply, drainage of the middle ear. A sharp drop in pressure occurs, a vacuum is created. In the tympanic cavity, the mucosa begins to release the transudate( edematous fluid).It gradually accumulates, which leads to a disruption of the functions of the auditory ossicles.

Among the causes leading to the development of the disease are:

  • edema on the background of sinusitis,
  • adenoids,
  • nasopharyngeal tumors,
  • curvature of the septum of the nose,
  • allergic rhinitis,
  • tuberculosis of ENT organs and some others.

Human ear structure

Types of

Exudative otitis occurs in several species. It is mainly differentiated by the affected part of the ear. Is divided into:

  • outer,
  • chronic,
  • acute,
  • of middle ear.


The inflammatory process can be triggered by viruses, bacteria, fungi. Among the factors that stimulate the development of the disease are:

  • decrease in serous lubrication,
  • long-term use of drugs,
  • decrease in acid balance,
  • insect bites,
  • using headphones-inserts.

Inflammation can affect the entire ear canal. During the examination, its narrowing, an increase in the regional lymph nodes are found.


Chronic form occurs if treatment has not been started in a timely manner, it has not been completed.

Non-inflammatory inflammation leads to a growing inflammation of the ear, congestion, a feeling of raspiraniya from the affected side. There is noise in the ears, especially when the head moves.

About the chronic form say if the disease lasts more than eight weeks. Its main consequence is an irreversible loss of hearing, a delay in the development of speech in children.


This is an acute form if symptoms and symptoms persist for up to three weeks. Flows in three stages. First, there is superficial inflammation of the epithelium. No special symptoms of acute otitis occur.

At the secretory stage, goblet cells are activated. Inside the cavity, mucus is heated, which is an excellent medium for the development of bacteria. At the last stage, a decrease in secretion occurs, an adhesive process is observed.

The middle ear

It happens right-sided, left-sided, double-sided. Often becomes a consequence of diseases that lead to the development of negative pressure in the cavities of the middle uz, the formation of secretions.

There is a violation of the outflow of secretion, especially from the anterior chamber into the nasopharynx. First, a vacuum is formed. Oxygen begins to be absorbed, pressure in the tympanic membrane decreases.

Symptoms of

Because the symptoms in adults are poorly expressed, it is difficult to establish the presence of the disease in a timely manner. The only sure sign of the disease is a decrease in hearing, which is accompanied by noise.

The following symptoms can be seen:

  • sensation of congestion on one or both sides,
  • appearance of "splash of fluid" inside the ear when changing head,
  • stuffy nose,
  • audibility of its voice in the head.

Signs of exacerbation in children

In children, the problem is often not detected in a timely manner, it can lead to third degree hearing loss. Therefore, it is better to show the baby to the otolaryngologist after the diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They most often lead to problems.

Signs of an exacerbation in children is a decrease in hearing. There may be problems with speech. In children, the bilateral form is more often developed. Children who can speak, note the noise in the ear.

Body temperature is maintained at normal elevations, but can sometimes be subfebrile. The latter is more often noted in the presence of a slow infectious process in the nasopharynx.

Eardrum during exudative otitis with otoscope


Treatment tactics are aimed at establishing the causes of the disease, carrying out therapeutic measures aimed at restoring the functions of the ear and preventing persistent morphological changes in the middle ear. In some cases, hospitalization is indicated:

  • if surgical intervention is required,
  • is not available for treatment in an outpatient setting.


Treatment of otitis media is performed using drops, antibiotics and other medications. Antibacterial drugs for the first few days are prescribed only when connected to otitis bacterial infection.

Doctors and scientists are still arguing about the advisability of using antibiotics to treat this form of the disease. Anti-histamines, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with vasoconstrictors, help to remove swelling of the mucosa.

Physiotherapy and other procedures

In addition to medical therapy, physiotherapy is prescribed. Electrophoresis of lidase, electrical stimulation of the soft palate help restore the patency of the ear canal. If it was possible to detect the disease at an early stage, then laser therapy is prescribed.

Babies are catheterized, bougie a passage. These manipulations can restore the normal functioning of the auditory tubes. In the absence of a positive effect on drugs, myringotomy is prescribed.

The incision of the tympanic membrane is performed with a sharp needle. Liquid exudate is removed through a small hole. If it is very viscous, make a larger cut. Sometimes a special suction is used.

The shunting of the tympanic membrane will affect the ventilation of the ear. The shunt is a tube that is strengthened in the tympanic membrane. Now appears a large number of doctors who oppose this method of treatment especially in children. The tube can be a long time, performing both a drainage function.

Shunting of tympanic membrane

Operation, puncture

If previous methods did not help, a tympanopuncture is prescribed. This method allows you to reject fluid from the ear cavity. It is performed only once to extract the contents. The latter, if necessary, can be sent for an additional examination. A tube is also introduced, which allows for the regular supply of drugs to the affected area.

Surgical surgery is usually performed in people with frequent episodes, with a significant decrease in hearing for many years. Simultaneously, sanitation of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, and tonsils is performed.

Folk Methods

Before taking advantage of traditional medicine methods, it is recommended that you consult a doctor. From the described form of otitis helps onions. Its juice is heated in a teaspoon, and then 1 drop is added to each ear canal.

You can make tampons with wild garlic juice or psyllium. In exudative form of the disease, a basil with antiseptic properties is suitable. The broth is buried in the diseased ear, used as a lotion.

Complications of

The main problem in the absence of treatment will be deafness. The chronic form often passes into the fibro-sclerotic stage. There are spikes, strands that disrupt the mobility of the auditory ossicles. This form can lead to mastoiditis.

If the development of the disease occurred in early childhood, then a speech disorder, a delay in psychoemotional development is possible.

Consequences of

Among the frequent consequences are the formation of a pathological hole, the formation of a cavity with necrotic epithelial cells, a toxic effect on the inner ear.

Because of this, progression of hearing loss occurs due to a decrease in the function of the auditory receptors.

Comments from Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of otitis antibiotics in our video:


Toddlers after any infectious diseases should be shown to the doctor, since exudative otitis often proceeds without pain. This will allow to start treatment in a timely manner, not to allow the development of a chronic form. Doctors remind that you need to bathe gently, clean your ears in a timely manner. It will help prevent the appearance of disease hardening and good immunity.

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