How to distinguish bacterial angina from viral in adults and children: treatment, symptoms

In the classification of angina a special place is occupied by bacterial tonsillitis. It is considered to be a typical manifestation of angina. Bacteria streptococcus for a number of reasons can multiply on the tonsils and lead to their severe inflammation.

Bacterial angina - aetiology of the disease, pathogens

Staphylococcal microorganisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and spirochetes also provoke angina, but it happens much less often. Tonsils perform mainly protective functions, being an obstacle to infections, and therefore are affected by microbes in the first place.

Infections of other organs of the oropharynx with quinsy are considered partly conditional, the diagnosis of "tonsillitis" is put only in case of infection of the glands.

Features than differs from viral

Viruses can also cause angina, but similar inflammations occur not so hard as bacterial. In the treatment in this case, antibiotics are not prescribed, which means that antiviral therapy is much easier. The organism itself is usually able to counteract the virus attacks, in the process of the disease it is only necessary to remove the dangerous symptoms.

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The bulk of purulent discharge consists of dead cells of immunity, as a result of which the load on the immune system increases. This can cause an exacerbation of chronic ailments or lead to the development of almost any new disease.

Than bacterial angina differs from viral


  • Catarrhal( more often it is the initial stage of bacterial infection, but with strong immunity, an independent manifestation of this form is possible.) It is characterized by mild inflammation, not accompanied by purulent processes.
  • Follicular( can be considered as a complication of the catarrhal form, pus in the glands accumulate in separate foci).
  • Lacunar( with its purulent foci interconnected, they form a grid structure and are located more deeply).
  • Ulcerative necrotic( severe form, which can cause not only the death of the affected tissues but also partially destroy the bone tissue).

Types of angina

Causes of

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Seasonal failures of natural protective functions.
  • Close contact with a microbial spreader, especially when the patient is suffering an acute stage of the disease.

To increase the chances of infection, you can:

  • Bad habits.
  • Incorrect power.
  • Unsanitary conditions.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Stresses.
  • Production hazard.
  • Environmental problems.

Symptoms of

On initial symptoms it is difficult to determine the type of angina, when they appear they should always consult with doctors. If the symptoms appear in the baby, it is best to call an ambulance and, without risking the health of the child, take him to the hospital.

  • The temperature has risen sharply. In bacterial sore throat, it can reach very high rates and is poorly driven by conventional antipyretic agents.
  • Sore throat is characterized by a sharp increase in intensity, provoking a strong edema.
  • It becomes harder to breathe.
  • Heart failure may occur.
  • There is always a painful lymph gland close to the epicenter of inflammation. Visually, there is an increase.
  • If treatment at this stage is not undertaken, then on the tonsils are formed foci of pus. With necrotic tonsillitis, the upper layers of mucous membranes begin to die with subsequent deepening of these processes.
  • Intoxication progresses.
  • In bacterial sore throat, joint aches are common.
  • Against the background of these symptoms, overall well-being is exacerbated.
  • Children are more likely than adults to have gastrointestinal disturbances.


It is usual for a specialist to have a visual examination of a patient to diagnose a bacterial sore throat. But the exact diagnosis is made only after taking a swab from the throat. Thus, the type of pathogen is determined, and further therapy is appointed specifically with the expectation of destroying a particular infection.

Symptoms of

Viral forms tend to manifest themselves during epidemics. Doctors compare symptoms, the period of onset of the disease, the absence or presence of purulent foci.

Analyzes in both cases are almost identical:

  • Determination of the pathogen.
  • Complete blood count.

Usually it is enough to diagnose this data.

In the picture purulent formations on tonsils for bacterial angina

Additional studies that are needed

Diagnosing bacterial sore throat, physicians, depending on the individual clinical picture, may be assigned additional studies:

  • Antibioticogram( to check the effectiveness of the antimicrobial drug).
  • ECG( for pain in the heart or severe stage).
  • X-ray of the joints.
  • The ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is mandatory.
  • In case of concomitant illnesses, they can prescribe examinations related to them in order to determine the presence of exacerbations.

How to distinguish viral angina from bacterial, see in our video:

Features of treatment

General rules:

  • Necessity of being in a hospital.
  • Bed rest.
  • Wiping or chopped food, rich in vitamins.
  • Strict personal hygiene.
  • Discarding bad habits.
  • Accurate compliance with doctor's instructions.


  • Antibiotics are the basis of therapy. Without them, a bacterial sore throat is extremely problematic.
  • Initially, injections of penicillin or drugs of the same group are prescribed. In the case of allergies or relapses, macrolides or a series of cephalosporins are preferable. The basic course is 2 weeks, but again the individual characteristics of the disease and the general condition of the patient are taken into account.
  • Antihistamines relieve swelling and negate the risk of allergies.
  • Antipyretic must be taken during an acute period. High temperatures can be life threatening.
  • The local treatment consists of rinsing and treating the throat with ointments. Anti-inflammatory sprays and throat softening pills are also used.
  • During therapy, vitamin complexes are needed, their use helps in the restoration of immunity.
  • In severe forms and stages of the disease, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary.

When angina should be treated with antibiotics, see in our video:

Folk remedies

Do not try to cure bacterial sore throat "grandmother's recipes".In 99% this approach will aggravate the disease and increase the likelihood of complications. Regularity of application in this case is more important than choosing a more effective means. For rinses sometimes apply:

  • Lemon juice.
  • Potato broth.
  • Squeeze from fresh beets.
  • Elderberry broth.
  • Tincture of eucalyptus.
  • Diluted apple cider vinegar.


Therapy of bacterial tonsillitis should be complex. These procedures are not prescribed for pregnant women and patients with serious systemic pathologies:

  • KUF - irradiation of the glands.
  • Drug electrophoresis.
  • Laser treatment.
  • UHF - therapy.
  • Infrared irradiation.
  • RF - magnetotherapy.

In the period of rehabilitation, resort and sanatorium treatment is desirable.

How quickly to cure a sore throat:

How contagious is

Given that most bacterial forms develop after direct contact with an infected person, one can safely say that such a sore throat is contagious. However, there are also conditionally-contagious forms.

How to protect yourself

First of all, you should avoid contact with the infected. If contact can not be avoided, wearing a gauze dressing is strictly necessary. Hands should be washed as often as possible, and it is also important to disinfect the room every day where the patient is.


is dangerous. Complications are the main danger of angina. The heart, joint tissues and kidneys are more dangerous in angina. It can also aggravate the accompanying pathologies and cause whole systemic failures.

List of most common complications:

  • Rheumatism.
  • Meningitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Fracture of the joint tissues.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Heart disease.
  • Chronic bronchitis.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Sepsis.
  • Toxic shock.

Than angina is dangerous, says Dr. Komarovsky:


There are no special vaccinations against bacteria.
In order not to provoke the infection it is necessary: ​​

  • Prevent injury to the oropharynx, in time to eliminate caries.
  • If possible, visit sea resorts. Sea salt water and sea air make the body healthier.
  • To schedule a work schedule in such a way that it is balanced with a full rest.
  • Avoid long stress.
  • Strengthen immunity through proper nutrition and exercise.
  • Give up smoking.

Prophylaxis of angina


The earlier the person was provided with qualified help, the better the prognosis. In medicine, there are enough means to fight bacteria, but it is worth remembering that these microorganisms adapt to antibiotics very quickly, therefore, prolonged treatment requires more strength and causes complications more often.
The started stages of some forms of tonsillitis in general can not be cured to the end, especially if they become chronic.

The average period of treatment is 2 weeks, but during the rehabilitation period it is extremely important to spend time strengthening the immunity.

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