Peas with pancreatitis, can pea soup, canned green peas?

Peas in pancreatitis are prohibited by many doctors, those that allow it to be eaten, it is recommended to soak in a pre-soda and for a long time( an hour and a half or more) to cook in a pressure cooker. After that, use not more than one hundred grams at a time. Peas half consists of carbohydrates, 20% of protein, fat in it only 2%.It contains:

  • microelements - Sr, Cs, Al, Ti, Ni, Co, Sn, V, Si, B, Mo, F, Cr, Se, Mn, Cu, I, Zn, Fe, Se, Cl, P,K, Na, Mg, Ca
  • vitamins - choline, H, B9 - B1, beta-carotene, PP, A

Peas in pancreatitis are harmful to the fiber, which requires intensive work on processing, loading the stomach. In the mature grains there is starch, just as harmful in this disease. Useful in this vegetable nicotinic acid, regulating cholesterol in the blood, improving appetite, promoting the growth of a young organism.

Peas in pancreatitis must necessarily be boiled to mash, thiamine improves brain function, nicotinic acid stops the formation of cancer cells. Connective tissues from poultry and animal meat and coarse fiber from legumes( including peas), rutabaga, cabbage, radish and turnip are fraught with exacerbation of the disease, since it increases the excitability of the pancreas.

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Is pea soup available for pancreatitis?

Despite the fact that pea soup is one of the nutritious and healthy dishes, its presence in the diet of people suffering from pancreatitis is highly undesirable. Especially this refers to the phase of exacerbation of the process, when it is recommended to adhere to strict dietary restrictions. In the stage of persistent remission, certain indulgences are allowed for this dish, but only occasionally and in small amounts.

In a similar "opal" pea soup with pancreatitis is favored for its ability to cause increased gas formation. And if in healthy people this circumstance is only an occasion for various jokes, then for patients with pancreatitis it threatens with exacerbation of the disease and a mass of unpleasant sensations:

  • pain syndrome of varying intensity;
  • prolonged heartburn;
  • nausea and bloating;
  • stool breaking.

High content of coarse fiber and a special enzyme composition of peas cause unpleasant processes of fermentation in the intestines, which provokes excessive excitability and stress on the pancreas. Experts recommend soup, prepared from pre-soaked and mashed peas, just outside the stage of exacerbation and in small portions. In case there are unpleasant symptoms indicating the intolerance of the product, it is best to completely exclude it from the diet.

Canned green peas in pancreatitis

Preserved polka dots, in contrast to their fresh and dried breasts, are even included in the composition of the therapeutic diet No. 5, shown with the development of acute pancreatitis or during its exacerbation. Of course, this does not mean that it can be absorbed by whole banks, but the use of a small amount of a product, as an additive to a particular dish, is entirely acceptable.

And yet, canned green peas in pancreatitis should be used with great care, as undesirable properties that cause bloating, in the product are also present. So it's better to start with very small portions and orient yourself to the well-being. If the body does not respond with any side reactions, then do not neglect this dish.

In canned green peas, a large number of useful ingredients are preserved, including minerals and vitamins. In addition, like other legumes, it contains easily digestible vegetable protein and is well saturated, which is very useful for a weakened organism of a sick person.

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