Antacids with peptic ulcer: Almagel, Enterosgel, Maalox, Fosfalugel

Recently, antacids with peptic ulcer have become an integral part of complex therapy aimed at eliminating pathologies of the digestive organ. Preparations of this pharmacological group neutralize excess hydrochloric acid, absorb pepsin, stop the contraction of the pylorus of the stomach.

Antacids are of two types - soluble or absorbed, and insoluble, respectively, not absorbed. Soluble antacids provide a quick alkalizing effect, but they act briefly. Currently, experts prefer insoluble antacids in gastric ulcer, who prescribe to drink throughout the course of treatment. They have an enveloping and adsorbing property. They are taken only between digestive periods, that is, 1-2 hours after eating.

Modern antacid preparations have the following properties:

  • high adsorption activity and ability to neutralize hydrochloric acid;
  • absence of increased secretion of hydrochloric acid after antacid withdrawal;
  • does not cause side effects from intestinal motility;
  • minimal effect on mucous epithelium due to lack of enteral feeding;
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  • does not provoke flatulence;
  • quick and continuous action;
  • minimum requirements for the way the drug is stored;
  • has a pleasant taste that stimulates the patient to treat.

Almagel( Almagel) with stomach ulcer

Almagel refers to insoluble drugs. If you comply with the dosage, Almagel with an ulcer provides a lasting effect, without interfering with the metabolism. During treatment, it is not absorbed and does not accumulate in the mucous epithelium, thereby excluding the risk of development of disorders in cellular metabolism. The drug neutralizes hydrochloric acid by adsorbing and enveloping action on the walls of the digestive organ. Abandonment of the medication does not cause secondary hyperacidity of the gastric juice. The substances present in the composition of the drug exclude the aggressive influence of damaging factors on the walls of the digestive organ. The therapeutic effect comes a few minutes after taking the medication and lasts 1.5-2 hours. As part of the drug Almagel, benzocaine is present, which has an analgesic effect in case of pain in the epigastric region.

Enterosgel with gastric ulcer

Enterosgel is a drug-sorbent that absorbs harmful substances and removes them from the body. It is an antacid insoluble type. It passes through the entire intestine and sorbs toxins, pathogenic bacteria, viruses. The main therapeutic property, due to which Enterosgel is prescribed for gastric ulcer, is the ability to neutralize aggressive substances that damage the mucous epithelium. Clinical data indicate the ability of the drug to participate in the inhibition of the Helicobacter pylori microbe and, due to the enveloping effect, to prevent absorption of ulcerative decay products into the stomach walls, which prevent the scarring of defects.

The pharmaceutical is completely safe for long-term use. Hydrophobicity of Enterosgel contributes not only to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, but also provides the conditions for the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestine. The preparation is produced in the form of a hydrogel, which is diluted in a small amount of water to produce a suspension, and in the form of a paste for oral administration in the original form, which must be washed with water. The medicine is taken 1 to 2 hours before meals.

Maalox for treatment of stomach ulcers

Maalox is an antacid with antipeptic activity. The drug consists of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum, which are contained in a balanced ratio and neutralize bile acids.

Assign Maalox from stomach ulcers only in the complex therapy of the disease to eliminate pain and heartburn, which is caused by the acidity of the digestive juice. The drug provides instant therapeutic effect due to enveloping, adsorbing and cytoprotective properties. The ability to enhance the protective functions of the mucosal epithelium and the absence of principal side effects from prolonged use are the main advantages of the drug that meets the requirements of modern medicine.

The antacid preparation Maalox has two forms of release - oral suspension and tablets. A single dose of the drug acts in the intestine for more than three hours, stopping the spread of pain, eliminating eructations and reducing the effect of pathogenic factors due to the enveloping effect.

Fosfalugel with gastric ulcer

Phosphalugel has an enveloping and adsorbing property, it provides a strong antacid effect. The active substance aluminum phosphate maintains in the physiological limits the pH of the digestive juice and regulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Due to adsorption abilities, the drug absorbs toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria within the gastrointestinal tract and removes them from the body. The gel covers the mucous epithelium with a protective film throughout the intestine. Insoluble drug Fosfalugel with stomach ulcer alkalizes the digestive juice, increases the degree of protection of the mucosa and accelerates the process of scarring of erosive defects.

The antacid is taken 1-1.5 hours after a meal, on a bag 3 times a day and always before bedtime. When the disease worsens with severe pain, until the attacks ease, the medicine is drunk in the same dosage, but every 2 hours. Usually the course of treatment lasts 2-4 weeks.

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