Recipes of tinctures from propolis and pergi for the treatment of stomach ulcers

Using propolis with gastric ulcer, it is possible to neutralize excess hydrochloric acid in the digestive juice, relieve spasm of smooth muscles and heal erosive defects of the mucous membrane. The product of beekeeping is able to regulate the process of bile secretion and its ejection into the stomach. Long ago, folk healers were advised to slowly dissolve an small piece of propolis, the size of a little less than a pea, in order to prevent the exacerbation of the disease. A ten-day course prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the digestive organ and improves the mucosal epithelium healthily.

The resinous substance collected by bees, promotes strengthening of immunity of all organism. In addition, propolis treatment of gastric ulcers not only destroys pathogenic bacteria, but also completely removes dead cells of microbes from the body, thereby preventing stress caused by infectious agents. The natural substance is an excellent analgesic. Many patients who use propolis for therapeutic purposes noted that the bee product anesthetizes more than the pharmacological drug novocain. The natural healing agent normalizes the process of hemostasis, so it can be used for ulcerous bleeding.

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Propolis use in gastric ulcer

Usually, for therapeutic purposes, tincture of propolis is used in gastric ulcer. For treatment, it is necessary to prepare a 20% ratio of components, that is, add 100 g of alcohol to 20 g of bee products. It should be noted that a positive antimicrobial result is achieved by using 20 or 30 percent alcohol solutions, but at the initial stage it is better to prepare a mucous membrane with 5-10% tincture. To understand how to treat the ulcer with propolis, and move from less concentrated medicine to a stronger solution, you need to listen to the signals of your body. If the drug enriched with the bee product does not cause discomfort in the epigastric region, and the pain does not increase, you can safely go to 20-30% tincture.

Anti-inflammatory effect of tincture of propolis from gastric ulcer has by enveloping action on defects of mucous epithelium. Thus, the protective film does not allow additional irritation of the erosive foci with acidic digestive juice.

Treatment of gastric ulcers with propolis tincture provides the following positive results:

  1. tissue regeneration by restoring elasticity and tone of smooth muscles;
  2. elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in the stomach cavity, including Helicobacter pylori, due to antiseptic properties;
  3. regulates acidity of the digestive juice and eliminates pain.

Propolis from stomach ulcers - recipes

For the treatment of gastric ulcer with propolis there is the most popular prescription tincture:

  • 10 gr.of the bee product is pulverized and 100 ml of purified ethyl alcohol or good vodka are added.
  • Shake the mixture and send it to a dark cool place for 3 days.
  • At the end of the period, the obtained tincture is filtered and taken 20 drops per glass of water 4 times a day before meals.
  • After 3-4 days you can prepare a more concentrated mixture - 20 gr.resinous substance per 100 ml of alcohol.
  • The average course of treatment should be 14 days. / Li & gt;

If from time to time the symptoms remind you of a disease, how to drink propolis with an ulcer in this case? After 2 weeks, you can go through a repeat treatment regimen, but with a gradual increase in the dose of the drug, 20-40-60 drops per half a glass of water.

Perga with stomach ulcer

Perga is a processed pollen. The uniqueness of the bee product lies in the content of all groups of organic acids. From the amino acids absolutely all biochemical processes in the body depend. It is the organic compounds that provide an effective wound-healing effect, which gives percussion in the stomach ulcer. It stimulates the functioning of the immune system and maintains the acid-base balance in the norm. To use pepper and propolis simultaneously is not desirable, it is better to dissolve it on an empty stomach in its pure form for 1 tsp.per day. And after 30 minutes you can drink tincture.

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