Gastric cancer 2( second) stage, treatment and prognosis

Gastric cancer is a tumor formed from cells of the inner mucosa. The disease is divided into four stages.

Quickly killing a person, stomach cancer shows its symptoms at the most recent and neglected stage, when doctors can only diagnose the disease and spread their hands, not giving encouraging predictions for treatment.

In the risk group are all people, mostly men after 50 years.

The second stage of cancer is divided into two degrees "A" and two "B".

At 2 "A" stage, the malignant tumor did not penetrate into the inner layer of the stomach, cancer cells were found in three to six lymph nodes;or a tumor is present in the muscle layer and no more than in two lymph nodes;or the walls of the stomach are permeated with a tumor without penetrating into the lymph nodes.

At 2 "B" stage the tumor is in the inner layer and in several lymph nodes, but not less than seven;or a tumor is present in the muscle layer and in several( 3-6) lymph nodes;or the tumor is already in the outer layer and in one or two lymph nodes;or the tumor has grown into all layers of the stomach, but has not touched the lymph nodes.

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Symptoms of Stage 2

Symptoms of stage 2 cancer can be general and local.

To general symptoms of the second degree of cancer can be attributed:

  • nausea;
  • persistent heaviness in the stomach before and after eating;
  • lethargy and apathy to everything that happens - the disease takes a lot of energy and the patient always wants to sleep - there is a general weakness in the body;
  • dizziness.

Local symptoms of the second degree of cancer include:

  • Local pain in the area of ​​the cancer and in neighboring organs affected by metastases. Pain may not be very strong due to the small size of the lesions and vice versa.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Bloating.

Causes of development of

Cancer begins because of pathological changes( mutations) of stomach cells. The exact cause of the diagnosis, before treatment, it will not be possible to find out, but from the general - it is possible to allocate the use of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, salt, nitrates, food additives, carcinogens, modified products.

Also cell mutation can begin from the surrounding ecology or environment.

It is possible that the cause of cancer can be a bad heredity, if the family already had cases of stomach diseases, in particular, cancer.

Chronic diseases, such as gastritis, ulcer, polyps, can affect cell degeneration;and Helicobacteriosis. Surgical intervention in the stomach can also provoke cancer at the site of the scars.

Prognosis and diagnosis of "stage 2 cancer"

Diagnosis at stage 2 of stomach cancer is based on a complex examination of the body. With the very first problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should immediately consult a gastroenterologist who will examine the gastric mucosa, for its damaged parts, and in case of detection of cancer - for the quality or malignancy of the neoplasm.

The gastroenterologist can prescribe a comprehensive examination, which will collect information about the symptoms. For this, the potential patient can be put in the clinic for three weeks, for the constant observation and study of the symptoms and analysis of the analyzes, as well as for making a prediction of the development of the disease.

In addition to detecting a tumor, it is necessary to determine the spread of metastases, which are unavoidable at grade 2.This task is well handled by X-ray examination combined with computed tomography.

In addition, people often take blood and perform a full analysis for anemia and protein metabolism disorders.

In a clinic the patient can constantly make a withdrawal of stomach contents on an empty stomach from morning and evening, and also to examine the feces for the presence of blood clots in it.

The doctor leading the patient will prescribe a full investigation not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of other organs, to detect metastases in them.

Treatment of the 2nd stage of stomach cancer

In stage 2, the tumor is still operable, so the patient undergoes an operation in which the areas of the stomach and lymphatic system that are affected by the tumor with metastases are excised. After surgery, they can prescribe local or general radiation and chemotherapy to fight metastases.

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