What is the cochlear neuritis of the auditory nerve: symptoms, causes and treatment of folk remedies

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First, we determine what kind of disease it is. Cochlear neuritis, otherwise known as the neuritis of the auditory nerve, is an inflammation of the auditory nerve of .Often this disease is called sensorineural hearing loss, but this is not correct. Hearing loss is a broader concept, whereas cochlear neuritis becomes one of the causes that cause a decrease in the audibility of sounds.

Anatomy and physiology of the auditory nerve

The auditory nerve is the conducting part of the hearing analyzer. It is a collection of thousands of the finest nerve fibers, each of which captures a certain frequency of sound.

Fibers originating in the top of the cochlea transmit low-frequency waves, and the fibers associated with the base of the cochlea are high-frequency sounds.

In the figure, the anatomical structure of the ear

In the temporal lobes of the brain, the nerve signal is recognized, processed and correlated with other sensations of the person. Thus, the sound itself and its origin are determined.

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In case of cochlear neuritis, subcortical centers of hearing, nerve endings, hair cells can suffer. Each of these defects causes a significant decrease in hearing, associated with a malfunction of nerve impulses.

As a rule, cochlear neuritis develops only on one side. But in a number of cases, the diagnosis is bilateral.

Causes and risk factors for auditory nerve neuritis

Neuritis of the auditory nerve can occur in both the adult and the child. The prerequisites for the appearance of auditory neuritis are numerous factors. It can be:

  1. Infections.
  2. Intoxication.
  3. Skull contusions.
  4. Occupational hazards.
  5. Aging of the body, occurring with age.

Each factor should be considered separately.


Cochlear neuritis can occur when infections occur. The most dangerous of them are:

  • influenza;
  • ARVI;
  • meningitis;
  • is an epidemic parotitis, the so-called "mumps".

Toxic neuritis of the auditory nerve

Auditory neuritis can develop under the influence of harmful substances, which causes an acute or chronic form of the disease depending on the duration of their exposure. These substances include:

  • medications, the most dangerous of which are considered antibiotics;
  • pathogenic substances used in production;
  • nicotine and alcohol consumed excessively.

Often not only the auditory nerve turns out to be affected, in this case it is said about the presence of polyneuritis. Look at the symptoms of polyneuritis and determine if you have this disease.

Pain in the heart? Hypertension? Here you will find a description of modern means, ready to come to the rescue.

Head injury

The pathology of the cerebral vessels can trigger a brain injury. The head injury is dangerous for the auditory nerve, with the following:

  • edema;
  • interruptions in the bloodstream;
  • point capillary hemorrhage;
  • dense arterial outpourings.

Professional Pathogenicity

Some professions, especially those related to production, are harmful. Effects on the auditory nerve are most affected by those people who work in conditions:

  • high noise( noise of machine tools);
  • possible noise injuries( shots, hammer blows);
  • vibration( elastic vibrations of machines or parts).

Age-related changes in the human body

Some diseases in elderly people increase the likelihood of cochlear neuritis, namely:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • cerebral blood flow disorder;
  • stroke and its consequences;
  • senile deterioration.

Symptoms of neuritis of the auditory nerve

The following manifestations of cochlear neurosis become the classic manifestations:

  1. Hearing loss, which varies from mild to almost total deafness.
  2. Constant ringing or tinnitus, which is absent only with deep deafness.
  3. Desires of nausea, frequent dizziness, and occasionally loss of balance.
  4. Weakness, pale skin, headaches and nausea appear when the body is intoxicated.
  5. A sharp pain in the ears appears with a noise injury.
  6. Pressure surge, "flies" in front of the eyes indicate obvious violations in the nerve endings of the brain.
  7. The presence of cough, runny nose, temperature fluctuations, lethargy and weakness are signs of a stratification of infections.

Diagnosis methods

After the diagnosis of cochlear neuritis is established, the otolaryngologist usually conducts studies to exclude the presence of other diseases caused by hearing loss.

The causes of hearing impairment, the degree of deterioration of hearing and its dynamics are crucial.

  1. Audiometry is a method of measuring and subsequently assessing various indicators of a person's hearing.
  2. Tonal threshold audiometry helps to determine the degree of hearing loss of a person.
  3. The main way to detect a disease in children is to check for auditory evoked potentials.
  4. Acoustic impedance measurement serves to exclude abnormal hearing impairment.
  5. Electro-chlo- ogy can distinguish neurosis from Meniere's disease.
  6. Microtoscopy can eliminate diseases of the external ear and defects in the tympanic membrane.

In order to establish the exact cause of the disease, it is often advisable to consult related specialists. It is desirable to study additional studies:

  • radiograph of the skull;
  • X-ray examination of the cervical spine;
  • biochemical analyzes of blood and urine;
  • study of thyroid hormones.

Have you noticed that the hands or feet are involuntarily moving by themselves? This is called limb tremor. Sometimes this disease affects the whole family.

You can also find out if the tremor is a pathology in newborns here.

The treatment of an essential tremor is described in more detail at http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii /nevralgija/ essentsialnyj-tremor-klinika-zabolevaniya.html

Forms of auditory neuritis

Three forms of cochlear neuritis are classified: acute, subacute and chronic.

The acute form of neuritis lasts no more than a month, the subacute takes a period of one to three months, subsequently the chronic form of the disease is already diagnosed.


In acute neuritis, the disease develops rapidly. Already at the very beginning, it is actively progressing. Since no visible changes are observed, the cause of hearing loss is sometimes considered a sulfur plug.

Emergency hospitalization in the ENT department is required by such patients.


Chronic disease of the auditory nerve begins imperceptibly. The disease can be as progressive, as often accompanied by remissions. In chronic auditory neuritis can pass acute neuritis, in time not diagnosed or untreated.

Treatment of

How to treat the neuritis of the auditory nerve will depend on the cause of the onset of the disease.

Neuritis of the auditory nerve associated with infectious diseases

Therapy of viral diseases involves the use of antiviral drugs, and bacterial infections are affected by antibiotics. Selection of the necessary medicines is done by a doctor after a series of tests.

To reduce the impact of infections on the hearing organ, use:

  1. Vitamins, in particular, ascorbic acid, which serves as a strong antioxidant.
  2. Drinking enough, it helps to excrete poisonous substances along with urine from the human body. Benign food.
  3. Full rest.

Cochlear neuritis associated with intoxication

If auditory neuritis occurs as a result of exposure to toxic agents, then treatment is expected to last for a long time. The following procedures are indicated:

  • application of antidotes removing toxic substances from the patient's body( activated carbon, urotropin, barbiturates);
  • therapy, designed to eliminate some indicators of poisoning;
  • sanatoriums, mud, balneotherapy and mineral baths.

Do neuralgic pains bother you? In this case, treatment of neuritis and neuralgia with the help of phytotherapy can help.

Do you know what the pain in the eyes says? Perception of the world is not bright? Impairment of vision? Read about it here.

Auditory neuritis associated with skull trauma

Treatment of cochlear neuritis resulting from trauma to the skull should be carried out in a stationary manner.

To avoid possible deterioration of the patient's health, the otolaryngologist or the attending physician prescribes the adoption of the following drugs:

  • analgesics;
  • stimulating blood circulation in the vessels of the brain( cinnarizine, nimodipine);
  • relieving edema( oxygen therapy, intravenous infusion).
In the future, treatment requires regular administration of medications that help improve cerebral circulation( nicergoline, xanthinal nicotinate).

Additionally shown is the strengthening of vitamins and minerals.

Professional auditory neuritis

Cochlear neuritis therapy will be ineffective if a person's work is associated with the same detrimental working conditions of the .It is desirable to change activities.

In the figure, information on the effect of noise on the development of auditory neuritis

In addition, the following measures are prescribed as therapy:

  1. Vitamins intake.
  2. Reception of biologically active preparations.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Magnetotherapy.
  5. Acupuncture.
  6. Balneotherapy, sanatorium treatment, mud therapy.


Most often, cochlear neuritis in old age is treatable with great difficulty, so the use of drugs for neuritis is carried out for life. The following preparations are topical:

  • means for pressure reduction;
  • lowering cholesterol in arteriosclerosis of vessels;
  • reducing blood clotting with a tendency to thrombosis.

The video is one of the ways to treat auditory neuritis at home:

Folk remedies

Cochlear neuritis can be affected by folk remedies. There are several of them:

  1. In bowls with a capacity of 100 ml, place 0.5 of the entire volume of juniper berries. After that, pour vodka to the top. Infuse the medication for three weeks in the dark, shaking periodically. After that, bury 3 drops of heated infusion, preferably at night.
  2. Honey mix in half with fresh aloe juice, then dig in 3-4 drops every day.
  3. Collection of rhodiola rosea root, deviant peony, licorice, hop cones, cone grass and flowers of immortelle in a one-to-one ratio with a glass of boiling water. The drug should be infused for about 4-6 hours. Bury the tincture should be several times a day a few drops in each ear, after which take inwards for 1/2 cup.


Forecasting with cochlear neuritis often depends on the form of the disease and its stage. The timing of the initiation of therapy is also important. The prognosis will be more successful if the disease is diagnosed at the primary stage.

Rumor can be restored if the cause of its loss are infectious disease, trauma or acute poisoning.

The onset of complete deafness occurs with severe disease or complete absence of treatment. In this case, they can prescribe an operation using implants.

Only with the condition of early diagnosis and the start of treatment is expected complete restoration of hearing.

In elderly people the process of hearing deterioration can be slowed down, but a complete cure, most often, is impossible.


Preventive measures for the disease provide for complete disposal of factors leading to cochlear neuritis. It is necessary: ​​

  1. To prevent diseases that threaten the areas of the head and neck.
  2. Do not handle toxins.
  3. Constantly monitor blood levels of cholesterol.
  4. In the production of measures to protect against constant noise.

Thus, the disease of the auditory nerve is easily prevented if all methods of prevention are used. At the slightest suspicion of cochlear neuritis, you should immediately consult a doctor who specializes in diagnosing this area.

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