Treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with phytotherapy: symptoms, benefits, recipes, contraindications, side effects

Neuralgia and neuritis are part of the group of diseases of the peripheral region of the nervous system. Such pathologies at different ages can be found in almost any person.

Neuritis is the site of inflammation that covers the nerve and its membrane. In the case of neuralgia, inflammation is not always observed, but there is a pain syndrome in the region of nerve endings, the development of which occurs under the influence of various factors.

Symptoms of neuralgia and neuritis

There are various types of these pathologies that determine the appearance of certain symptoms:

  1. Neuralgia of the facial nerve - this condition is characterized by sudden pain in the place where the affected nerve passes. Most often this occurs in a certain part of the face, which often causes difficulties during communication or eating. During the palpation, there is a pain syndrome in the region of the nerve endings.
  2. Neuralgia of the chest - this state is easily confused with pathological changes in the work of the heart. Unpleasant sensations just arise in the region of the heart muscle, spreading to the affected area of ​​the intercostal nerves.
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  3. Neuralgia of the occipital nerve - it is characterized by fits of pain in the nape of the neck, which can spread to the ears, neck, jaw.
  4. Neuralgia and neuritis of the glossopharyngeal nerve - these pathologies are rarely diagnosed. They are characterized by an increase in the sensitivity of the tongue and throat, which in some cases provokes difficulties during swallowing or communication.

Neuralgia and neuritis, which are characteristic of the ulnar, auditory, sciatic, femoral, radial nerves, are also distinguished. With such pathologies, pain syndrome develops in the location of the nerves.

In addition, there may be a certain sensitivity to movement or touch.

In the most neglected cases, trophic processes are violated and even muscular atrophy is observed.

The role of phytotherapy in neurology

Diseases associated with nerve abnormalities can have serious consequences, so they can not be ignored. Misuse of this system can lead to more serious problems.

Modern medicine offers many drugs that perfectly cope with these pathologies. However, treatment of neuralgia and neuritis with the help of phytotherapy is safer and at the same time no less effective.

In addition, the funds that traditional medicine offers are often more affordable than traditional ones. Thanks to this, you can save on purchasing drugs.

Today in the arsenal of phytotherapy there are many drugs that successfully cope with diseases of the peripheral nerves. Together with the methods of traditional medicine, plants are used that have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing effect.

Vertigo is a serious enough pathology that can accompany various diseases. One of these diseases can be osteochondrosis. Methods of treatment of dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis.

You can find out about effective tablets against dizziness and nausea here.

Benefits of herbal medicine

The use of plant-based products has some advantages over the use of chemicals:

  1. With proper use, phytotherapy methods do not pose a health hazard.
  2. Herbal preparations can be used for a long time, and this makes it possible to successfully treat chronic diseases.
  3. Phytomedication has a versatile effect, and due to this they help to cope not only with the underlying disease, but also with concomitant pathologies.
  4. Plants that are used in herbal medicine include vitamins and trace elements, so their use helps to improve the whole body.
  5. Phytomedication is compatible with many traditional means.

Phytopreparations for the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis

For the treatment of neuralgia, use rosemary, a three-color violet, camel's herb sprouts, calendula flowers, a thousand-centner grass, a burdock root, a white wool grass, a wheat grass root.

For the preparation of medical infusion it is necessary to make such a composition: for it you will need one part of gold-bearing and violet grass, to which you should add two parts of calendula flowers and elderberry black. After this, you can take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and add a glass of boiling water to it. The medical composition should be insisted for two hours. A filtered means to drink on the third part of the glass. Do this on an empty stomach three times a day.
Compresses based on the root and leaves of burdock have a restoring and anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, it is necessary to take fresh parts of burdock in the same proportions-roots, stems, leaves, grind them and apply them to the affected areas.
Joints can be rubbed with infusion of acacia white. To do this, take the leaves or flowers of this plant and for a week insist on vodka in the proportions of 1: 2.
In the treatment of neuritis with the help of phytotherapy, rubbing should be used - they will help get rid of muscle tension and swelling of tissues. For such procedures, ointment from poplar buds, wormwood tincture, mummy solution, fir oil is perfect.
Very effective infusion based on the leaves of parsley, basil and anise. You need to take a tablespoon of these herbs, mix them and pour 3 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be left for two hours. The filtered composition is to be drunk three times a day. Do this before meals for five days.
Excellent effect has an infusion of thyme, sage and dill. You should take a tablespoon of these herbs, add 3 cups of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. A filtered product should be drunk in a glass. Do this three times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is also five days.
Neuritis can be treated with the help of tubercles tuber. To do this, the dried grass is mixed with table vinegar in the proportions of 1:12.The resulting mixture should be left for two weeks to infuse. The finished product can be used to rub the affected area.

Contraindications and drawbacks when applying phytotherapy

Although phytotherapy methods have indisputable advantages, it is necessary to take into account the existing shortcomings of such treatment. These include:

The difficulty in choosing an adequate dose of the drug. It is very important to take into account the state of health, weight, sex of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases.

  • Risk of poisoning or side effects. This is possible in cases where grasses were collected in an unfavorable region or were not stored properly. This can affect the features of the preparation.
  • Inefficiency of medicinal plants. This means that not every stage of the disease can be treated with folk medicine.
  • Lack of quality control. Unlike medicinal preparations, herbal remedies are not subject to compulsory certification.

The main contraindications to the use of phytotherapy include individual intolerance of certain medicinal plants or the presence of allergies.

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Remember that persistent dizziness in osteochondrosis requires a choice of rational treatments that are well covered in the next article: http: // bolezni-nevrologii /golovokruzhenie/ golovokruzhenie-pri-osteohondroze.html.

Possible side effects of

Side effects from the use of phytopreparations can appear if there is an allergy to their constituents. Therefore, the use of these drugs should start with a small dose, gradually increasing its size.

In some cases, treatment with phytotherapy methods exacerbates other diseases of .Therefore, it is necessary to take into account this factor.

The use of phytopreparations for the treatment of neuralgia and neuritis has proved itself on the positive side. Such remedies are not only very effective, but also quite safe for health.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to the use of medicinal plants. In order not to cause harm to one's health, it is better to get advice from a qualified specialist before starting treatment.

Watch a video in which the expert speculates on the topic of herbal medicine:

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