Causes and treatment of severe, throbbing pain in the temples and head

1 Internal causes of

Almost always the causes of headache in the temples are related to the activity of nerve endings, which are located in the neck, back, jaws. They are associated with nerve fibers that pass on the forehead and in the temporal part.

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If there is pressure on these nerve fibers, then there is pain in the head. But not only this cause causes a similar syndrome. Many diseases have similar symptoms. Diseases of an infectious nature. Headache in the field of the temple appears due to diseases that are caused by the activity of various infections. For example, a patient may be ill with flu, sore throat, brucellosis, Lyme disease, dengue fever, and the like.

  1. Migraine. Pulsating pain in the temples can occur due to migraine. In this case, the pain will be either pulsating or acute. It can occur on one side( right or left), or be felt immediately from both sides. At attacks the person feels discomfort in ears, eyes, teeth. Seizures can last only half an hour or last for several days. In severe illness, a person feels nauseous, vomiting occurs. Chills may occur. Man is as if in prostration. Not only a constant headache in an attack characterizes a migraine. At aura there can be visual and auditory disorders: noise and ringing in the ears, flies before the eyes. There is dizziness, disorientation in space. Sharp intolerance to smells, it is difficult to move, becausewith the pain only increased. Half of all migraine sufferers are unaware of the presence of this disease. As a result, they receive medical care very late.
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  1. Intoxication. Intoxication of the body also often causes pain in the temples. Moreover, additional signs will be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Most often, unpleasant sensations in the temples, the causes of which are diverse, arise from alcohol intoxication. So it's not at all surprising that after a friendly feast the head hurts in the morning.
  1. Lack of sleep. Frequent headaches can be caused by a constant lack of sleep. Studies and surveys in the 80s of the last century have shown that many doctors point out that sleep disturbance is the cause of frequent headaches. So you need to treat insomnia as quickly as possible.
  1. Changes in the menstrual cycle in women and hormonal disorders. Headache in the temples often occurs in women due to the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, such feelings appear less often. After birth, they can completely disappear. Changes in the hormonal background can also cause such unpleasant sensations. For example, it occurs in women with menopause.
  1. Pheochromocytoma. Headache in the temples can arise due to pheochromocytoma. Most people who have such a deviation suffer from such a symptom, which can only be manifested intensely. Almost always temporal pain becomes pulsating. Seizures can last from a few minutes to a couple of hours. During such attacks, the adrenal glands produce too much adrenaline for the body. This contributes to a sharp increase in pressure. There is not only a strong headache due to pressure changes, but also pallor of the skin, chills, intensified perspiration. If a person has a normal level of pressure, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the attacks of pain in the temporal lobe are repeated often, then you need to consult a doctor.


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  1. Low intracranial pressure. Low intracranial pressure, too, can provoke headaches in the temples, eyes and forehead. This phenomenon is called intracranial hypotension. This worsens hearing. A person can hear noises and ringing in the ears. In the temples and eyes there is a strong squeezing pain. There may be darkening in the eyes. When the state of health worsens, a person faints, sharp compressive pulsations are felt in the temples and eyes. On a million inhabitants of the planet every year intracranial hypotension manifests itself in 50 people.

2 Idiopathic hypertension

Headache in the temples can appear due to intracranial hypertension of a benign nature. In this case, it is called idiopathic. Discomfort is felt in the temples and eyes. If a person takes a horizontal position, the pressure will increase even more, so it is not recommended to lie in this state.

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Very often there are pains in the right temple, but they can expand on both sides. It is best to sit at an angle of 45 degrees. In this attack, a person can hear noise, buzzing and ringing in the ears. When obesity increases the risk of developing intracranial hypertension, so it is recommended to get rid of excess weight, exercise and adhere to the rules of dietary nutrition.

3 External indicators of the disease

Headache in the temples can arise not only under the influence of internal causes. Environmental conditions also affect this. For example, a person can be poisoned by carbon monoxide. In this case, the headache in the temples on both sides. This poisoning is dangerous for the life of the victim, so emergency medical care is required.

Scientists have found that fasting can also provoke pain in the field of the temple. Studies were carried out back in the 90's. They confirmed that constant malnutrition in 40% of all cases increases the risk of a pulsatile type of pain in the temporal region. This applies not only to malnutrition, but also to various posts for religious reasons. If within 24 hours to adhere to religious fasting, then there are pains in the right temple or on both sides.

Another reason is too large heights. When raised to a height of more than 4 km, many people have a headache in their temples. This is probably due to a sharp increase in intracranial pressure. In addition, 40% of people additionally experience panic, anxiety or depression.

Pain in the temple area appears in 5% of people who fly on airplanes. After the end of the flight, discomfort may not pass for a while. As for people who are associated with work with air travel, then the percentage is 20 units. A study was carried out, not only concerning ascents to the altitude, but also descent to a certain depth. In this case, the descent was carried out at 400 m in the Dead Sea. The study showed that the headache in the temples more often when climbing than with descents. Some scientists attribute this to the low oxygen content inside the aircraft.

4 Treatment and prevention

Treatment of pain in the temples is carried out by different methods. Sometimes with one-time pains it's enough just to massage the whiskey with your thumb and forefinger. For such a massage, it takes about 7-13 clicks on special points. If necessary, massage can be repeated several times a day. Such treatment does not damage the body. A point type of massage is useful to do with dim lighting, in a quiet environment.

In addition to massage, a person can help stop the pain in the temporal zone of an icy or hot compress. By applying a cold or hot object, the muscles relax. This helps relieve tension. The compress should not be more than 15 minutes. Such treatment is very useful.

You have to rest your eyes. Often at work and at home we forget that our eyes need rest too. You can just lie with your eyes closed or make a special massage for the eyes. Exercises are very simple. In addition, when working at the computer every hour you need to take a break for 10 minutes.

Prevention of pain in the temples is of great importance, it prevents the treatment of the disease. Be sure to monitor the number of hours for sleep. Sleep should take at least 6 hours, you need to sleep in comfortable conditions. Otherwise, there is discomfort in the temporal region. The person becomes tired, irritable, listless.

You can get rid of a headache by drinking a little coffee. But zealous with this strong drink is not worth it, since it can cause this symptom. It is best to just drink warm green tea. It is useful to drink a decoction of chamomile. Many help cherry or orange juice with vitamin C. It is necessary to walk in the fresh air and play sports. This will help saturate the body with oxygen. You can inhale and rub whiskey with essential oils of mint or lavender. Traditional medicine offers a large number of different broths, tinctures and lotions.

If there is a sharp pain in the temporal region, and it can not be tolerated, then drugs with anesthetic properties are allowed. Before taking a doctor, you should refrain from using pain medication, otherwise the picture of the disease may be distorted and an incorrect diagnosis is made.

5 Recommendations

Headache in the temples can be manifested in different ways. There are many reasons that cause this symptom. In each case, a certain treatment is required, so self-medication is not recommended, so as not to worsen the patient's condition. If the headache in the temples is single, you should not worry. This may be due to stress, lack of oxygen or other physiological causes. Tranquility, a sip of water, fresh air and pain medications will cope with this problem.

But if a person is harassed by frequent headaches, then you need to go to the hospital to diagnose your health condition. Only a qualified doctor can choose the appropriate treatment that will help the patient. In addition, you can use traditional medicine and physiotherapy procedures.

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