Why it is forbidden to suffer a headache

1 Types of cephalalgia

  1. Migraine. It happens mostly in women. The pain with migraine is very strong, pulsating, often one half of the head hurts. A person can not tolerate loud sounds, smells, bright lights, often there is nausea, vomiting. Sometimes vision is clouded, bright spots, lightning, zigzags flash before your eyes. Any movement leads to increased pain, so a person tries to minimize any action. A migraine attack lasts from a few hours to several days. The cause of migraine is a metabolic disorder. The cause may also be a violation of the contractile function of the arteries, the fluctuation of hormones, the consumption of various preservatives and additives. Any form of migraine is a hereditary disease.
  2. Tension headache. This type of cephalalgia is widespread. The person feels a pressing pain, as if on a temples and a forehead a tightening hoop is put on. It can last from an hour to a week. Intensity is not very high, but accompanied by rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness, lack of appetite, sleep. The pain of tension can be episodic and chronic. Episodic is rather weak, its duration is low and it passes by itself. If its duration is more than 15 days per month and the intensity is above the average, then this is already a chronic form. The reasons for this cephalgia are lack of sleep, stress, psycho-emotional and physical stress. It can also occur against a background of depression, anxiety. This cephalalgia is also a hereditary disease.
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  3. Cluster pain. It occurs quite rarely, more often in middle-aged men. In this case, a person experiences severe, severe pain in one half of the head, in one eye and around it. The intervals between bouts are equal. After a while, attacks disappear. This form of cephalalgia can become chronic, with painless periods disappearing, but the pain itself becomes less intense and prolonged. The causes of this form of cephalalgia are unknown. It is assumed that their basis is problems with blood vessels.

There are pains of an inorganic nature. These include:

  • hypothermia cephalgia, for example, when a person eats something cold;
  • physical pain can appear during a strong physical exertion, coughing, sneezing;
  • idiopathic pains are sudden sudden pain that can occur anywhere in the head. The reasons for their occurrence are unknown.

2 Organic nature of the manifestation

Organic, traumatic and post-traumatic pains are classified as follows:

  1. Acute, appearing immediately after trauma. Most often they occur as a result of head injuries, such as concussion, rupture of the vessels after trauma or stroke.
  2. Chronic post-traumatic pain. Appear after a while after the injury. They are stubborn, can last for years, and taking analgesics does not always help.
  3. Pains that result from diseases of the brain and blood vessels.
  4. Cephalgia can occur as a result of solar radiation exposure, reception, alcohol, smoking, and viral infections. Infection-related cephalgia. With colds, flu, sinusitis, meningitis and other viral diseases, there is a slight, aching headache. Sometimes it is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting.
  5. Headache associated with harmful substances. Cefalgia can occur when taking certain medicines. It also appears when inhaling odors of varnishes, paints, and smoke. Cefalgia occurs the next morning after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  6. Headache associated with pressure. With hypertension - a bursting, throbbing pain, under reduced pressure, on the contrary - aching, accompanied by weakness and drowsiness.

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3 Treatment measures

There are many kinds of headaches, each has its own reason.


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However, if the pain is severe, continues for a long time, do not help analgesics - it is better to consult a neurologist.

Why can not I endure a headache? It must be treated by first determining the cause and consulting with a doctor. Doctors do not recommend suffering a headache, especially migraine. With migraine, there is a large load on the vessels of the brain, which can lead to the death of its cells and nerve endings.

If you do not use painkillers, the pain can become chronic, which does not have the best effect on a person's physical condition.

If your head often hurts, do not be patient, it's better to go to a doctor. If you are diagnosed with a "tension headache", you need to change the mode of the day - to sleep more, to be outdoors, to spend less time on your computer and work. After some time of compliance with this regime, the ailment will recede.

Some believe that it's better to endure than take a pill, since medications are harmful to health. In fact, cephalalgia can cause more harm than medicines.

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If the pain is severe, appears regularly, this may be a sign of meningitis or a brain tumor. There can be only one way out - to see a doctor as soon as possible, because recovery of the treatment depends on the time of the treatment started.

Headache is one of the symptoms of cerebral circulation disorders. If dizziness, tinnitus and other signs join it, perhaps a chronic ischemia of the brain begins.

The result of this disease can be the most severe - ranging from sclerosis of the brain and ischemic stroke and ending with senile dementia.

Often, cephalgia can be a symptom of such diseases as:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • various kidney pathologies;
  • cold, flu, SARS;
  • brain tumors;
  • is a disorder of cerebral circulation.

The pain caused by an aneurysm of cerebral vessels, glaucoma, meningitis and other dangerous diseases is very dangerous for a person. If there are even the slightest suspicions of the development of such pathologies, you should not hesitate and immediately seek medical help.

Often, the headache can be caused by fatigue, stress, weather change. One tablet of anesthetic can help. But if it does not become easier and the pain does not subside, it is worth waiting for some time and still go to the doctor to rule out the possibility of more serious complications.

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