Exacerbation of stomach ulcers - symptoms and signs, treatment of the disease, diet and medications

In almost all cases, exacerbation of the stomach ulcer implies hospitalization of the patient. First of all, it makes it possible to conduct professional diagnostic activities and to prescribe the right therapy. It is in a hospital setting that doctors can monitor the patient's condition continuously and react to the slightest deterioration of well-being in a timely manner.

The most common aggravation of ulcers is associated with such factors as:

  • seasonal weather changes, which explains the occurrence of seizures in spring and autumn;
  • unlimited acceptance of prohibited dishes and products;
  • improper self-treatment;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • excessive physical exertion.

All this leads to an aggravation of gastric ulcer, as a result of which a person needs emergency medical care.

Well, if an acute stomach ulcer occurs with pronounced symptoms, which allows you to orient in time and call a doctor. But it happens that the disease progresses without any signs, not manifesting itself in any way to the critical moment. To prevent this, it is necessary to undergo a periodic examination with a gastroenterologist.

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If we talk about the frequency of exacerbations of stomach ulcers, then everything is jealous of the severity of the disease:

  1. The mild form is characterized by aggravation of the situation from one to three times a year. And the pathology quickly enough stops, signs and erosive formations disappear within 7 days.
  2. With moderate severity of the disease, exacerbations may occur at least twice a year. Symptoms are more serious, and often even competent treatment can not cope with the problem for two weeks or more. Inflammatory processes cover almost all gastric tissues, often accompanied by internal bleeding.
  3. Severe form of ulcer causes frequent relapses, symptomatology is pronounced, the patient loses weight. In this case, there is a high probability of bleeding, breakthrough of the walls of the stomach( perforation), the spread of pathology to nearby organs( penetration), and sometimes transformation into cancer.

Acute stomach ulcer with bleeding or perforation is especially dangerous, since without emergency medical intervention it threatens human life. Lethal outcome can occur literally within 2-3 days, therefore, with the slightest suspicion of complications, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

Acute ulcer of the antral part of the stomach affects the mucous membrane, the functions of which are aimed at stimulating the formation of lining cells, which reduce the aggressive effect of gastric juice. In addition, exacerbation is often accompanied by bleeding. By the way, it is in the antrum most often there are cancers, so launching treatment with such localization is extremely dangerous.

What should be the diet for exacerbation of stomach ulcers?

Proper nutrition with exacerbation of stomach ulcers is one of the most important aspects of complex treatment. It is very important to observe the right diet, which is individually developed by the gastroenterologist. In general terms, the patient's diet looks as follows:

  • In the first 2-3 days, liquid soups with a minimum amount of fat, steam dishes from meat or fish( meatballs or cutlets), dried( yesterday's) white bread or soaked breadcrumbs, milk porridges and kissels. Also, to neutralize high acidity, it is recommended to drink milk.
  • Beginning on the 4th day, if there are significant improvements in the patient's condition, it is allowed to take uncrushed meat, fish and viscous cereals. However, from the rich soup, black bread, fried or fatty foods, spices and, of course, alcoholic beverages, we must completely give up.
  • After about a week, when the patient is on the mend, in the menu with exacerbation of stomach ulcers it is already possible to include weak tea, fresh white bread, mashed potatoes and other food permitted by the doctor.

Nutrition with peptic ulcer exacerbation should be fractional. That is, take food in small portions 5-6 times during the day. Such a regime makes it possible to substantially reduce the harmful effect of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane.

In acute gastric ulcer, the diet is observed for at least 3 months. If the process of recovery is normal, the gastroenterologist can enrich the patient's menu with additional food.

Observing the diet for peptic ulcer, it is also necessary to adhere to the temperature regime of the dishes used. The temperature of any food should not exceed 38-40 ° C.If the patient has problems with the teeth, because of what he can not thoroughly chew food, the products must be grinded beforehand.

It should be understood that the diet with exacerbation of the ulcer of the esophagus( stomach) is primarily aimed at activating the regeneration of the wounded mucosa and normalizing the digestive processes. Failure to comply with medical recommendations can not only prolong the recovery, but also make completely ineffective the prescribed therapy.

Ulcer exacerbation - symptoms and signs of complications

The peculiarity of gastric ulcer is that its course is wavy. Exacerbation lasts, as a rule, from 4 to 12 weeks. Symptoms manifest suddenly, and in the overwhelming majority of cases they are expressed in very painful sensations. After appropriate treatment, the disease passes into the stage of remission, and may not appear for several months or even years.

Often the first signs of exacerbation of ulcers become an unpleasant surprise for a person who is not at all suspecting the presence of the disease. After all, according to statistics, in 30% of patients deep tissues of the submucosa are affected without pronounced symptoms. Although certain grounds for alarm are still present almost always. It can be:

  • Belching( but not necessarily it is a sign of an ulcer);
  • Nausea after eating;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Problems with defecation;
  • Heartburn;
  • Bad sleep.

And here with the aggravation of stomach ulcers, the signs acquire more pronounced characteristics. After eating, severe pains occur, and nausea becomes vomiting, after which the patient becomes significantly lighter. That's why some people forcibly provoke the appearance of a reflex. For the same reason, a person begins to lose weight - despite the presence of appetite, the patient, because of fear of pain, tries as little as possible to eat. Also, the symptoms of acute gastric ulcer include constipation, which brings no less pain than pain.

By the way, the localization of pain can tell where the ulcer formed. If nociception occurs on the left side, then, most likely, the pathology has affected the cardinal and subcardial parts of the stomach. When the symptoms of peptic ulcer exacerbation appear to the right, it means that the pyloric department was damaged. Atypical chest pain testifies to the defeat of the upper gastric department.

At the same time, with penetration or perforation, cases of irradiative pain are not uncommon, which does not occur where the pathology was formed. For example, the lower back or between the shoulder blades may hurt, while the very reason for the painful physiological sensations is in a completely different place.

In any case, with the slightest suspicion of problems with the work of the digestive tract, you should immediately consult a doctor, which will help to identify the disease in time and prevent the emergence of critical complications.

What should I do if I have an acute stomach ulcer?

In spite of the fact that there are enough guidelines for getting rid of gastric ulcer exacerbations, only a gastroenterologist should prescribe the treatment. You can not rely solely on your own knowledge of the symptoms, let alone prescribe yourself any medications.

  • First, the symptoms of an ulcer exacerbation are very similar to the symptoms of such diseases as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and even myocardial infarction, so uncontrolled and incorrect medication can be very dangerous.
  • Secondly, in each specific case the treatment regimen and the dosage of these or other drugs are developed individually.
  • Thirdly, only an experienced doctor will be able to choose the appropriate diet, without which any therapy will be ineffective.
  • Fourth, the aggravation of peptic ulcer disease can be caused by such dangerous phenomena as perforation or bleeding, the treatment of which should be carried out exclusively in a hospital.

Treatment for acute gastric ulcer should be carried out in strict accordance with the prescriptions of the doctor. In particular, you can not replace the prescription medications yourself or add new ones. It is also extremely dangerous to exceed this dose, especially when taking painkillers, which, as a rule, have many side effects.

Drug therapy in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease exacerbation is as follows:

  1. Use of antibacterial drugs by which pathogenic Helicobacter pylori bacteria are inhibited. Usually appoint Metronidazole with Amoxicillin or Clarithromycin.
  2. Application of drugs that reduce acidity, thereby speeding up the healing process. Most often it is Ranitidine or Omeprazole.
  3. Appointment of medication enveloping effect, creating a surface of pathological lesion protective film. The most commonly used drugs for aggravation of stomach ulcers are bismuth preparations.

However, it should be understood that the simplest and most effective treatment is the prevention of peptic ulcer exacerbation. It is necessary to adhere to a sparing, but full-fledged diet, if possible to minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages, completely give up smoking, avoid stressful situations and high physical exertion.

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