What is alcoholic epilepsy and how dangerous is it?

1 Causes of the

phenomenon Epileptic seizure in the dependent patient at the initial stage is always provoked by a large amount of alcohol, drunk shortly before the onset of seizures. Without this cause, an attack of alcoholic epilepsy will not occur. As the usual dose increases and the body's resistance to alcohol increases, seizures occur spontaneously and are not directly dependent on the fact of drinking.

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The development of seizures is facilitated by the pathological processes that occur in the brain of a person who does not know how to resolve the habit of applying to the glass for any occasion, or without him, with a determined effort of will. These harmful processes are exacerbated under the influence of various factors, and alcohol intoxication is no longer a prerequisite for the occurrence of epileptic seizures.

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Alcoholic epilepsy is considered a common neurological disease. It is characterized by a person's predisposition to severe seizures and personality disorders. Alcoholic epilepsy poses a serious threat to the well-being of an addicted person, severely undermines his health and worsens the quality of life.

Annually up to 10% of people with alcoholic epilepsy experience prolonged or repeated seizures, between which a person does not regain consciousness. This is called epileptic status, and if seizures are generalized, such a condition is fatal.

Alcoholics usually do not consider themselves to be dependent people, and therefore do not recognize their social problems, disruptions in the work of internal organs and body systems. Alcoholic epilepsy, the treatment of which is successfully performed by prescribing medications and following a diet, becomes that trigger, which directs the patient on the right path, leading him to think about the destructive power of his habit. And indeed, the symptoms of the disease are able to make the inveterate alcoholic think.

2 Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of epilepsy are a seizure that occurs unexpectedly and does not depend on environmental conditions. Simultaneously with the onset of a large seizure, so-called tonic convulsions also develop. They are manifested by tension and stretching of the entire body and limbs, a sharp tilt of the head.

Symptoms of alcoholism have a wide variety of clinical manifestations and can vary. To the standard features of alcoholic epilepsy include the following manifestations of the disease:

  • violation of the respiratory process - the person is holding a breath;
  • strong swelling and protrusion of blood vessels located in the neck;
  • the complexion changes, becomes pale, puffy and cyanotic;
  • cramps reduces the jaws that are compressed under its influence.

The duration of tonic convulsions is about 20-30 seconds, and then the symptoms change. The clinical picture acquires a different character, as convulsions appear. They are manifested by rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles - processes that take place in a short time( about 3-4 minutes).They are accompanied by the appearance of wheezing and strong noise during the movement of air through the respiratory tract.

In the mouth there is an excessive amount of saliva, the tongue sinks back. The episode ends with an abundant discharge of foam from the mouth. Sometimes it contains blood, as a person bites his tongue or cheek when his body cramps. Symptoms go to decline when the final stage of a vast epileptic fit comes. Convulsions occur less and less, muscles gradually relax.


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A person who has experienced an epileptic seizure, loses all ability to respond to external stimuli regardless of their intensity of duration of exposure. At the same time, a visual examination shows that the pupils of the patient are greatly expanded, enlarged in diameter. They do not respond to sunlight. The doctor can determine that the patient does not cause joint, periosteal and tendon reflexes. A frequent companion of the just-completed seizure is the excretion of urine, which a person can not control.

3 The clinical picture and treatment of

Alcoholic epilepsy can be of different types, so depending on the type of seizures are expressed differently - from local disorders of sensitivity such as numbness and tingling to covering the whole body of spasms and convulsions. However, this symptomatology is also observed in other pathologies( heart diseases, panic attacks, respiratory problems), therefore, in the presence of seizures of this type, a person must urgently address( or be delivered) to a neurologist.

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Some epileptics guess about the approach of their attack on the appearance of a so-called aura - an unusual anxiety or a specific unpleasant sensation. There are 2 types of seizures:

  1. Generalized.
  2. Partial.

Generalized seizures cover the entire body, as abnormal electrical activity spreads to a significant part of the brain. They are also 2 types:

  1. Large - cause a person to lose consciousness and fall. First, all muscles contract, and the body rustles( tonic phase).Then the limbs for a while rhythmically twitch( clonic phase), and the person plunges into a deep sleep. After 2-5 minutes he comes to himself and does not remember anything about what happened.
  2. Small - they have a sudden shutdown for 10-30 seconds: a person stops, and then resumes interrupted activities. Alcoholic epilepsy of this type may not even be noticed by others. The fit is indicated by such subtle signs as frequent chewing movements, rhythmic twitching of eyelids or hands.

Partial or focal seizures are caused by abnormal activity of a small area of ​​the brain. From the localization of this zone depends on what part of the body will be affected. However, sometimes the seizure begins in one place, and then spreads to other areas.

Partial seizures are divided into:

  • simple;
  • complex.

In the first case, there is no loss of consciousness: a person has spasms for several minutes, but he does not lose contact with the outside world.

In the second case, the epileptic is turned off for 2-3 minutes. He can peer into space, make meaningless stereotypical movements, make inarticulate sounds, show other signs of confusion, actively resist attempts to bring him to life.

Alcoholic epilepsy is a dangerous condition.

The treatment of epilepsy is aimed at getting rid of a person who suffers from chronic alcoholism, from seizures with minimal side effects, preferably with a single drug.

Usually in the treatment of alcoholic epilepsy anticonvulsants are used, as well as tranquilizers and antidepressants.

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