Physiotherapy( LFK) for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

It is known that strength exercises lead to an increase in pressure inside the duodenum, as a result of which there may be an inverse current of bile and its entry into the pancreatic duct. As a result, the pancreatic ducts become inflamed, and this process can spread to the entire pancreas, acquiring a chronic character. A similar situation can occur even with small loads, if they occur immediately after eating.

At the same time, many specialists recommend specialized therapeutic exercise complexes( LFK) for the treatment and prevention of pancreatitis and cholecystitis. There is no contradiction here, the whole point is that the exercises of physiotherapy exercises should be selected in accordance with the individual characteristics and state of a particular organism, and also be performed exceptionally competently, in severe cases of pancreatitis - under the supervision of a specialist. With this approach, exercise therapy stimulates the pancreas, strengthens blood circulation around the organ, thereby ensuring the supply of nutrients and intensively removing toxins.

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There is no special preventive program for exercise therapy for pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Therapeutic exercise includes breathing exercises, muscle and vertebra massage in the lumbar spine, and exercises that involve the abdominal press. If the disease occurs in a chronic form, you need to be more careful when exacerbating, and immediately stop the exercise or reduce the load when you have severe pain.

In addition, the muscles of the whole body are well used during running, swimming, walking and general physical education. Daily enough 15-30 minute walk in the morning to bring the body into tone. Even during the execution of seemingly banal gymnastics, which includes the tilts and turns of the trunk, the muscles tense, helping to keep the pose and balance. This effort is not enough to pump up the press, but it is enough to stimulate blood circulation. Therefore, it is always possible to choose exercises LFK, which can be performed even at home and without special equipment.

LFK in pancreatitis also includes the performance of some specific exercises. For example, to treat the chronic form of the disease, it is recommended to inflate the stomach in the prone position. Strain muscles to stick out the stomach during exhalation, holding your breath for a few seconds. Also, abdominal breathing is useful, during which the lungs do not practically expand in the upper parts. To watch how the walls of the abdominal cavity rise and fall are also better when lying down.

In LFK, chronic inflammation often also includes therapeutic massage. The muscles of the abdomen, as well as the lumbar spine, are affected. Stimulation of the vertebrae leads to an improvement in the coordination of nerve impulses controlling the activity of the pancreas and other internal organs. Massage also prevents the spread of inflammatory processes to other organs in a chronic disease.

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