Pancreas fibrosis, diffuse fibrous-fat changes( inclusions), symptoms and treatment, what is mild, focal?

A variety of pancreatic diseases of different etiology are included in a group of diseases combined by a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Fibrous pancreatitis is one of them.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by a sluggish current prolonged inflammation, which often leads to diffuse changes in the parenchyma, atrophy of the glandular tissues and their replacement by fibrous( connective) tissue. This pathological process disrupts the basic functions of the pancreas, causing imbalance in many body systems.

The clinical picture of pancreatic fibrosis is a difficult to diagnose, dynamically developing disease, with the destruction of tissue in areas with pathological changes, which in the initial stage is asymptomatic. Therefore, most often diffuse changes in organ tissues with fibrosis areas are diagnosed for the first time on a planned ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Pancreatic fibrosis is a consolidation( scarring) of connective tissue. This process can contribute to both metabolic disorders in the body, and a chronic inflammatory process caused by alcohol, viral and drug intoxication, as well as diseases of the hepato-biliary system.

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In fibrotic pancreatitis on ultrasound, the physician registers diffuse changes in the pancreas, which are manifested in increased echogenicity and tissue density of the organ. It is also not uncommon for the monitor to see a decrease in the size of the organ on the screen, although this does not always happen and depends on the degree of spread of cicatricial changes.

Many patients, reading the protocol of ultrasound, ask the question: "Diffuse changes - is that?".The term diffuse is not a diagnosis, but information for the doctor, indicating that abnormalities spread throughout the parenchyma. Diffuse changes in the ultrasound protocol will tell the doctor that there are no tumors and cysts in the gland. This will allow him to exclude the diagnosis of cystic pancreatitis and pancreatic fibroma.

Fibroma refers to benign tumors formed from connective tissue, and is characterized by slow growth and lack of metastases.

A small fibroma for a long time does not cause any symptoms and does not require treatment. Most often it is detected on ultrasound.

If the size of the tumor is large, then squeezing the organs located in the neighborhood, it causes various symptoms, which largely depend on the location of the fibroid.

  • The main sign of benign pancreatic neoplasm is the pain that occurs in the left or right hypochondrium, the navel and epigastrium.
  • If the tumor is located in the head of the organ, then the clammy bile duct immediately shows symptoms of jaundice.
  • Fibroma, compressing the duodenum, will provoke signs similar to intestinal obstruction: nausea, vomiting and others.

Treatment and diet

Treatment of fibrotic pancreatitis is carried out in a conservative and surgical manner.

Conservative treatment involves the removal of pain and inflammation, the elimination of organ dysfunction, the prevention of relapse, the creation of functional dormancy of the gland with dietary nutrition. Diet in the treatment of pancreatitis takes the leading place.

Operative treatment includes:

  • Tumor excision;
  • Resection of part of the organ( more often the tail), where the tumor is located;
  • Tumor removal( localization in the head) together with the duodenum;

After the operative treatment to restore the patient and further favorable prognosis, the patient must adhere to a healthy lifestyle and dietary nutrition. Doctors in this disease recommend a diet number 5p.

Fibrous-fatty changes in the pancreas

Fibrous-fatty changes in the pancreas are most common in the elderly. Especially those who suffer from diabetes. They have organ tissues partially replaced with adipose tissue. If the patient does not have symptoms of the disease or any other abnormalities, usually doctors do not prescribe any treatment, except for a diet.

Mild pancreas fibrosis may also appear on ultrasound. This condition always speaks of a chronic inflammation in the organ, in which its tissues are evenly replaced by a connective tissue. In this case, the size of the pancreas can be either normal or moderately reduced. But density always increases and echogenicity increases. This condition can occur with acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Focal fibrosis is characterized by the appearance of single foci of pathological changes. It is the initial stage of fibrosis. It is worth noting that this disease can cause diseases such as cholecystitis, inflammation of the biliary tract and hepatic colic. When a disease needs to adhere to a strict diet and completely give up harmful habits: alcohol and smoking. Otherwise, serious health problems may occur.

Fibrous fat changes in the structure of the pancreas may indicate the presence of many diseases. This is why a deeper diagnosis is needed to establish the correct diagnosis. Diffuse changes in the body - this is the conclusion of an ultrasound for a doctor who will prescribe the patient additional diagnostic tests, and then, based on their results, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If there are minor fibrotic inclusions in the pancreas, do not worry much. This diagnosis can talk about malnutrition, persistent stress, or a recently transferred inflammatory disease. But all the same, any pathological process should not be neglected, because in the future it can lead to serious damage to the body.

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