Malignant external otitis is considered very rare, but still the most serious complication of external otitis media. With a disease like malignant otitis externa, people with weakened immunity, elderly people with diabetes mellitus, most often.
Etiology of the disease
Infection of the external ear is provoked by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inflammation can be the result of infection, damage to the bones inside the ear canal, the base of the skull. The spread of pathology is noted in the temporal bone area, while a serious infection is provoked, which is considered very dangerous for life.
Although the disease is called malignant otitis, it has nothing to do with cancer. This pathology is also known in the medical community under the following names:
- necrotizing otitis externa;
- skull base osteomyelitis.
Reasons for
Malignant external otitis occurs due to the spread of infection in the area of the external ear. This form of acute ear complication is rare. The risk group includes people who:
- underwent chemotherapy;
- have AIDS;
- have weakened immunity due to various diseases;
- suffer from diabetes mellitus.
The most common occurrence of inflammation is provoked by pseudomonas. This kind of bacteria is very difficult to treat. The spread of the disease begins at the very bottom of the ear canal and goes to the neighboring tissues, the bones of the base of the skull.
In the picture, malignant external otitis
Symptoms of
The most vivid symptom of the development of the disease is severe ear pain. It is characteristic of it to increase considerably at night. Also the patient begins to worry:
- loss of voice;
- presence of secretions from the ear. They are characterized by a persistent unpleasant odor. The color of this excreted varies from yellow to yellowish-green;
- elevated temperature;
- itching in the region of the ear canal, inside the ear;
- sensation of weakness in the head;
- hearing loss;
- appeared problems with swallowing;
- pain inside the ear, which is markedly increased when performing head movements.
If you notice some of these symptoms, you should visit the ENT.If there are additional symptoms, you should not postpone the trip to the polyclinic for later.
Symptoms and symptoms of external otitis media:
Initially, the doctor examines the ear to make sure that there is / is no external infection. To ensure the integrity of the cranial nerves, the expert conducts an examination of the nervous system.
Clinical picture
The clinic of the examined pathology is represented by long, intense pains inside the ears. Otorrhoea( discharge) + strong unpleasant odor, hearing loss, paralysis of the facial nerve. At visual inspection the doctor can find out a swelling of the ear, area behind this body.
Required research and analysis
To diagnose signs of infection of bones located near the ear canal, the following methods are used:
- MRI of the head;
- radionuclide scanning;
- CT of the head.
If a patient has a fluid flowing out of the ear, she is sent to the laboratory for batching. This material is examined for the presence of bacteria, fungi.
You may also need a general blood test, which is taken on an empty stomach with a finger. This analysis makes it possible to detect leukocytosis, increase of ESR.
To ensure that the symptoms of the patient's symptoms are not caused by cancer, the doctor prescribes a biopsy. For the study, a small amount of tissue is taken.
Treatment of malignant external otitis
Therapy of the pathology in question should be carried out in a complex manner. Treatment of this pathology may take several months, because the infectious lesion has penetrated deeply into the bone tissue.
Preparations for the treatment of malignant otitis
The patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy. Drugs are usually administered intravenously. In addition to antibiotic therapy, the patient needs anti-inflammatory therapy. The doctor can prescribe such complex preparations:
- "Sofraks".
- "Garazon".
Is it possible to cure people's methods
Traditional medicine can greatly alleviate the condition of the patient. It promotes the promptest elimination of an infection, but before conducting it it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Yet at an early age, doctors do not recommend relying solely on methods from traditional medicine. This can cause various complications.
Consider among popular means the most popular:
- Compresses from aloe juice. A cotton wool soaked with this juice must be kept inside the ear all night.
- Washing of the ear with tincture of St. John's wort. To prepare the product you need a spoonful of this herb, a glass of water. We brew these ingredients, we insist for an hour, we filter everything, the preparation is ready for use. It is recommended to wash it twice a day. Ointment from garlic, sunflower oil. For its preparation we take in the same proportion both ingredients. Garlic crushed in gruel, mixed with butter, let us brew for a day. This mass should be lubricated by the ear canal twice a day.
- A sheet of geranium. From this leaflet we make a lump, place it inside the ear, walk with it 2 - 3 hours.
- Propolis tincture. It should be diluted with water( 1: 2).We make turunas with cotton wool, we moisten them with the resulting solution, put it inside the ear, we stand there for an hour, then take it out. This procedure must be performed twice a day.
How to treat external otitis without complications and consequences in our video:
With timely started correct treatment, a cure for this pathology is possible. But nevertheless there is a probability of a relapse of the given pathology in the future. The most severe cases of malignant external otitis media are deadly.