Chronic mesotympanitis: ICD classification, phases, types, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

One of the diseases leading to hearing loss is mesotympanitis. Usually, treatment is carried out immediately to solve several problems, so with a competent approach it is possible to eliminate the consequences that arose due to an exacerbation.

Mesotympanum by ICD

This is a chronic form of otitis media of the middle ear, affected by the mucosa of the tympanum. Sometimes the bone tissue is affected in part. According to the ICD-10, the disease was given the code H66.1: chronic tubotympathetic disease.

Causes of

In 80% of cases, the disease develops due to staphylococcal, streptococcal, stable to most known antibiotics. Mesotimpanite in rare cases appears due to fungi.

This phenomenon is observed with a decrease in immunity. More serious lesions can develop with diphtheria and scarlet fever.

Infection penetrates into the middle ear through the auditory tube. The prerequisite are:

  • catarrhal diseases,
  • diseases of air sinuses and nasopharynx,
  • of the upper respiratory tract.
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Congestive events lead to worsening of the patient's condition. These same circumstances often cause an exacerbation of the chronic form. In this case, doctors say that getting water, hypothermia increases the risk of developing the disease.

The photo shows the difference between a healthy and a sick ear

Symptoms, diagnostic methods

Usually severe pain symptoms are absent. Patients with periodic or persistent suppuration, hearing loss often come to the reception. In rare cases, there is a noise in the ear, dizziness.

If the disease occurs with the formation of polyps and granulations, the discharge is purulent with an admixture of blood. The detachable itself has no smell, its volume varies.

To attributes include:

  • mucositis,
  • cyst formation,
  • epithelial thickening,
  • auditory ossicle,
  • scar appearance.

The rupture of the tympanic membrane occurs centrally. Sometimes it is so big that the doctor discovers only its edges.

Research methods include otoscopic examination, which allows one to identify the symptoms described above. In addition, an x-ray of the temporal bones is prescribed. This method allows an evaluation of the cellular system of the mastoid process.

How the tympanic septum looks when mesotimping

In adults

Rumor can be lowered to varying degrees. Some hear a whisper a few centimeters away, others have such a speech at a far distance. It depends on how much the mucous membrane is affected, and also on the amount of pus. At high atmospheric pressure, patients feel much better.

Signs in a child

The disease occurs in 1.4-6.9% of cases in school-age children among all forms of otitis media. The main complaint is a noise in the ears. Impairment of hearing can be unstable. With an exacerbation, hearing improvement is possible. This is due to the screening of the round window.

Over time, the toxic effect of inflammation products leads to a worsening of the course. Children have a violation of drainage, ventilation function. Especially against the background of the development of infections in the nasopharynx. In addition, there is a change in the tympanic ear of the auditory tube.


Mesotimpanit, like many other ailments, has several forms:

  • acute,
  • chronic.

With proper treatment, a remission occurs. During this period there is a restoration of hearing, the tympanic membrane is gradually regenerated.


Pus appears, the eardrum breaks. This phase can also appear with prolonged remission under the influence of adverse factors.

With the flow this form resembles acute otitis media. With an exacerbation of pus becomes much, the temperature rises, patients complain of pain in the corresponding half of the head.


Flows without any symptoms. Often a person does not know that he has changes. The remaining hole in the eardrum worsens the hearing by about 20-30 dB.

Mucous discharge from the ear continues for years, without causing concern to the patient, without leading to serious consequences. Periodically, suppuration ceases, but with a decrease in immunity is resumed.

How to treat?

Treatment in acute and chronic form is long. Both conservative and surgical methods are used. Regardless of the tactics chosen, procedures are mandatory, and preparations that increase the resistance of the organism are prescribed. This hardening, biostimulants, various adaptogens.

Treatment sometimes takes place in a hospital. Indications for hospitalization are abscesses of the brain, meningitis, facial nerve paresis and other complications.


A careful ear toilet is performed. For this, a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or ciprofloxacin is taken. In addition, antibiotics, as well as ear drops containing rifamycin, norfloxacin or ciprofloxacin are prescribed.

Drug treatment is directed to the elimination of suppuration before the dry perforation. If the week does not go away, an operation is required.

Alternative methods

Sometimes 3% hydrogen peroxide is prescribed for ear washing. To do this, order in the left or right ear for 5-7 drops, and after 10 minutes, dry it. If the discharge from the ear is very thick, chymotrypsin is prescribed. It is buried in the ear, and after 15 minutes it is cleaned.

Hydrocortisone is used to relieve inflammation. It also helps to remove swelling. After antiseptics are prescribed:

  • collargol or protargol,
  • boric acid,
  • resorcinol alcohol,
  • sulfacyl sodium and others.

They are instilled in 4-6 drops in the ear after hygienic procedures three times a day. After 5-10 minutes, the ear is dried.

With folk remedies

Mesotympanum is cured using honey, mummies, milk and butter. The mummy is added to the preheated oil. The resulting mixture is instilled in the ear one drop twice a day.

Simultaneously, a beverage is prepared for ingestion. This will require milk, honey and mummies. All this is mixed and drunk one glass each day. This approach will help stop the suppuration and cope with the pain.

Chronic form is helped by a loaf of camphor alcohol. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, bitches and one small spoon of flax oil.

Compressed paper is put on the product. Then the cake is applied to the ear and wrapped in a woolen scarf.

The method helps to relieve pain before bed, but is not recommended for use with a large amount of pus.

Helps the juice of elderberry as an antiseptic, bay leaf infusion, onion. However, people's methods can only be used after receiving a doctor's consultation.

What can and can not be

  1. If the disease has led to a large perforation of the tympanic membrane, hydrogen peroxide and Combine in your ears can not be digested.
  2. When selecting antibiotics, you should always consult a doctor, since the number of otomycosis increases several times over.
  3. However, to facilitate the treatment procedure, you can easily use a variety of aerosol formulations.

What is tympanoplasty and how it is carried out, see in our video:


Prognosis for correct treatment is favorable, but if the effect is prescribed late, the epithelium grows out, then the hearing can remain at a constant level or even worsen. Suppuration can lead to necrotic processes and caries of bone tissue.

To increase the chances of a favorable outcome, it is necessary to warn in a timely manner the occurrence of exacerbations. For this, diseases of the nasopharynx, adenoids and other defects are cured.

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