Artichoke for the liver

Artichoke is a plant that is inherently a weed, in cooking it is usually used as a vegetable, and it has many useful properties. Including artichoke for the liver is useful, it is worthwhile to consider in more detail its useful properties for this body, how to prepare it correctly, in what form to use.

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Artichoke is a fairly common plant, it can be found on the territory of the NorthAmerica, in a number of European countries. It is unpretentious, artichokes do not need special conditions for full-fledged growth. In this case, the fruit of the plant is extremely useful for the human body.

Artichokes are useful in food not only for various diseases, they are sometimes included in the diet for the prevention of various pathologies, if there is such an opportunity. For medicinal purposes, leaves and roots of the plant are also used, on their basis, various preparations of folk medicine can be prepared: decoctions and infusions.

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Useful properties of artichoke allow it to be used to restore normal liver function, to prevent various pathologies that are associated with this organ. Through the liver constantly passes a lot of harmful substances, especially with the constant use of fatty, harmful food, alcohol abuse. Therefore, in this case, it is advisable to include in the diet food that positively affects the liver.

In addition, artichoke is able to help with diabetes. This plant contains a very small number of calories, so it can safely be included in the diet with this endocrine pathology.

Benefits for the liver

The vegetable contains a huge amount of various useful substances that positively affect the body as a whole. In artichokes high content of flavonoids, vitamins of different groups, substances that favorably affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

This vegetable helps to normalize the digestive system. It helps to remove bloating, to fight diarrhea and other similar disorders. When using artichoke on a regular basis, the normal functioning of the digestive tract is ensured.

For the liver, artichoke is also extremely useful. The substances contained in this product protect the cells of the organ, help it to function normally. They contribute to the restoration of damaged liver cells, increase the production of bile in small amounts. All this leads to the restoration of normal operation of the liver and gallbladder, pancreas, the whole body as a whole.

Important! The only contraindication to the use of artichokes is individual intolerance and severe diseases of the digestive tract.

Drugs with artichoke for liver

You do not have to eat a vegetable if you do not like its taste. On the basis of this plant, there are many different herbal preparations to restore liver function. It is advisable to begin their reception exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, especially if any diseases of the digestive tract are already present.

Artichoke capsules and other preparations based on this plant can be completely different, especially the following natural products:

  • Hofitol;
  • Artichoke extract;
  • Cynacholine and other similar agents.

One of the most powerful hepatoprotectors on a plant basis is a medicine for the liver on milk thistle, artichoke, dandelion, a combination of extracts of these plants. Similar preparations in the form of tablets are produced by various manufacturers, and this combination is indeed the most effective for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases.

How and how much to take similar drugs depends solely on individual indicators, the features of the course of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually the course can last from several weeks to several months. The main thing is to follow the instructions for the application to the selected medicines, it is worth remembering that despite the vegetative basis, if they are not properly taken, they can do harm.

In this case, cleaning the liver with artichoke is a fairly mild method of treatment and prevention of diseases of this body. It is worth remembering that in severe pathologies, full-fledged medicines and constant monitoring of the doctor are needed to cope with the disease. Bypassing one means on a plant basis is no longer so easy.

Important! Before starting treatment with artichoke medications, it is necessary to go through the digestive tract examination to make sure that the treatment is right.

How to cook?

It is not necessary to take medications, for prevention and treatment, you can also simply have artichoke as a vegetable or prepare folk medicine on its basis. Pay attention to the following recipes, they are most effective for various liver pathologies:

  1. Juice. Juice is usually prepared from the leaves of a given plant, to make it, you need to take fresh leaves, grind them, squeeze them through gauze in suitable utensils. The juice of this plant should be taken two tablespoons each day, the course of treatment lasts two weeks. In this case, a little honey can be added to the liquid to improve taste.
  2. Decoction. It is necessary to take up to forty grams of artichoke inflorescences, pour a liter of water, boil five minutes on low heat. Then the resulting broth should be infused for an hour, then drain, cool. Ready liquid is taken one glass before each meal, usually three times a day.
  3. Infusion. It is necessary to take fifty grams of leaves or flowers, pour half a liter of boiling water, then insist for two hours without heating in addition. Take this infusion of three tablespoons three times a day, preferably before eating.

Artichoke fruits are also useful. With them you can do almost anything. They are baked, boiled, added to soups and other dishes. To prevent pathology of the digestive tract, it is better to simply consume artichoke fruits as a dish.

In addition, it is worth remembering that this product is low-calorie, so it is suitable for making dietary dishes. The best artichoke is combined with meat products, seafood. It is worth remembering that the diet should be balanced in general. In case of serious illnesses, one should not resort to such popular methods of treatment, they can be used only as a supplement to the basic, medical treatment.

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