A diet with superficial gastritis of the stomach, a nutrition menu, what can you eat?

In any disease found in the digestive tract, a diet is mandatory for the patient. And superficial gastritis, despite the fact that it is considered to be an easy enough option for this complex disease, is not an exception to this list.

Diet with it is not only a special food that facilitates the work of the inflamed stomach, but the most important treatment, thanks to which the intake of prescribed medications becomes the most effective. With strict adherence to it, the digestion process is completely normalized.

What is the menu for superficial gastritis?

The need for a diet is that a stage of the disease, such as superficial( initial) gastritis, can be treated much better than all other forms of this disease. Its use stabilizes the digestive tract as a whole and prevents the occurrence of further relapses.

Its main task is to prevent the exacerbation of the disease by eating such foods that will not irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach. To the recommended medics for adherence to the diet products with superficial gastritis include the following:

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  • Different cereal products;
  • Almost all vegetables and fruits;
  • Low-fat, dietary, varieties of meat and fish;
  • Macaroni;
  • Dairy and sour-milk, having low acidity, products;
  • Marmalade, pastilles, biscuits that do not have additives.

And it should be borne in mind that the diet prescribed for superficial gastritis should be adhered to rigorously, otherwise it will not benefit. Any deviation from recommended dietary rules will significantly delay the time for full recovery.

But, since it is one of the ways of treatment with this disease, all appointments should be done only by the gastroenterologist, because the superficial gastritis can have not only increased, but also a decreased acidity. And this implies the consumption of completely different foods. But the rules that must be observed for any form of this disease are identical:

  • The food should be fractional, at least 6 times a day, and in very small portions. The time of eating should be the same. This is done in order not to force the stomach to work in a strengthened mode;
  • There should be a slow, not swallowing untreated pieces and in a calm environment;
  • Food should be warm, because too hot or cold foods can bring an inflamed mucosa additional irritation;
  • The morning of a person who has a superficial gastritis and a special diet is prescribed, must begin with a mandatory cereal, cooked on water or skim milk. It is good to add honey to it;
  • When a diet is necessary and mineral water, corresponding to the level of gastric acidity of the patient with a superficial gastritis. The quantity of it must be at least 8 glasses, the first of which must be drunk before breakfast. This "launches" the stomach.

In the menu for superficial gastritis, it is necessary to include foods that contain large amounts of protein: tofu or soy milk containing vegetable protein, low-fat meat, eggs, dairy products.

What is forbidden to eat with superficial gastritis?

Diet in this form of the disease involves a ban on certain foods. From the patient's menu, both alcoholic and sweet fizzy drinks are completely excluded. The prohibited products include the following:

  • All marinades and spices, fatty, salty, spicy foods and smoked products;
  • Fresh, or prepared from rye flour bread, any baked goods( baking);
  • Preserves, salted and fresh mushrooms, sauerkraut;
  • From vegetables, a diet with superficial gastritis of the stomach prohibits the use of the following: cabbage, onions, spinach, radish and sorrel;
  • It is not advisable to eat fats, sauces, vinegar, horseradish and mustard;
  • Acute and salty cheeses, chocolate, unripe fruits and citrus fruits should be excluded from the diet.

Do not forget that a diet with superficial gastritis provides for light food, which allows the main digestive organ to work without tension.

Menu with superficial gastritis of stomach

If a person starts to think more and more often about such a question as "What is with superficial gastritis?", Then he began to feel the first signs of the occurring disorders in the digestive system. Among them, the most common are the following: paroxysmal pain at the time of food intake or before it, discomfort, nausea, frequent heartburn and belching.

For all these symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor, and completely change your diet and pick up a suitable dietary menu. It is quite easy to compose it. The main condition will be to not heavily load the main digestive organ and let it work in a calm mode.

For this, it is necessary to use in the diet those dietary products that are digested quickly enough. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of salt to a minimum, and spices and seasonings, especially those containing various stabilizers and flavoring, should be completely forgotten.

With a superficial gastritis, the diet provides for a 6-time meal, which must include a 2nd breakfast( lunch) and a mid-morning snack, as well as kefir with low acidity, fermented baked milk or yogurt for the night. The main thing is that all food has a liquid or sufficiently small consistency for rapid digestion.

Of the dishes that are usually prepared for people suffering from superficial gastritis, porridge prepared on water or skim milk, light soups having a mucous or puree consistency, well-cooked and wiped vegetables, low-fat meat and fish are preferable.

The list of allowed products is quite large, which makes it possible to compose a superficial and delicious diet menu with superficial gastritis, which will help to get rid of this disease in the shortest time, and also to prevent further relapses.

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