Thickening of the pancreatic wall

Often changes can occur in the human body, which he does not feel like painful pathologies, and often learns about them almost by accident, usually during an ultrasound. One such deviation is the thickening of the pancreatic wall, which in itself is not a pathological condition, but is an indication that this body is not all right.

What are the reasons why a patient can have a thickening of the pancreatic wall? Most often, the factor of such deviation from the norm is one, but, depending on specific indicators, it can be expressed in different degrees. Thus, the edema of pancreatic tissue revealed in the ultrasound study, the decrease of the tissues between this organ and the splenic vein, even in the absence of it, plus its thickening observed in the anteroposterior direction, all this indicates that the patient has acute pancreatitis. However, in this case the disease is unlikely to be asymptomatic - most likely, pain in the pancreas and will be the reason for the patient's treatment in a medical institution.

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If the thickening is localized mostly in the area of ​​the walls of its ducts, moreover, ultrasound is marked by uneven expansion - most likely in the presence of chronic pancreatitis. Additional data for its diagnosis can serve as calcifications that occur in the Wirsung duct.

In the case when ultrasound, along with a thickening of the pancreas, reveals foci of acute inflammation, as well as a heterogeneous internal structure of the organ - the doctor can diagnose a relapsing pancreatitis. To do this, the patient's medical history is studied, in order to establish the presence of pancreatitis in the patient's history, and to identify factors that could trigger a relapse. In addition, such signs are possible in the absence of treatment for pancreatitis, resulting in the disease gradually turning into a necrotic stage, when therapy is unlikely to be effective.

Thus, thickening of the walls of this organ is a direct indication for a complete examination of the patient, but in itself a diagnosis is not, therefore, treatment does not require. However, without a doubt, this is an important reason for receiving medical care.

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