LFK in scoliosis in children

Scoliosis is a fairly common disease that affects children of all ages. According to statistics, almost half of them have this problem with their backs. The curvature of the spine is well treated, since the bones are not yet fully formed. Unfortunately, parents turn to the doctor when the ailment is already visible to the naked eye. Even in this condition, a beautiful posture can be restored. This article will talk about the causes, symptoms, and how effective is exercise therapy for scoliosis in children.

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What is scoliosis and the firstsymptoms

Scoliosis - pathological curvature of the spine. Its bend can be directed in any direction. If you do not engage in treatment, the disease will develop even more, and the spine will simply curl. Negligent attitude to such a disease leads to internal squeezing of vessels and neighboring organs. There is a cardiovascular and nervous system, respiratory organs, urinary system.

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Pediatric orthopedists, the problem of curvature of the spine, put on the first place, among other diseases of its profile. Pathology appears because of rapid growth, so parents should be especially attentive in the 6-7 year old age, and also 11-14.

At the first stages of the disease, children do not make any complaints, however, their posture changes, and over time additional complications appear:

  • asymmetry of the back;
  • the head is lowered down;
  • shoulders are brought together;
  • has back pain, shortness of breath;
  • pain in the heart, tachycardia;
  • fetters the motion;
  • the child becomes distracted;
  • comes with fast fatigue;
  • hampered walking, lost balance.

Important! Curvature of the spine is not only a physical pathology, but also a cosmetic defect. The child will feel like a "black sheep", which will cause isolation, as well as many other psychological disorders. Parents need to respond in a timely manner to this problem and make every effort to solve it.

Reasons for curvature of the spine in children

Orthopedists believe that scoliosis in children appears due to the incorrect posture in which the child is sitting for a long time. At this time, the spine and muscles feel an uneven load, which greatly weakens and tires them. Over time, the bones get used to this position, and pathology begins to develop.

There are several types of scoliosis that affect different parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic and lumbar. They are all united by several reasons:

  • congenital defect or acquired trauma;
  • rickets, rheumatism, cerebral palsy;
  • incorrect posture;
  • uneven distribution of the load on the back;
  • regular carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder, usually the right side is subject to curvature;
  • shortening of one of the lower limbs;
  • appearance of a tumor;
  • disorders of body position due to any diseases( myopia, flat feet);
  • poor-quality food.

Obviously, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of scoliosis, so it is important for parents to do their best to protect the child from curving the spine.

Treatment of pediatric scoliosis

At the first suspicions of scoliosis, it is important for parents to show the child to the orthopedist. The doctor will examine the back, establish the degree of the disease and prescribe the treatment. Doctors prescribe effective procedures that will help restore posture and strengthen muscles:

  • massage;
  • wearing special fixing corset;
  • LFK( therapeutic physical culture);
  • various procedures for increasing muscle tone.

All these treatments will be beneficial only if the parents and the child take the doctor's recommendations seriously and will perform the exercises.

The main goals of exercise therapy and the rules of application

Physiotherapy is an effective way to combat acquired scoliosis in the early stages. All exercises are aimed at achieving five main goals:

  • to restore balance between ligaments and muscles;
  • to reduce excessive load on the spinal column;
  • to return a beautiful posture;
  • make a strong muscular corset;
  • maintain the general condition of the body.

LFK, like many other options for therapy, implies compliance with certain rules. They will help to get an excellent result from the procedure and avoid injury. Below are the simple rules that every person who decides to engage in treatment should know.

  1. Before doing it, it's important to do a little workout to prepare the muscles and ligaments for work.
  2. The entire set of exercises must be performed slowly, without making sudden movements.
  3. It is important to exclude heavy physical activity, so barbells and dumbbells are excluded from training.
  4. exercise is carried out only according to the doctor's prescription, he knows the state of the back and picks up only the necessary restoring exercises.

LFK in scoliosis in children: a set of exercises

The exercise complex for exercise therapy is divided into three parts: warm-up, basic and conclusion. Below are suggested basic exercises aimed at restoring posture and will not allow a person to get injured.

Warm up

Each exercise is important to perform 5-10 times.

  1. Pull against the wall, so that the buttocks, legs and heels fully touch it, so the person gives the spine the right shape. After that, you need to walk, keeping your back flat.
  2. Take the starting position, the body is even, the arms are at the seams, the legs are shoulder-width apart. Do squats, putting your hands forward, the back should be flat. Exercise should be done slowly, squat need to inhale, and exhale when exhaled.
  3. Feet should be placed at shoulder level. At the expense of "1" you need to take a deep breath and raise your hands up, "2" will be pulled and "3" should be exhaled, while lowering your hands. The back should be flat.
  4. Standing it is necessary to lift one leg, bending it in the knee, and hold it. After that, too, it is necessary to repeat with the second leg.

Basic exercises of

All exercises need to be done 5-10 times, for 30 seconds.

  1. You need to lie on your back and raise your legs and perform a "scissors" exercise. It is important to make 4 approaches.
  2. The person is on all fours, without straightening, sits on the heels, and palms rests against the floor. With the help of the hands movements are made in different directions. You need to do everything slowly.
  3. Stand on all fours, the limbs should be at shoulder level. Perform the deflections of the back, then downwards.
  4. Stand up, hands are at the seams. Blades should be brought together and held for about 5 seconds, and then take the original position.
  5. Stand on all fours. At the same time, it is necessary to extend the right arm, and back the left leg. In the position it is necessary to fix for a few seconds. Then change the position.
  6. Lie on your back, put your hands in different directions, legs bend and press against each other. The head should be turned to the right, and the knees to the left. Hold the position of the body, a few seconds, then repeat the exercises I use the opposite side.

Final Exercises

All exercises must be performed 5-10 times, for 30 seconds.

  1. You need to sit on the floor, take your hands at the legs, bent at the knees. In this position, it is necessary to lie on the floor, and start making rides from the neck to the tailbone.
  2. It is necessary to become even, behind the back, firmly fasten your hands to the lock. In this position it is necessary to be like the heels.
  3. Hands lift up and resemble a socks.
  4. Walking is performed in one place, it is important to raise your hips higher.
  5. After training, it is important to relax and regain your breath.

After completing the exercises, it's important to rest for 15 minutes. The result of exercise therapy directly depends on the regularity and quality of performance. Be healthy!

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