Sulfur in the ears of the child: where does it come from, why is it formed, how to remove

There is sulfur in the ears of every person. Its number may be less than average or more. Different factors influence this. According to the state of secret, one can judge about the peculiarities of the organism's functioning, about the quality of rumors and the functioning of various glands.

Sulfur in the ears: composition and function, the amount of

Earwax is a yellow-brown viscous secret that forms in the external auditory canals.

It is produced not only in humans, but also in some species of animals( cats, dogs).Sulfur has several functions:

  • Cleansing. With its help, particles of dirt and dust do not get deep into the ear, but come out.
  • Lubricating. This natural lubricant positively affects the skin of the ear canal, protects it from drying out.
  • Protective. Grease prevents the ingress of fungi, viruses, bacteria into the ear.

It contains proteins, fats, mineral salts, fatty acids. The acidity of the composition in the absence of ear diseases is 5. Therefore, it is impossible to reproduce in bacteria in bacteria or other pathogenic microflora. Additionally, immunoglobulins and lysozyme participate in this.

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Why do we need earwax, see in our video:

Hyper secretion: causes and consequences

Hyper secretion is the increased work of sulfur glands, which leads to the formation of sulfur plug. Different people have different ear waxes. This is due more to genetic causes. But sometimes hypersecretion is connected:

  • with the person in a dusty room;
  • with presence in the ear of the foreign body;
  • with frequent use of the headset of the phone, hearing aid;
  • with the use of cotton buds or sprays with a strong jet.

The amount of secreted secret depends on age. Most plugs are found in the elderly. This is due to increased production of sulfur, an increase in the number of hairs and slowing down the process of removing sulfur.

Consequences of excess sulfur are different:

  • hearing loss,
  • discomfort in the ear,
  • congestion,
  • development of otitis externa,
  • dizziness.

In most cases, the correct cleaning and disposal of sulfuric plugs helps to cope with the consequences.

In the photo abundant discharge of sulfur from the ear

Insufficient allocation of

If the amount of sulfur is small, it can lead to various unpleasant consequences and serious illnesses of the ears. Common causes of the pathology are:

  • Features of the body. A small amount of sulfur can be associated with congenital anomalies.
  • No proper hygiene. When using earwax, sulfur glands cease to function normally.
  • Injuries of an industrial or domestic nature.
  • Development of otosclerosis.
  • The appearance of a tumor. There is a change in the structure of the cells.
  • Harmful habits. Smoking and frequent use of alcohol-containing beverages adversely affect the work of the glands.

Insufficient amount of sulfur requires medication and physiotherapy. Sometimes doctors are sent for diagnosis, since such a pathology can be associated with an ear fungus or a staphylococcal infection. In rare cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

Changing the color and consistency of

Sometimes the color and other parameters of the ear secret change. In most cases this is a sign of a beginning illness. If a darkening of the sulfur is detected, this may be due to disturbances in blood vessels. With special care you need to treat the problem, if there is also nosebleeds.

Milky yellow color is a sign of purulent diseases. This possibility increases if white clots appear separately. In addition, the doctor will detect inflammation of the lymph nodes, elevated body temperature. This pathology is treated with antibiotics.

Black sulfur is a sign of the presence of secret blood clots. If you have found once such a symptom, it can talk about the ingress of black dust. No separate measures will be needed. Another cause may be otomycosis. In this case, the secret of the fungus is colored black. In addition, there is itching.

Sometimes a decrease in viscosity is noted. This indicates an inflammatory process or an ear trauma. The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Dry sulfur is a sign of dermatitis. Treatment usually includes special meals.

What is the change in the color of sulfur, see in our video:

Unpleasant odor

Unpleasant odor signals the development of an infectious disease. Sometimes the cause is hormonal restructuring. But in this case, the smell is barely perceptible. Often the cause is:

  • pharyngitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • chronic rhinitis,
  • secondary infections.

The appearance of putrefactive smell always symbolizes the presence of purulent inflammation. In this case, in addition, there are headaches, noises in the ears, puffiness and hearing loss.

If you do not find the cause, do not cure the disease, then you can face a persistent decrease in hearing, the development of purulent processes affecting the entire nasopharynx.

Care for the ears

The main rule is to prevent foreign objects from entering the ears. Excessive intrusion into the hearing organ can lead to serious problems. One of the most serious injuries is the rupture of the tympanic membrane. Proper care includes:

  1. Accurate washing of the auricle with warm water.
  2. Removal of sulfur only from the outer ear.
  3. Failure of cotton wool to clean.
  4. Regular visit to the office of the otolaryngologist.
  5. Rare use of headphones when listening to music.

How to properly clean the ears:


Otolaryngologists recommend strengthening immunity, but in the cold season wear a warm hat. This should be done not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of various physical ailments. If you have pain, immediately consult a doctor.

To prevent the development of ear diseases, it is recommended to conduct timely treatment of co-morbidities, to avoid hypothermia and to wipe your ears well after bathing.

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