Types of Kalanchoe: photo with names

Kalanchoe refers to quite unpretentious plants that can be found in many apartments. The flower not only decorates the interior of any room, but also is very useful for some diseases. Recipes based on this plant are used to treat problems such as skin diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, runny nose, food poisoning and more.

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You can see the types of Kalanchoe and their photos with names in the article. Many of them look like cacti, but they are very attractive during flowering. The flower will not only be a wonderful decoration for every window sill, but, if necessary, play the role of a home doctor.

Useful properties and composition of

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The healing properties of Kalanchoe can not be left without attention in folk medicine. Extremely rich biochemical composition makes this plant indispensable in many diseases. It includes elements such as zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus. In the leaves of the flower a huge amount of vitamins, organic acids, enzymes and many other useful substances.

Use a home doctor for the following problems:

  • various colds;
  • wounds and burns to the skin;
  • boils, purulent rashes, subcutaneous pimples;
  • with ulcers and gastritis;
  • treatment of cervical erosion.

This is only an exemplary description of the problems that an inconspicuous domestic dweller helps to cope with. In addition, care at home for the plant is quite simple. The flower does not require much attention. It is enough to provide him with a suitable temperature, lighting and timely watering, and you can always take the help of a home doctor.

Important! Kalanchoe is considered to be a natural antibiotic that does not harm the body. In addition, the juice of the plant is indispensable in diseases of fungal and infectious nature.

Species - photos of plants

Varieties of plants are very diverse. To date, more than two hundred representatives of this group are known. Some of them can be about two meters in height, while others are quite small, not more than 10-15 cm. The native land of the plant is tropical regions, such as Africa, Australia. In Europe, the flower is grown mainly in the form of ornamental plants. In order to better understand what the Kalanchoe's therapeutic looks like, its main species should be examined in more detail.


Kalanchoe degresson, also called Kalanchoe viviparous, is the most common in our locality. What does a flower look like? Externally, the plant can reach up to half a meter in height. Leaves have oblong pointed form. Color is usually monophonic, but sometimes streaks and spots of a brownish or purple hue can be observed on the leaves. Blossoms this species with large inflorescences of violet or pink.

Among the properties worth noting its hemostatic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effects. This type of flower is an excellent remedy for long-term non-healing and purulent wounds.

Important! Often in everyday life this plant is called calanchoe sneezing. Such an interesting name for the flower was due to the ability of its juice to cause sneezing. This property is used for colds to cleanse the nose of mucus.


Kalanchoe bryophyllum, another name of Kalanchoe pinnate has the most pronounced therapeutic properties among many other representatives of its species. Among its useful properties are the following:

  • wound healing;
  • treatment of various oral diseases( stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, periodontitis);
  • use in gynecological practice( treatment of cervical erosion);
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a variety of colds.

Externally the plant has oval leaves, with a solid base at the root. At the edges of the leaves are dentate. The flower of the calanchoe is usually large, usually pink or greenish.


Kalanchoe Kalandiva is another unpretentious species of the Tolstoy family. Its other name is Kalanchoe Mix. The height of the flower is usually not more than 30-40 cm in height. Leaves are dense, dark green in color. Kalanchoe blooming as if covered by a cap of white or pink small inflorescences.

This kind of plant is often used to treat the common cold, used to rinse with many diseases of the mouth, the plant can be used for skin ailments. The juice of the plant perfectly copes with fungal and infectious lesions of the dermis.


Another very common species is Kalanchoe blossfelda. This decorative Kalanchoe will not leave indifferent any mistress. The leaves of the flower are oval, rather firm. During flowering the plant delivers a real aesthetic pleasure. Shades of colors can be very diverse. They cover the leaves with a tender ball, which become not visible under the scattering of flowers.

In addition to external beauty, this kind of plant is curative from the common cold, colds, skin diseases. It is used as an antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory drug.


Very similar to the Blossfeld of the Kalanchoe mangina. The difference is the larger size of the colors of the mangina. The hue of the inflorescence may be pink, red or orange. Among the properties of the plant can be identified such:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • is an antifungal;
  • wound-healing;
  • hemostatic.

In the practice of folk treatment, both juice and plant leaves are used. In addition, the flower is a wonderful decoration of any apartment and house.

Important! Useful properties of plants are used not only in folk medicine. In the 90s, official medicine introduced juice and ointments based on this flower into the state register of medicines.

Tubular color

Another species is the Kalanchoe tubular. A flower is a perennial plant that can reach a height of more than 60 cm. The leaves of this semishrub are long, grayish or green in color. The hue of the inflorescence of Kalanchoe is red, pink or orange. Often mistresses decorate this plant with gardens and household plots. Often in the people it is called Kalanchoe garden or Kalanchoe street( see photo).

In folk medicine this species is used less often, most often it serves as a decoration, delivering aesthetic pleasure.


Kalanchoe felt is a low-growth plant with oval fleshy leaves. The tips of the leaves have burgundy patches, they are as if burned at the edges. Among the useful properties should be noted antiseptic, disinfecting, wound-healing effect.

Other types of

Kalanchoe medicinal has a huge number of species. They should also include such plants as Kalanchoe deer horns, lacinates and many others.

Nature has endowed man with a variety of plants, whose action for various ailments is simply irreplaceable. Undoubtedly, the species under consideration belongs to one of the most useful species. Proper use of it for various diseases will help you quickly and safely cope with the problem, and in everyday life, the flower will be an excellent decor object in your home.

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