Early complications in acute pancreatitis, temperature, surgery

Acute form of pancreatitis is a very serious and dangerous disease that requires timely serious treatment. As a result of the inflammation process, which is formed in the pancreas, there is a spontaneous digestion of this organ and the dying of its tissues, accompanied by severe pain, temperature and signs of poisoning.

The severe form of acute pancreatitis is characterized by a high rate of development of destructive processes and multiple complications. As a result of foci of necrosis and the reaction of the patient's body to the patient, suppuration often occurs accompanied by a high temperature of the patient. Extensive pancreatic necrosis is the most dangerous complication, which predicts poor prognosis for the patient's recovery. Dying of the pancreatic tissues, accompanied by intoxication and pain shock, often leads to death.

As a result of the development of acute pancreatitis, complications such as cysts, fistula or peritonitis, as well as abdominal bleeding or the development of diabetes mellitus, may occur. Depending on the type of complications and severity of the patient, specialized individual treatment is appointed for each specific case. Initially, therapeutic procedures are aimed at removing the patient from a state of shock, reducing body temperature and reducing inflammation. To fight infection, pancreatitis is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

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Complete treatment of pancreatitis and its complications is performed in a surgical hospital where surgical intervention is possible at any stage of the treatment process.

Elevated temperature indicates the continuation of inflammation in the pancreas, therefore, in the treatment of complications of purulent nature it is constantly monitored.

Treatment of both the disease itself and its complications is mainly controlled by the method of conservative and infusion therapy, although surgical intervention is possible if necessary.

Given the risk of serious complications, the first signs of the disease, such as pain syndrome, shingles, nausea, vomiting, fever and others, should be urgently called for by a doctor. Remember that even a low temperature indicates the presence of a foci of inflammation in the human body. Therefore, to avoid the severe consequences of this disease, do not self-medicate at home.

Because complications of acute pancreatitis are no less dangerous than the disease itself.

There are several etiological factors in the development of complications of acute pancreatitis, but, regardless of this, clinical symptoms are typical of early complications of acute pancreatitis. With the activation of pancreatic enzymes involved in digestion and obstruction( occlusion) of its excretory ducts, "self-digestion" of this glandular gland with subsequent necrosis occurs. The symptom of such a process is, first of all, a pain shock( pancreatic colic), which is characterized by severe shingles in the epigastrium( occupies the abdomen from the upper to the right hypochondrium) and irradiates into both scapulae - this indicates a necrotic process in the gland and mayfurther cause peritonitis. Also, this symptom is accompanied by acrocyanosis, tachycardia, decreased blood supply to organs, myocardial ischemia. During early complications of acute pancreatitis, the patient is disturbed by painful and frequent vomiting without subsequent relief. There is renal and hepatic insufficiency, which is characterized by the appearance of jaundice, increased blood pressure, oliguria( decreased diuresis) and anuria( almost complete absence of diuresis).In the blood, the amount of oxygen, platelets decreases, but the concentration of bilirubin and sugar increases. In the urine appears protein( proteinuria), microhematuria( when there are single erythrocytes in microscopy of urine).

In the unhealthy form of the disease, treatment consists of taking medications under the supervision of doctors in a surgical hospital. As a result of organ dysfunction, drug treatment is used in the intensive care unit with a planned examination of organs and systems. If, along with organ dysfunction, there are complications at the local level, surgery of complications of acute pancreatitis is necessary, which consists of minimally invasive operative access with subsequent drainage of accumulated exudate and conservative treatment in the intensive care unit. When an infected form of the disease is carried out such a procedure as laparotomy( dissection of the abdominal wall to create access to the organs of the abdominal cavity), excision of necrotic tissue, removal of purulent exudate, sanitation of the abdominal cavity and installation of active drainage on the abdominal cavity.

After surgical intervention, the patient's condition improves on day 10, but repeated attacks of the disease are not ruled out. To reduce the risk of an attack, you must strictly eat throughout life in accordance with the dietary table, which is prescribed by the doctor.

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