Treatment with acupuncture from smoking: does it help, reviews, the essence of the method

Many smokers would quit. The methods they resort to are completely different both in efficiency and in material costs. Many get it the first time, others do not go out for years. Extremely popular in recent years is the way to get rid of cravings for nicotine, like acupuncture.

Acupuncture from smoking

Acupuncture or, as this method is called by specialists, acupuncture is a common method of treating diseases and addictions, originating from non-traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese experts believe that vital energy passes through the body of a person through some channels called meridians. If you work on certain reflex points on these channels, you can cure the disease, reduce pain or relieve the patient of addictions.

Very well the technique of acupuncture has proved itself in the treatment of nicotine addiction. The craving for smoking does not appear in a person in itself, the dependence is formed gradually, and abandoning it independently is quite difficult, considering not only the psychological, but also the physiological component of dependence. Igorefleksoterapevty derived regularity that their method helps 90% of people who decided to quit smoking. How exactly?

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The fact that in the body of the smoker there are some receptors, affecting which nicotine contained in cigarettes, throws into the blood hormone adrenaline and the so-called hormone of joy - endorphins, which cause feelings of euphoria. This is how the physical dependence on nicotine is formed.

The essence of the

method To understand exactly how acupuncture works, as a way of completely quitting smoking, it is necessary to consider the essence of this method in more detail. The acupuncturist uses disposable sterile needles of either 30 or 60 mm and 0.3 mm in diameter. Specialists perform the procedure on the auricle, right-handed - on the right, left-handed - on the left, and also use points on the wrist, palm and foot. Needles are inserted a few millimeters, while the therapist tries not to pierce the ear cartilage. There are 8 active points on the ear.

In turn, puncture points are responsible for the work of different organs:

  • "point of mouth" - reduces cravings for smoking, removes toxins from the nasopharynx;
  • "point of the brain" - there is harmony with oneself, calmness;
  • point Shen-men - the impact on this point brings relaxation, reduces stress, comes pacification;
  • point of the nervous system, sympathetic point - improves blood circulation, relaxes the muscles of the whole body;
  • the point responsible for the work of the kidneys - activates their work;
  • the point of the lungs - breathing becomes deeper, the lungs strengthen;
  • point of the liver - the effect on this point brings a general recovery due to an unobstructed flow of blood throughout the body. Acupuncturists believe that stimulation of this point correctly distributes the flow of Qi energy on the human body;
  • point "nicotine" - decreases, and after and completely disappears craving for tobacco smoking, clears the nasal cavity.
Location of active points responsible for individual organs

How the

procedure is performed The active points on the auricle can be found only by a specialist - acupuncturist. When piercing the active point, the patient feels a slight burning sensation, which afterwards grows into a feeling, as if the ear burns and swells. The acupuncture session is individual and can last from 10-15 to 60 minutes. Everything depends on the patient's feelings and well-being.


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Stimulation of active points after a while removes nicotine from the metabolism, due to which the patient feels vigorous and active, passes the irritability peculiar to people quitting smoking independently, new tastes appear, and the sense of smell improves. It is worth noting that before passing the procedure you can not smoke for at least 15 hours, otherwise the effect of the procedure will not have to wait. After the course of treatment, the patient is recommended to not drink alcohol for two weeks and avoid stressful situations.

Some centers use a completely different method of acupuncture. The acupuncturist against smoking uses microneedles that are injected under the patient's skin and worn constantly for 3-7 days. Such a needle acts on the point around the clock, gradually removing cravings for smoking and improving the body as a whole. If you have a strong desire to smoke, the patient should press the needle on the point, and gradually the strong desire disappears.

As a rule, to completely remove the craving for smoking it is necessary to pass from 3 to 10 sessions of acupuncture. For some, one session is enough to completely recover from nicotine addiction. Everything depends on the patient and his inner mood and desire to get rid of smoking.
The video on acupuncture in the treatment of nicotine addiction:

Advantages and disadvantages of

The undoubted advantage of acupuncture before other methods of getting rid of addiction is naturalness. The acupuncturist does not use medicines, expensive medications for treatment, does not introduce the patient into a trance, as with hypnosis. The person undergoing the procedure is calm and relaxed, does not feel uneasiness and discomfort.

However, there are also negative aspects in the treatment, namely:

  • acupuncture sessions are not an expensive pleasure. In different cities, the cost of the acupuncture session starts from 1,000 rubles and reaches 10,000 for the entire course;
  • possibility of contracting dangerous infectious diseases in case of using non-sterile needles;
  • often causes pain syndrome when piercing the skin with needles.


Acupuncture has a number of contraindications for use. These include:

  • The patient's elderly age. As a rule, therapy does not apply to patients older than 70 years.
  • Pregnancy at any time.
  • The presence of tumor processes in the patient's body.
  • Weakened condition and exhaustion of the patient.
  • Elevated body temperature, fever.
  • Severe infectious diseases, HIV infection, hepatitis, tuberculosis in an open form, blood diseases. Acupuncture in these cases can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
  • State of intoxication.

Efficiency of

Is it really possible to quickly and painlessly get rid of severe nicotine addiction? Practitioners argue that acupuncture is simply not equal in efficiency, because apart from removing nicotine withdrawal, the patient receives a complete cleansing of the body, improving mood and, importantly, quitting smoking does not appear to depend on food and increased appetite.

Skeptics, however, believe that this method is based on self-hypnosis, the smoker is internally ready to get rid of the habit and acupuncture becomes the starting point to getting rid of addiction.

In reality, the testimonies of people who have tried this technique are absolutely polar.

Here is what the smoker with Yevgeny's experience writes:

"To be honest - I was not just a lover of smoke, I was very pleased how to swallow smoke, and just keep a cigarette in my hands. Everything has changed after three procedures, I CALLED, do not smoke at all 5 years already. Here is another important point - I did not want to give up and did not plan, just went to try, I can or not. I'm very glad that it turned out. I advise you unequivocally. It is not cheap, but the result will be. After the first time, the thrust was gone. The only condition after the course is not to drink alcohol for two weeks. SUCCESSES TO ALL! !And more: choose a specialist of his case, then the sense will be. "

And here's how Vladimir from Obninsk comments on the procedure:

"I tried to throw with acupuncture about 20 years ago. At the same time, my sincere desire to get rid of dependence was not, but I went, because the wife insisted. Did this help me? I do not know how I was put there by these needles and how much money my wife gave, but not a little. There was a break, my ears ached. I spent a week without cigarettes, and then I decided to try "how can I dislike a cigarette."

The opinions of practicing narcologists about acupuncture are similar: treatment helps only with an active and sincere desire and participation of the patient in getting rid of cravings for smoking. If there is no desire to stop smoking, then no qualified person can help a smoker. Moreover, many eminent doctors-narcologists successfully use this technique in their own practice on tobacco control.

With prolonged and severe dependence, only acupuncture is indispensable, in such cases, doctors practice a complex approach, which includes, in addition to acupuncture, psychotherapy and homeopathy.

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