Whether it is possible to quit smoking abruptly: possible consequences, opinions of doctors, recommendations

Many people tried to part with smoking. Someone is trying to gradually get out of nicotine on their own, others use any aids such as pills, sprays or bandages, and others decide to quit sharply, simply giving up cigarettes once and for all. But can you quit smoking abruptly? In this regard, there are many opinions.

Why you can not quit smoking

Many people try to quit cigarettes, however, not everyone can take such a step. To some smokers the very thought of parting with cigarettes seems something incredibly alien. And not even the fact that quitting smoking is necessary even for their own children and relatives does not motivate them.

Sometimes it happens that someone who has already quitted once again comes back to cigarettes. The reason for this is not only the craving of a psychological nature, but also the physiological malaise associated with the rejection of nicotine. Therefore, a strong belief was formed that it is absolutely not worth sharply throwing a pernicious habit like smoking. Let us consider why.

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To get used to the changes and take them painlessly, each body needs a certain period of adaptation. Since the rejection of cigarettes seriously changes the way of life in the psycho-physiological plan, it takes time to accept and tune in to such changes.

Refusal of cigarettes will require the body to reproduce high doses of acetylcholine, which will take some time. If the smoker's body abruptly stops the supply of nicotine, then there is a state of "breaking".After all, the available reserves of this element have ended, and the development of new portions of it did not begin.

What happens in the body

In general, it is considered that it is possible to quit smoking sharply if the experience of dependence does not exceed 3-5 years, and a day does not smoke more than a pack. If the experience of absorption of harmful smoke exceeds 10-year period, then a sharp rejection of cigarettes can turn into a lot of problems. The reasons for this reaction are hidden in the physically conditioned nicotine addiction, which sometimes takes more than 5 years to form. Usually, with a small amount of smoking experience, only the dependence of psychological origin exists, which is easier to deal with than with psychophysiological connection with cigarettes.

After a few days, a smoker who abandoned cigarettes will experience a breakdown caused by a deficiency of acetylcholine. As a result, various ailments may occur, such as dizziness, gluttony, nausea, unreasonable anxiety, etc. All these manifestations are associated with an acute shortage of acetylcholine.

Side effects of

In the process of throwing, smokers have many side effects, because nicotine is a psychoactive substance that causes addiction and persistent physical dependence. Why not abruptly get rid of addiction?


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Sharply giving up cigarettes, the smoker undergoes a severe nicotine withdrawal, which is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Increased anxiety;
  • Gusts of anger;
  • Excessive irritability;
  • Concentration problems;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Unquenchable hunger and lack of satiety;
  • Bad mood;
  • Inability to sit still, etc.

These symptoms are especially acute in the second or third day after the abrupt failure, and then they gradually recede. Unfortunately, the desire to smoke can remain for several months. With the use of various drugs that help cope with nicotine dependence, the severity of withdrawal is significantly reduced.

In the first weeks after the abrupt discontinuation, patients may have an increase in cough, because mucus due to epithelial damage is difficult to climb through the bronchi. Usually for the syndrome, withdrawal is characterized by the presence of increased anxiety and depressive conditions. Sometimes such consequences require qualified treatment by taking antidepressant drugs. Depression can be a trigger for the return of addiction, so it necessarily requires medical treatment.

For and against

So, it is not recommended to quit smoking to people who have nicotine experience for more than 10 years, because such actions cause the strongest break-up. However, with less than 10 years of smoking experience and smoking no more than a pack a day, a sharp rejection of cigarettes most often occurs without painful physiological symptoms, because there is still no physical predilection for tobacco. Therefore, it is better for such patients to quit smoking immediately and sharply.

In addition, for a sharp throwing of cigarettes, a smoker must have a truly strong will and strong body.

There are situations when the dependence on nicotine lasts for decades( 25-30 years) and during this time the patient accumulates a lot of chronic pathological processes that can easily become aggravated if the patient abruptly quits smoking, and simply refuses cigarettes.

Opinion of

physicians Official medicine makes it difficult to say unequivocally whether it is possible and harmful to refuse cigarettes abruptly. But the fact that refusing such a habit will only benefit the body is a fact. But if we consider the problem from the point of view of the experience of dependence, then with a sharp refusal of cigarettes, an inveterate multi-year-old smoker may have serious problems with his well-being, and his body will suffer heavy stress due to a lack of nicotine.

With a sharp rejection of cigarettes, the smoker experiences two types of uncomfortable sensations:

  • Physiological discomfort suggests the presence of dizziness and nausea, hyperdosity and coughing, lowering the immune status, etc.;
  • Psychological discomfort is an abstinence syndrome and manifests itself in the form of irritability, nervousness, deep stress, etc.

The undoubted advantage of rapid casting is the fact that after the experienced withdrawal syndrome the craving for cigarettes will begin to decrease rapidly, while with a gradual throwing this process can significantly drag on. Therefore, doctors advise in the absence of contraindications and relatively little smoking experience, throw a pernicious habit immediately, rather than gradually.


Is it harmful to quit smoking or not? Do not be afraid to part with cigarettes. If you smoke for about 5-7 years, you can quit smoking at the same time, simply by giving up cigarettes. Such actions will not cause any serious health problems. If nicotinic addiction oppresses you more than a dozen years, then it's better to approach the issue of parting with cigarettes more thoroughly. It is not recommended to throw cigarettes for prolonged periods of time, so it is necessary to consult a narcologist.

The main thing is to tune in to giving up nicotine. Emotional-psychological mood in such a situation plays far from the last role. Walk more, go in for sports, go somewhere on vacation - you need something to distract yourself from cigarettes, then the process of weaning will be less painful.

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