Diarrhea( diarrhea) after a stroke

Post-stroke stroke can provoke the appearance of various complications in the patient, including diarrhea. It can be caused by the fact that the work of the part of the brain that was responsible for the regulation of pelvic functions is disrupted.

Also, diarrhea after a stroke may appear due to inactivity of the patient. With such a disease the patient constantly lies, the intestine does not work well because of the passive position of the body. Thus, the normal passage of fecal matter through the intestine is violated and diarrhea arises.

When the patient suffered a stroke, his body is very weak. Mostly the patient is in a constant lying position. In this case, it is difficult for him to swallow food, which causes a certain diet.

Patient needs to consume a mixture that contains a sufficient amount of protein for the body. This diet should be administered about 5 times during the day. With this method, the body is provided with the necessary substances - fats, carbohydrates, proteins. But this way of eating has its drawbacks.

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Enteral nutrition after a stroke can cause a complication, such as diarrhea, as well as vomiting. Diarrhea can occur not only after the introduction of food. When antibiotic drugs are used to treat a patient, it can also affect the state of the intestines, since long-term administration of such medications promotes the emergence of dysbiosis.

Diarrhea attacks can also be accompanied by fever and pressure changes, so you need to be serious about taking medications.

To determine if pathogens are present in the intestine, it is necessary to pass a feces analysis and based on the results obtained, adjust the intake of medicines and the patient's diet.

Treatment of diarrhea after a stroke

The diet for diarrhea after a stroke should be gentle, you do not need to increase the burden on the intestine and the whole body. It is necessary to limit the intake of salt, fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods. Substances that have an exciting effect on the nervous system, namely alcohol, caffeine, spices, chocolate, must be completely excluded from the diet of the patient.

A healthy diet can not only speed up getting rid of diarrhea, but also speed up recovery after a stroke. It is important to use products such as cottage cheese, fish, you also need to increase the proportion of vegetable fats in the patient's menu.

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