Geranium fragrant: medicinal properties and contraindications

In many houses, on the windowsills you can see a wide variety of indoor plants. Most lovers plant flowers in the rooms as decoration, not realizing that the plant has unique properties. A vast spread of geranium fragrant, medicinal properties and contraindications to it, play a very important role in folk medicine.

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Properties and composition of pelargonium

BThe nature of the home view of geraniums is called pelargonium. It is considered a perennial plant, with globular inflorescences. The flowers of geranium are large, often have a rich red color. In general, a flowering plant has many color shades in nature. Particular attention in the care of yourself does not require. The only thing that does not tolerate the direct sunlight on the plant, as a result of which a burn is formed on the leaves.

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In nature, there are 2 types of geraniums, which bring the greatest benefit to humans:

  • zonal;
  • fragrant.

It's important to know! Before selecting the planting of geranium, you need to consider its coloring. Red color serves as a powerful source of energy. Pink geranium is considered an amulet for preserving marital relations.

Each element of geranium has beneficial substances. In the leaves there is a large number of essential oils, vitamins, acids, which have healing properties. The rootstocks contain the largest number of starch, carbohydrates, tannins, carotenes, acids. Specific smell emanating from the flower repels harmful insects.

You can buy essential oil in the pharmacy, as well as prepare yourself at home. Geranium oil is widely used in cosmetology and massage parlors. If several drops of this oil are added to the water when washing, the skin is deeply cleansed. If you add oil while massage, will help get rid of cellulite. It is not possible to list all the useful properties of geraniums. It has the following actions:

  • antiseptic;
  • diuretics;
  • pain relievers;
  • antiviral;
  • is bactericidal;
  • decongestants.

Modern medicine does not recognize the unique properties of geraniums, but the people on the contrary use leaves, flowers and roots for medicinal purposes. An odorous indoor flower activates blood circulation, normalizes the work of the heart, the heart muscle.

  1. If a sheet of pelargonium is applied to the base of the arm, the blood pressure is normalized.
  2. Pelargonium stimulates the liver, as well as the kidneys.
  3. Fluffy geranium is considered the best remedy for cough, cold, sore throat and a number of different viral diseases.
  4. Indoor flower is used for pain in the ears. To do this, you need to fold a leaflet with a tube and place it in your ear.
  5. In the same way, a leaflet is attached to the diseased tooth, to relieve the pain syndrome.

It's important to know! Leaves, flowers and roots contain a huge number of substances, due to which pelargonium is widely used in the manufacture of medicines.

Therapeutic properties - how to treat

The healing properties of geraniums surprise even people with medical education. After all, the beautiful plant combines unique useful and medicinal properties. Treatment of geranium at home is not a danger, but rather has positive results.

  1. The plant is used to treat infertility for women. But for this purpose only red flowers will do. Recommend in a glass of boiling water to brew a handful of dried flowers, and take a decoction every day.
  2. Geranium treatment can be used to remove stones from the kidneys.
  3. In cosmetology, a decoction of leaves of a houseplant, against hair loss is used.
  4. The attractive flavor of Pelargonium helps to remove fatigue, headache, nervous breakdowns. If this healing flower grows in a room, you can easily get rid of insomnia.
  5. Also, with the help of the leaves of the plant, air purification takes place. With insomnia, you can make an infusion of crushed leaves of Pelargonium and boiling water. Widespread use of geranium oil in aromatherapy.

It's important to know! Before starting treatment with essential oils, a tolerance test should be performed. To do this, apply drops of oil on a handkerchief and sniff a certain time.

To use Pelargonium for medicinal purposes, stems and flowers should be harvested in early summer. When using rhizomes of wild plants, it is necessary to collect medicinal material in the fall. In the treatment of skin diseases will help mush from the leaves of the flower. Compress helps with calluses, corns, radiculitis, osteochondrosis. All these wonderful and healing properties are in a fragile flower. Houseplant, several times superior to other useful plants from which the medicinal composition is made.

Use in folk medicine

Geranium has become more widely used and applied in folk medicine. This useful flower helps to get rid of the ailments.

  1. Easy method to get rid of the common cold, you should soak the cotton wool with the squeezed juice of the plant and inhale it for a few minutes.
  2. Leaves of this flower relieve of stomach disorders, because they have bactericidal properties.
  3. Easy relief from diarrhea if you chew fresh leaves.
  4. With intercostal neuralgia, the applied leaves help to a sore spot.
  5. In cosmetology is used to improve the complexion, and smooth wrinkles.

This amazing plant will serve as a home medicine chest, and relieve the disease, without the use of medications. Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the flower, will help preserve and restore vision. It is necessary to dig in 1 drop 2 times a day. A useful preparation, made from fragrant Pelargonium, can be used inside, outwardly, with the help of inhalations. To constantly, with a drug of geranium, you can make an alcohol tincture from the leaves. The recipe of the preparation will not be difficult. For this, the leaves are taken, finely chopped and poured with alcohol. Insist for 3 days, after which application is recommended both inside and outside.

Contraindications to the use of

Along with its wonderful and curative properties, geranium also has contraindications for use.

It's important to know! Do not recommend the use of geranium inside small children, pregnant women, the elderly. And also to women during the breastfeeding period.

It is forbidden to use a preparation made from a plant with serious diseases of the stomach, intestinal tract and chronic constipation. You can not eat freshly squeezed plant juice, it is very toxic, can cause poisoning.

You can not use medicines from a houseplant if there are diseases:

  • thrombosis;
  • constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • bronchial asthma.

If there is such a disease as bronchial asthma, then the use of essential oils can cause the strongest allergic reactions.

Almost all indoor plants please people with their fragrance and beauty. And if there is such a plant on the windowsill as geranium, then you can forget about many diseases, ranging from the common cold and ending with cancer. This flower can simultaneously decorate the interior of the house, cleanse the air of harmful substances and get rid of various kinds of diseases.

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