Fermentation Colitis

Fermentation colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine, which is accompanied by fermentation processes. To start treating this or that disease, it is necessary to accurately determine the diagnosis, cause and type of the disease. Put the correct diagnosis will help the symptoms.

This type of colitis is due to the intestinal microflora that promotes it. The fermentation process begins with the fact that the plant cell is split due to the action of microbes on it, thus releasing the inner contents. Then comes the queue of intestinal juice, which completely kills this cell. Fermentation is also subjected to carbohydrates, due to the decomposition of which form oil and lactic acid.

Symptoms of fermentative colitis

The disease is characterized by a number of pronounced symptoms:

  • Sensation of pain in the lower and lateral parts of the abdomen.
  • Bitterness and bad breath in the mouth.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Constant desires will be emptied.
  • Diarrhea alternating with constipation.
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  • Frothy stools.
  • Weakness, malaise.
  • Dry, coated tongue.

Treatment of fermentative colitis

In the case of this pathology, complex treatment is the best option. Compliance with diet is considered mandatory. The diet is prescribed by the doctor taking into account all the nuances of the disease and its typicality. To reduce the process of fermentation, you should minimize the consumption of carbohydrates. All sugar-containing products, milk and products that cause the fermentation process fall under the ban.

Drug treatment for fermented colitis should also be present. Against the dysbiosis use antibiotics - nitrofurans, Intestopan, Enteroseptol and Mexaxu. After a strong dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, for this purpose medicines that contain beneficial microorganisms are suitable. With severe spasms of the intestine, you can use antispasmodics.

Local ancillary procedures for fermentative colitis are also not excluded: medicinal enemas, intestinal irrigation, sub-aqua baths. Adsorptive and astringent drugs are needed to normalize motor activity, and Reasek and Imodium are suitable for reducing motility.

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