Cluster headache: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Headache is a common problem that many people face daily. In some cases, it is a symptom of a disease. But sometimes there are situations when the headache appears for no apparent reason. Cluster headache is one of these categories.

What is a cluster headache?

Cluster or, as it is also called, , the headache of is the primary problem, which means that it does not lead to any disease.

This pathology is characterized by a narrow localization in a certain part of the head. Its signs are significantly different from other types of pain. And the manifestations are very strong, and this significantly worsens the quality of human life.

Clusters refer to periods in which symptomatic symptoms occur. They appear suddenly and even can follow one another. But approximately one third of all patients appear only one episode.

Symptoms may be observed for one or several days, but sometimes this period lasts for a month. If the treatment is not performed on time, then this stage can be quite short, but after the remission period the disease returns again.

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Who suffers from a cluster headache?

This disease is most often detected in men over thirty years of age.

But the first attack can appear and in the period from twenty to thirty years. This disease can last up to sixty years and manifest itself as characteristic symptoms.

Pain beams can be observed at different intervals - twice a year or once every eight years. The duration of such a beam can be from two weeks to three months. Cluster headache is characterized by some periodicity.

In a bright period a person completely forgets about the disease and can live a full life. However, in the case of a chronic form of the disease, remissions are absent or last no more than three weeks.

Highlights two forms of cluster headache :

  • Episodic. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are relatively rare and last for a short time. Such attacks can last one to two months, after which they pass. Remission can last more than a year.
  • Chronic. This type of disease is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. Bright periods can be absent altogether or be very short.

    Sometimes this form goes into episodic, and this gives reason to think that the disease has receded. However, do not neglect treatment, because it is likely to reverse the transition to the chronic form of the disease.

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Symptoms of cluster headache

For a cluster headache, the features that help distinguish it from other similar manifestations:

  • Rapid development. At first, signs may be minor, but after ten minutes the pain becomes so strong that a person is forced to take medications.
  • One-sided character. Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, arise only on one side.
  • Duration. The most common manifestations of headache are of a short duration. The attack itself lasts no more than forty minutes, after which it passes.
  • Motor activity. Headache is characterized by such a high degree of intensity that a person is forced to seek a position in which the symptoms will not be so painful.
  • Development of signs at night. Most often, pain occurs between 1:00 and 3:00 AM.During sleep, there are painful sensations that cause a person to get out of bed.

To the most characteristic symptoms of the cluster headache, the following should be attributed:

  • There is a slight burning sensation in the site of pain localization, after which the discomforting sensations become very strong.
  • Nasal congestion may occur, sometimes mucus is released.
  • In the place of pain, redness or swelling appears.
  • Often there is a narrowing of the pupils.
  • Vision may be impaired.
  • Sometimes the eyes are watery and the eyelids swell.
  • A man complains of excessive sweating.
  • In some cases, there may be an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath.
  • Due to the intensity of the sensations, a person becomes nervous and irritable.
  • After the attack, all manifestations immediately disappear.

Causes of cluster headache

Doctors make certain assumptions:

  • Hereditary predisposition. According to statistical data, this factor plays an important role in the development of this disease.
  • Effects on the facial trigeminal nerve. This also often provokes the development of a cluster headache. Sensitive triple fibers transmit signals to adjacent fibers that affect the respiratory system.
  • Excitation of the hypothalamus. This is a specific area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the biological rhythms of the human body. There is evidence that cluster pain occurs during the period of hypothalamus activity, but what exactly causes such an arousal is still unknown.

    In some cases, treatment methods are directed specifically at this area.

Reliable causes of the development of this disease have not yet been established.

Aggravating factors

Cluster pain often develops completely abruptly, but in some cases it is influenced by certain factors.

The most common of these is:

  • Systematic violation of the daily routine. If a person is forced to lie down and get up at different times, the manifestations of a cluster headache arise much more frequently and are characterized by high intensity.
  • Frequent flights and crossings. Most likely, the emergence of cluster pain is due to the fact that the biological rhythms of the human body are violated, and this has a certain effect on the hypothalamus.
  • Drinking alcohol. If a person has ever complained of cluster pain, the attack can develop after half an hour after drinking a small amount of alcohol.
  • Smoking. There is evidence that smoking has a negative effect on the state of the brain and nervous system. According to statistics, this disease in most cases are subject to smokers.
  • Seasonality. Observations of specialists confirm the fact that the activity of the hypothalamus varies in the spring and autumn, and therefore it is during this period that the disease worsens.

Headache test

Due to the presence of characteristic signs of this disease, cluster pain is easy to identify. As a rule, there are no additional surveys to diagnose the disease.

The diagnosis is based on a description of the nature of the headache. If the doctor has any doubts, he can prescribe additional studies to exclude other causes of the disease.

However, such procedures are rather rare.

Serious changes in human behavior can trigger alcoholic encephalopathy, which is difficult to diagnose and treatable.

Neuropathic pain in adults can provoke the development of cluster headaches. How to help yourself in this situation will help to understand the article.

In addition, cluster headache may be a sign of cerebral vascular sclerosis. Confirmation can be found by clicking on the link http: // bolezni-nevrologii /skleroz/ skleroz-sosudov-golovnogo-mozga.html.

Treatment Methods

The main measures to combat cluster pain include the following:

  • At the very beginning of the attack, 100% oxygen is prescribed for inhalation. This procedure allows you to stop an attack or, at least, makes it less intense.
  • To ease the condition, you can attach ice to the temples.
  • To reduce the intensity of pain, you can take sleeping pills and sedatives.
  • Triptans are effective enough. For example, the drug "Sumatriptan" can be taken in the form of injections. There are also forms of release of triptans in the form of nasal sprays or tablets.
  • To eliminate the cluster headache, a solution of "Lidocaine" can be prescribed.
  • Prolonged therapy involves the administration of hormonal or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • "Dihydroergotamine" can be prescribed for irrigation of the nasal cavity.
  • For not very severe attacks, such drugs as "Verapamil" and "Lithium Carbonate" are prescribed.
  • In the case of chronic course of the disease, more serious means are used - Gabapentin, Topiramate and others.
  • In particularly difficult situations, corticosteroids may be prescribed.
  • As a nasal agent, Capsaicin is sometimes used.
  • In some cases, surgical treatment is indicated.
The relief of headache attacks is accomplished in many ways. First of all, it is necessary to establish the causes of the development of this pathology and to try to eliminate them.

What if the therapy is ineffective?

In the event that the prescribed treatment for a cluster headache does not bring the desired results, it is necessary to change the used drug.

In some cases, a doctor may choose a combination of two or more medicines.

Maintaining the diary of the headache

With the help of such a diary it is possible to obtain important information on the nature of the headache. In this document it is necessary to record the frequency of occurrence of seizures, the time of occurrence and duration of pain, accompanying symptoms.

With the help of this information, the doctor will be able to correctly diagnose, determine the factors that contribute to the onset of headache, and evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

Prognosis and prevention of cluster headache

Cluster headache may recur periodically over many years. At the same time, with the passage of time, most people note the improvement: the number of cluster periods decreases or they stop altogether.

This is especially characteristic of the chronic form of the disease.

One of the most effective methods for combating cluster headaches is prevention. To reduce the duration of the cluster period and prevent painful attacks, it is necessary to take medications every day during a painful beam.

Prevention measures are considered to be quite effective, but they must always be accompanied by constant medical supervision. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, it is necessary to periodically take blood tests.

Cluster headache is a serious problem, which is characterized by strong pain. Therefore, it is very important to seek medical help on time. The specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe a treatment that will significantly improve the quality of your life.

Olga Shkepu - Clustered headaches:

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