Strong headaches in the forehead, eyes, temples in children and adults: causes and treatment

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The most common and common type of unpleasant sensation that every person is familiar with is the headache in the frontal part. Since the provocateurs of the occurrence of such an unpleasant sensation may be different, it is worth considering the most basic of their kinds.

Possible causes of headache in the forehead area

  • Genyantritis is the first of the reasons that can cause GB in the frontal part due to its presence. It arises from the complications of previously transmitted infectious diseases. Prolonged pain syndrome in the forehead area in addition to a protracted runny nose can talk about the presence of sinusitis, so the essence of treatment should be to eliminate this ailment.
  • Pain in the forehead area may appear due to the frontitis( sinusitis).Frontite is characterized by an inflammation of the frontal sinus, which causes unpleasant and painful sensations. Especially severe pain appears in the morning. When the sinuses are emptied, the pain only slightly decreases, but in time it starts to increase again.
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  • The increased level of intracranial pressure is often responsible for the appearance of GB in the forehead. Usually elevated ICP disturbs people who are predisposed to increase or decrease pressure.
  • Infectious diseases of various origins ( colds, tonsillitis, pneumonia, influenza, acute meningitis, malaria, typhoid), which are accompanied by a high temperature, can cause an unpleasant sensation of pain.
  • Head injuries or concussion of the brain are always accompanied by aching pain in the head. In parallel, nausea, vomiting, weakness throughout the body, dizziness may occur.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of the culprits of the appearance of a headache usually should be performed by an otolaryngologist or neurologist.

To quickly identify and eliminate the cause of painful headaches, it is better to contact doctors immediately, because different drugs( antibacterial), procedures( physiotherapy procedures) and even, possibly, penetration of the maxillary sinus can be prescribed and prescribed for different cases.

For long-term pains, a doctor can prescribe CT( computer tomography) and MRI( magnetic resonance imaging).

For primary GB( it is not associated with brain diseases and other pathologies), the doctor may advise:

  • Stop smoking
  • Do not take alcohol
  • Women do not take oral contraceptives
  • Get enough sleep
  • Give more time to rest.

Symptomatic arterial hypertension may be the cause of a severe bout of pain. On the location of pain in the head, the methods of diagnosis and treatment of this disease, read in our article.

If the cause of the headache is migraine, then you need to choose the dosage forms for pain relief. Comments on the medications used in medicine from migraine will be found in this article.

If the headache( GB) is caused by trigeminal neuralgia, migraine or other triggering factors of , then, depending on the cause of the onset of pain, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • Ergotamine
  • Metisergig
  • Isometeptene
  • Propranolol
  • Cyproheptadine.

Also according to the prescription of the doctor for the elimination of GB, the following medical procedures can be performed:

  • Oxygen mask. It helps to significantly reduce GB, which is especially pronounced at night.
  • Breathing exercises. Sitting on a chair with your eyes closed you have to inhale slowly, while lowering your chin. Calculate to 5, then slowly exhale and head back gradually. Repeat this procedure until the disappearance of GB.
  • Head massage. You can do it yourself or in medical institutions, where specialists will not only carry out this procedure, but will also tell you how to do it yourself.

On the video, a master class on self-massage for the removal of a headache:

What can the additional symptoms say

In addition to the main reasons for the appearance of GB in the forehead region, it can disturb a person due to fatigue or tension( physical and mental).But in this case, the pain sensation appears on the neck, then gradually it is selected to the nape, and then to the forehead and the superciliary arches.

This type of headache can often be accompanied by nausea in parallel, a person may temporarily lose coordination. Often in such cases, the impression and sensation that the head is squeezing something from the outside is created, and this speaks of the overstrain of the neck muscles and the transfer of stresses.

The occurrence of a headache can be triggered by eating foods that contain harmful substances :

  • Nitrates( raw or fresh foods such as fish, fresh meat)
  • Histamine( alcoholic beverages)
  • Glutamate sodium( food supplement)
  • Tyramine( food additive)nuts, chocolate, certain cheeses)
  • Caffeine( tea, coffee, energy, cola).

Pain in the forehead and occiput area

This indicator may indicate a decrease in ICP.The intensity of pain in this case may be weak or strongly pronounced. With the decrease in ICP, the following symptoms may also appear:

  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Pale skin tone
  • Drowsiness
  • Fainting or a presyncope
  • Noise in the ears.

Usually there is an increase in pain when a person assumes a supine position.

Migraine is a common cause of the onset of pulsating pain in the head, to which about 10% of humanity is exposed. Migraine is characterized by the following indicators:

  • Pulsating pain in the region of the temples and occiput
  • Weakness of
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Increased pain in bright light and loud noise
  • Disturbance of the
  • orientation is sometimes a digestive disorder.
Migraine attacks can alarm a person 2 to 8 times per month. In some people, the appearance of migraine is a rare phenomenon, and some people have a daily occurrence.

In the forehead area on the left

  • Frontite is a provocateur of pain on the left side of the head. But the pain can also appear on the right side - everything depends on the place of sinus involvement( right or left).Pain with such a form of sinus disease can be almost imperceptible, tolerable or unbearable. As the flow of fluid from the frontal sinus, the pain can subside.
  • Influenza infection - a direct culprit of a headache on the left. Parallel with this infection, there is a swelling above the nose, which is caused by a violation of blood flow and swelling of the skin.

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In the forehead and temples region

This kind of pain can be directly related to the flu when the virus enters the bloodstream and the body enters intoxication. Pain syndrome can also talk about the development of complications( frontal).In this case, the pain sensations have distinctive features - they are accompanied by fractures of the muscles throughout the body.

  • Sinusitis is characterized by the appearance of pain around the eyes, in the temporal region and the upper head part. Strengthening of the pain syndrome is observed when the body and the head are tilted forward.
  • Catarrhal diseases and influenza - these diseases have the property to begin with the appearance of a headache localized in the forehead and temples, and only then the disease itself manifests itself by other, characteristic signs.

In the forehead and eye area

  • Neuralgia of the nerve - pain syndromes with such a disease are localized around the eyes and forehead. The pain is piercing, firing, sharp, a character that appears when the hand or fingers touch the painful places.
  • Migraine - with such a disease, the pain syndrome can gradually spread to the eyes, forehead and even the neck. In parallel, nausea, the effect of noise in the ears, weakness and "flies" in front of the eyes can be disturbing.
  • The raised level of intraocular pressure is shown by a pain in a forehead and eyes. Increased IOP is often caused by a long pastime behind a monitor or TV.

In the forehead and eyebrow area

  • Prolonged tension or overstrain of the neck muscles can be a provocateur of the onset of pain in the forehead and the eyebrow area. This pain is often experienced by drivers and those who are subject to prolonged mental work.
  • Sinusitis can also provoke the appearance of pressing pain between the eyebrows in the forehead. The nature of pain is different - weak, moderate and intolerant.
  • Different neuroses - in this case, in addition to pain in the forehead and eyebrows, there is neurasthenia, hypotension, increased excitability. If any reasons for which pain can appear are excluded, then one can assume that there is a neurosis.

In forehead and nausea

Usually a headache accompanied by nausea appears through injury, bone fracture or head injuries and concussion .If there is no reaction of the pupils to light changes, the head is dizzy and dizzy, then this case requires an immediate call of "fast" and complete rest.

Headache in the forehead of children

Very often, children can say that they have a headache. In most cases, the pain syndrome appears from fatigue and no more - school, conflict, impressionable days, festive events and other active activities can overload the child's nervous system, which is the cause of childhood headaches.

Complexes can also be associated with a constant headache. For example, a full child may feel embarrassed about his figure in front of his classmates, feel embarrassed to change clothes, and on this soil he can often( and sometimes every day) be bothered by headaches.

If the child often complains of pain in the head in the forehead, take him to the doctor, as this may indicate bruises, concussion or other diseases and it is unlikely to diagnose the culprit of the pain syndrome on his own.

When pregnant

One of the most common and unpleasant phenomena that does not allow future mothers to fully enjoy their situation is a headache. It is usually caused by elevated ICP.This kind of pain syndrome can be of two kinds:

  • With the presence of tumors or hematomas
  • Without tumors.

The first case is characterized by a parallel manifestation of vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness. Accurate diagnosis is only possible with the help of tomography.

The second case occurs in expectant mothers whose weight goes beyond the norm.

Overwork, changing weather, stress and insomnia can provoke the appearance of pain in the head.

Treatment with folk remedies

As can be seen from all of the above, the reasons that cause GB in the forehead and other parts of the head, quite a lot. Therefore, even treatment with folk remedies should be prescribed and conducted by doctors, as only they can accurately and correctly identify the main provocators of the onset of pain syndrome. Suppose, in the presence of sinusitis, the pain sensation will pass right after the extraction of the fluid from the sinuses.

For temporary removal of GB, after which a person is recommended to visit a doctor, you can use the following methods:

  • Brew tea with mint. It is recommended to drink a couple of cups. This should be enough to eliminate the pain syndrome.
  • Peel of lemon, from which the white film is previously separated, attach to the area of ​​the temples or painful place.
  • When overworked, an effective method to eliminate GB is to take a warm bath.
  • With migraines, make a hot compress.
  • Head massage also can quickly remove GB.
  • A cabbage leaf attached to a sore spot on the head, in some cases, relieves a person of the pain syndrome.
  • If you take infusion of St. John's wort for a week, you can get rid of and carry out prophylaxis against GB.

Look at what emergency measure in any conditions can be used in case of severe headache in the forehead area:

The spectrum of causes causing GB is more than extensive, therefore, consultation and assistance of a doctor is almost always necessary in all cases. In some individual cases, sometimes it is possible and necessary to collect a consultation, which will consist of a dentist, a neurologist, a family doctor and an otolaryngologist, to unambiguously establish the cause of the onset of GB.

Use the above methods of eliminating GB is allowed only to facilitate it, after which the trip to the doctor must necessarily be carried out.

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