Causes and treatment of headache in women with menstruation

1 Causes of the appearance of a headache at the end of the menstrual cycle

Strong painful sensations arise due to the fact that before a woman's period the hormonal background changes. This is the cause of not only the headache, but also many other unpleasant precursors of menstruation.

Approximately in the middle of the cycle, when a woman begins ovulation, and the body prepares for fertilization, the amount of progesterone begins to increase severalfold in the blood. If the fertilization of the egg does not occur, then the woman will start critical days after a while. A small percentage of women do not feel any changes in their body, and therefore the monthly do not cause pain and other very symptoms. Many people have a headache and a lower abdomen.

There may be other causes of headache at the end of the month of the cycle. These include the change in the water-salt balance, which occurs shortly before the onset of critical days. Because of the elevated levels of the estrogen hormone in the female body, the fluid withdrawal is significantly slowed. If a woman suffers from swelling, then this development may well provoke swelling of the soft tissues of the woman's brain. In this case, the headaches will be aching or pressing in nature and appear directly in the occiput, less often in the region of the crown. Blood pressure may increase significantly.

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To adjust the water-salt balance in the body, it is desirable to give up salty, smoked, marinated and fatty foods shortly before the month. In more simple terms, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all products that could hold water. At the same time, you can take special diuretics so that all excess fluid is quickly removed from the body of a woman. Diuretics can only be prescribed by a specialist, because self-medication can further exacerbate the situation and disrupt the water-salt balance. In especially severe cases, even kidney failure may occur.

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Upon completion, the menstrual cycle can cause a migraine in a woman. This is often found in those who have a predisposition. Migraines are strong painful sensations, concentrated in the area of ​​the temples and eyes, have a strong pulsating character. The blood vessels of the head start very strongly and sharply contract, and then expand. This is the cause of the appearance of pain during menstruation or just before their onset. At the same time, various neurological manifestations may become the causes. Only a specialist can treat the problem, because self-treatment often leads to severe consequences.

2 What can be the pain before menstruation?

Headaches before menstruation specialists are called cephalic syndrome. To understand that the headache relates to this issue, it is possible due to the following features:


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  • pain in most cases occurs in the parietal region or in the occiput, quite intense and brings severe discomfort;
  • pain is of a pulsating nature;
  • in the field of the eye painful feelings are pressing;
  • there are very sharp and severe changes in blood pressure;
  • in the region of the heart may occur pain;
  • a woman has nausea, dizziness, maybe even vomiting;
  • strongly allocated sweat;
  • can bother depression, irritability;
  • often changes mood dramatically;
  • you have trouble sleeping;
  • the woman very quickly gets tired even from insignificant loading;
  • may cause edema;
  • is affected by mammary glands;
  • has a feeling of ache in the lower back;
  • before and after monthly and there may be bloating, flatulence or even constipation.

If the headache with or before the beginning of the month is regular and very intense, this indicates a very pronounced PMS.This phenomenon is difficult to call normal, because it says too much hormones. To begin to treat a problem it is necessary immediately, as in the future the condition of a woman will only worsen.

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3 Methods of treatment

Most of the women suffer very much because at the end of the cycle they are troubled by strong pain not only in the lower abdomen. Of course, many of them do not attach much importance to headaches and consider them before the month's quite normal, respectively, they do not even try to find the cause. It is worth noting: women are sure that such a headache before menstruation is not eliminated, and there is no reason to treat it, because after the end of the critical days the pain senses disappear. In fact, this is completely wrong. Pain with menstruation and headaches brings a woman a strong discomfort and a lot of unpleasant sensations, especially when her body is most weakened and sensitive to all kinds of changes.

In this regard, it is very important to ensure every woman the most comfortable physical condition. An important role is played by the establishment of a cause that causes pain both before and after the menstrual period. In order to do this and begin timely treatment, you need to consult a neurologist. A gynecologist will be able to select an effective drug for the normalization of the menstrual cycle, if this is a problem. Such a medicine will help to get rid of the unpleasant sensations that many women worry about every month. In most cases, experts appoint additional vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the body and eliminate headaches.

You can get rid of the symptoms of PMS with properly selected quality contraceptives of the hormonal type.

Such tools will help to put in order the hormonal background and remove painful sensations. At the same time, experts recommend as little as possible to be nervous and worried, especially shortly before the onset of critical days, because this will only strengthen the symptoms severalfold.

When a woman ends her menstrual cycle, you need to relax as much as possible, the amount of physical activity should be minimal. Doctors recommend a little more sleep. Of course, there is a certain percentage of women who easily endure critical days, being as active as possible during this period. It is also desirable to be quite a lot in the fresh air, to give time for relaxation, to engage in respiratory gymnastics.

A very big role is played by the woman's diet. At the end of the menstrual cycle it is desirable to completely eliminate or minimize the use of harmful products. Eliminate from the diet of fatty and too salty foods, do not eat smoked foods and pickled products. In addition, to make the pain less intense or barely noticeable can be by rejecting bad habits, especially from smoking and from drinking alcoholic beverages.

It is very important for every woman to remember that the best way to prevent pain before the beginning of critical days is to prevent the problem. Therefore it is desirable to observe a healthy lifestyle and the right regime. Alternate rest and exercise with mental. Watch your diet, drink plenty of fluids, especially when there is very little time left before the menstrual period.

4 Drugs to fix the problem

There are times when painful sensations shortly before menstruation simply can not be tolerated. To endure a headache and any other pain is by no means worthwhile, especially if it is very strong. In such a situation, you can solve the problem by taking special medications that have an anti-inflammatory effect. In this case, they should in no case contain steroids. Such medicines include Aspirin or Ketoprofen.

If you choose even such a simple and, at first glance, safe means you should always consult with a specialist. This is necessary in order to avoid complications in the future, because each drug has its( though minor) contraindications or side effects. It is worth considering and the fact that not every medicine will help to solve the problem of headache, which arises due to the onset of menstruation. If it is wrong to take medicine, this can cause numerous problems with women's health.

Headache is a very unpleasant, but at the same time the most faithful and frequent precursor of the onset of critical days for a woman. If you want, that you do not disturb a headache, it is necessary to define the reason of its or her occurrence and only then to select as much as possible correct and effective treatment of morbid sensations. Selection of the method of treatment is carried out on an individual basis, because in every woman the headache can manifest itself in different ways. Some women prefer to treat with a variety of medications. Others rest, sleep or spend a lot of time in the fresh air. The headache is also helped to remove the calm atmosphere, silence.

5 Conclusion on the topic

You do not have to endure a headache before either monthly, or in any other situation. It is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence as soon as possible, because, perhaps, it is caused not by the approaching critical days, but by another serious health problem. In addition, the headache becomes the cause of poor health, irritability, reduced efficiency, and so on. Do not self-medicate. It is necessary to seek the help of a specialist who not only will find the cause, but also on an individual basis will be able to select an effective treatment.

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