Why after a bath or a sauna the head hurts and how with it or this to struggle

1 Causes of headaches in the bath

If the head begins to spin, there is a drawing pain in the temples, you should check whether the room is ventilated and note the residence time in the steam room. Problems can also be in the following:

  1. Wrong organization of ventilation in the bath. When building a sauna or sauna, the main thing is to properly ventilate so that fresh air can flow in, and steam can escape and not create excessive condensation in the room. And especially dangerous is the incorrect construction of the furnace: it can threaten with suffocation by carbon monoxide.
  2. The stay in the therma should be limited to literally 10 minutes, especially if there are big time intervals between bathing in the bath. The couple should get used gradually, so that the body can adapt. Overheating often threatens a severe headache and exhaustion.
  3. If there are problems with the vessels( especially with injuries of the cervical spine), it is better to refrain from going to the bath or to minimize the stay in the steam room and increase the rest time in the waiting room. Otherwise pressure jumps lead to exacerbations, capillaries in eyes can burst.
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  4. It is necessary to sit properly when in a steam room. Because if the body is in different temperature planes( head in heat, legs in relative cold), this can lead to a headache.
  5. Since the bath is rather stuffy, and the human body during, especially for the worker, can be very tired, the load on the heart is considerable. And, as a consequence, does not exclude headaches from overwork. The head aches after a bath and from strong stresses.
  6. Visiting a bath after strong physical exertion( gym, garden) can also cause a headache. Since a physically exhausted organism will be difficult to cope with temperature loads.
  7. Using too much food before going to the bath, you can also face a headache. As the body will work hard to digest food, and in the bath will have to cope with even heat.
  8. The cause of headaches may be an allergic reaction. For example, on steam, the smell of leaves, if you apply brooms or essential oils. Therefore, before the direct application of their bath should try a reaction to smells.
  9. For some reason the bath is a popular enough place for intimacy. In fact, it is very harmful, and the headache is not the only problem that you can face. Since in a stuffy room with high humidity at high loads can not sustain the heart.
  10. Visiting a bath after or during drinking alcoholic drinks also causes headaches, and nausea and vomiting. Alcohol has a great effect on the body and on the blood vessels, and in the bath the effect of alcohol is increased and can cause significant harm to health.
  11. The cause may be negligence and excitement. Often it happens that a person unprepared, trying not to break the company or being afraid to be seen as a weakling, is in the steam room for longer than the prescribed time, although physically not ready for such a feat. As a rule, it ends badly, the minimum is a headache, but loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting are not uncommon.

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2 Precautions

In order not to wonder why the head hurts after a bath, the following rules should be considered:

  1. To visit a bath, it is necessary to prepare and warm up gradually. You can not go into the bath immediately after the street, so as not to overstrain the vessels of the head.
  2. Before the trip, you must stop eating fatty and fried foods, it is better if after meals 2-3 hours pass. You can not drink alcoholic beverages, it is better to replace them with water or tea, which, for cleaning the body, you need to drink as much as possible between the campaigns in the steam room.
  3. It is worth completely giving up drinking alcohol and smoking before, after and during bath procedures. Smoking seems an insignificant factor, but in fact, it is very dangerous and harmful. Since a huge amount of toxins enters the bloodstream with the cigarette, causing oxygen starvation. Alcohol and without a bath, greatly increasing blood pressure, can greatly harm the body.
  4. The bath itself needs to be prepared, ventilated, and only special essential oils should be used to give steam, because using aromatic additives of poor quality, you can poison them with toxins. It is very important to take a reclining position while in the steam room to create a single temperature regime for the entire body. Do not neglect special headgear from overheating, which can perfectly cope with the headache, preventing it.
  5. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be treated with great caution. Be sure to consult a doctor and try not to warm up the steam room to maximum temperature, try to use dry steam. The best time to visit is the morning hours, at which time the body copes with the loads more easily.


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3 First aid in case of symptoms

Only after feeling a discomfort after staying in the bath, one can not immediately run out into the street, especially in the winter. This will only exacerbate the bad condition and headache. It is necessary to lie down, slightly open the door to increase the supply of fresh air. Legs are better to raise or put a pillow under them - this will help to normalize the pressure.

It's good to have a pressure measuring device at hand to orient yourself which tablet to take and the first aid kit where they are stored.

If you have grass at hand, you can get by. For example, to quickly relieve symptoms, especially if, along with a headache, nausea pains, you can drink mineral water without gas and lemon.

Freshly squeezed strawberry, viburnum or cowberry juices perfectly relieve spasmodic headaches after a bath.

Excellent normalization of pressure and help to cope with a headache following recipes:

  1. A table spoon of St. John's wort is brewed with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, use strained.
  2. A tablespoon of lemon balm to pour a glass of boiling water, insist half an hour, and then take it.
  3. A tablespoon of elderberry brew a glass of boiling water, let it brew, use with honey.

Sometimes it's enough to just sleep, and it's better not to plan any work after visiting the bath.

It is not necessary to abuse sauna if headaches become pronounced and repetitive.

4 Preventative measures

To ensure that only pleasant impressions are left from visiting the bath, you can start taking herbal tea before the intended visit. It is better that the tea is directed to normalize blood pressure.

With high pressure, teas from chamomile, St. John's wort and motherwort can serve as an excellent medicine.

With low arterial pressure, teas from the leaves of burdock, black currant and nettle will come to the rescue.

If the pressure does not excruciate and is normal, you can use teas to better stabilize it at high temperature fluctuations. For example, Ivan-tea.

To improve the taste of tea, you can add honey to it. It is necessary to drink up to 1 liter of such tea the day before going to the bath, then no temperature changes will be terrible.

To prevent headaches, you can use aromatherapy, adding mint, chamomile and orange oil to the ladle of water, enough for each of a couple of drops. If you breathe in the resulting fragrance, not only the headache will recede, but also the vital tone will rise, and after the bath there will be no fatigue.

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