Cilantro and coriander are one and the same

Cilantro is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and in cooking. For this reason, this name is known to many. But not everyone knows how differently it is called coriander. Some call this plant a coriander. Let's try to understand the coriander and coriander - is this the same thing? And if they are different cultures, then answer the question: coriander and coriander, what is different?

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What is coriander

Let's try to find out what kind of plant it is and whatthis is culture. Cilantro is a valuable spicy-flavored culture. This plant has been used since ancient times as a healing tool, as well as for appetite. It was considered a symbol of immortality - seeds and fruits were placed in tombs with pharaohs. Europeans added cilantro to a love potion. Over time, this culture spread throughout the world.

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Important! So, the answer is simple: coriander and coriander are the same plant. Cilantro is the name of greens: stems and leaves, and fruits, coriander seeds are coriander.

The sorider is not tall, the length of the stem reaches approximately 50 cm. The top of the stem is decorated with umbellate inflorescences. Flowering comes in June-July( depending on the planting period).Flowers are white, small in size. Two months after flowering, the seed ripens. The leaves look like parsley.

Important! The best time to collect leaves is the flowering period, because during this period they are the most useful.

This spice is most often used for culinary purposes due to its pronounced aroma and bitter taste. Used in fresh and dried form. Dried coriander is another name for coriander. The seeds and greenery of the plant have a slightly distinctive taste. Cilantro plant perennial or not? Unfortunately, coriander is an annual plant.

Growing a plant

Cilantro easily tolerates weak frosts( up to -50C).Plant the plant in early spring. It prefers sandy loamy, loamy and moderately alkaline soils. For cilantro is easy to care for: weed the weeds, in time to loosen the soil and water the plant.

Important! After cutting the leaves, the plant needs to be fed.

You can grow it at home.

What else is called coriander

? Cilantro can also be called:

  • quack;
  • ;
  • chilantro;
  • kinji;
  • hamem;
  • shandroi;
  • trolley;
  • by the quince.

The plant is also known as Chinese parsley.

Similarity and differences with some other

cultures. Kinzu is often confused with other plants. We will become acquainted with what will be some common spices.

Coriander - a coriander or parsley

You can often hear the opinion that coriander and parsley - this is the same. Outwardly, coriander resembles parsley, so many confuse these two different plants. Do not think that coriander is parsley. Let's try to figure out which has parsley and coriander difference. The main difference is the smell: cilantro has a stronger odor than parsley. Both plants will belong to the umbrella family, so they are almost similar in appearance. Parsley has larger leaves than cilantro.

Is coriander and cinnamon the same?

These two cultures should not be confused. Cinnamon is a dried bark of a tree. It is also a part of various spices. Cinnamon is found in ground form or in the form of coiled pieces of bark.

Cumin and coriander are the same?

This is also two different spices from the same family. Cumin - a two-year culture. Most often, plant seeds are used. Young fresh cumin leaves can be added to salads, and the roots are marinated or boiled with sugar and honey.

Cardamom and coriander are the same?

Many argue that cardamom is coriander. Let's try to understand coriander and cardamom is it the same or not? Cardamom are the fruits of the perennial plant of the Ginger family, which have a rather strong aroma with a camphor color. This seasoning is considered the queen of spices and is one of the most expensive.

Basil and coriander are one and the same

Basil is a one-year herbaceous plant. Medicine actively uses the healing property of this plant: it is characterized by anti-inflammatory action in many chronic pathologies, improves appetite, is effective for wound healing. Leaves of basil in a dry or fresh form is used as a seasoning.

Zira and coriander are one and the same

Zira is called dried grass seeds, from the family of parsley. Similar to cumin, however, in size is smaller and darker. It has a pronounced pleasant aroma. The healing properties of zira are effectively used in medicine.

Curry and coriander are one and the same

Curry is an integrated seasoning with various ingredients in the composition. The main component of kari turmeric. In addition, the compulsory composition includes the following spices:

  • coriander;
  • fenugreek;
  • red cayenne pepper.

The composition of the seasoning can be different. In addition to the standard composition, kari can contain: cumin, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, fennel, etc.

Useful composition of the plant

Cilantro has a rich composition. It contains: essential and fatty oils, tannins, rutin and carotene, starch and sugar, vitamins, alkaloids and thiamine. And also in the composition there are useful microelements and macro elements. Thanks to its useful composition, coriander is effectively used for medical purposes.

Application of spice

Consider what is the use of this plant. Coriander helps to eliminate metals and toxins. Iron in the cilantro helps it effectively treat anemia.

The use of cilantro is a popular method for the treatment of cardiac and vascular pathologies. The plant is able to stimulate the functionality of endocrine glands, normalize glucose and cholesterol. This ability of cilantro is effectively used in diabetes.

In addition, coriander restores the work of the digestive system, increases appetite, regulates the functionality of the stomach, is an excellent antihelminthic agent. He will cure the pathologies of the urinary and gallbladder, protect the liver.

Effectively fights coriander with various infections and diseases: diarrhea, salmonella and others. It refreshes breathing, strengthens the gums, fights microbes in the oral cavity and treats stomatitis.

In addition, effectively heals:

  1. From many skin pathologies.
  2. Ophthalmic problems.
  3. Improves brain activity.
  4. From a cough.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and relieves insomnia.
  6. Removes swelling and restores the water balance in the body.
  7. Effective with cramps, cystitis, flatulence, and hemorrhoids.

Coriander normalizes the menstrual cycle, has antispasmodic and analgesic properties, has a positive effect on the heart. In addition, coriander is able to stop bleeding.

Contraindication to the use of

Despite the curative properties of coriander, it can not be used by all. It is not recommended to take coriander to people suffering from stomach ulcers. Cilantro is contraindicated after a heart attack or stroke. And also it is not recommended to use this spice in pregnancy and lactating mothers, as the after-taste of coriander can change the "taste" of breast milk.

Attention! Cilantro and coriander are common spices that are used both in cooking and in medicine, however, before using them, you should consult a doctor.

In case of an overdose, sleep, menstrual cycle, or allergic reactions may be observed. In recent years, coriander( cilantro) has become increasingly popular.

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