Stages of gastritis, initial, exacerbation, remission and leakage without exacerbation

Inflammation of the inner mucosa of the stomach is called gastritis. Depending on which part of the stomach the inflammatory process develops, its different types are distinguished: antral, base or pangastritis, characterized by inflammation of the entire stomach mucosa. Separate the disease with increased and decreased acidity.

This disease is quite common and takes at least 80% of the total amount of diseases associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment regimen is appointed depending on the form of the disease and is sent to eliminate the causes that contribute to the further development of the disease, while the damaged gastric mucosa is restored, and also the prevention of exacerbation.

Stages of gastritis

  1. The initial stage of gastritis is called surface gastritis, characterized by thickening of the mucosa while maintaining its integrity. At the same time, digestive functions are disrupted. Beginning gastritis, you can completely cure if treatment of this stage begins without delaying the time. Unfortunately, it proceeds with unclear symptoms and disregard for treatment leads to the transition of the disease to the next stage, chronic.
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  2. The chronic stage is characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood and a change in the secretion of the stomach. If the disease is diffuse, the glands cease to function and the mucosa is evenly inflamed. Erosive chronic gastritis is characterized by the appearance of small ulcers on the mucosa.
  3. In the subsequent stage, called atrophic, degeneration of the wall tissues occurs, which are replaced by a connective tissue that is unable to perform digestive functions. Treatment of chronic gastritis at this stage is very difficult, difficult and for a long time. Atrophic changes inherent in this stage lead to activation of the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria forming a large number of toxins. Changes in the shape of the walls of the stomach can lead to the formation of cancer cells.

The course of the disease

The disease can periodically exacerbate over a period of time, or vice versa, the symptoms of the disease disappear for some time. An exacerbation of a gastritis remission or course of a gastritis outside of an exacerbation, alternates among themselves and it is necessary to consider it at treatment of illness. If the disease is not treated, considering it will pass by itself, then in the future it can lead to stomach ulcer, the onset of pancreatic diseases, gall bladder and other diseases.

Exacerbation at a chronic stage can cause alcohol abuse, taking certain medications or heavy fatty, spicy foods. The period of transition from superficial initial gastritis to atrophic, can take 17-19 years. Usually, the treatment of patients at a chronic stage is carried out at home. Treatment in a medical institution is carried out in the event of a sharp exacerbation of the disease.

The main role in the treatment of gastritis in the stage of remission is feeding on special diets. The main emphasis is on the gentle principle of mechanical, chemical and thermal effects on the stomach. With increased acidity, a diet corresponding to a certain stage of the disease is used, analogous to an antiplatelet. Stewed or puree vegetables, cereals, stale white bread, boiled meat and fish predominate in the diet. In this disease with secretory deficiency recommended soups on low-fat broth, crumbly porridge on the water, fruit juices. It is useful for patients to sanatorium treatment, the use of mineral water without gas.

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