Superficial reflux-gastritis: duodenal-gastric reflux( DGR), treatment with antral chronic form

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Many people now suffer from uncomfortable sensations in the stomach. But few people seriously think about what they are called and what to do with them. It often happens that the patients and do not suspect about the development of quite serious pathologies in the digestive system, since they do not show themselves. Such diseases include various forms of reflux gastritis.

As a rule, with superficial reflux gastritis, problems begin to develop, gradually worsening to more severe lesions. For this form of the disease, dystrophic changes in the upper epithelial layer of the gastric mucosa are characteristic. Naturally, it is restored much more slowly than usual. If the stomach is not treated in time, then gradually its prolonged irritation will pass to the glandular structure of the mucosa.

Superficial gastritis DGD( duodenal gastral reflux)

If the reverse cast itself is associated with the inflammatory process in the duodenum, changes in its mucosa and the weakness of the doorkeeper in front of it, then it is said of a superficial gastritis with duodenal gastral reflux( DGR).So all the contents, again returns to the stomach, in addition to an extraneous set of enzymes and bile. They create a very aggressive environment in it, intensely irritating the mucous, causing its swelling and degeneration. Doctors say that DGR can also occur as an independent disease. As a percentage, the number of such cases is reduced to 30%.Sometimes even healthy people have similar conditions. Only they do not cause discomfort and harm, remaining a variant of the norm. In addition to the general symptoms characteristic of superficial reflux gastritis, in this case, in addition, there may be:

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  • pains in the epigastric region in the form of spasms;
  • feeling of heartburn;
  • belching with a sour taste or stomach contents;
  • yellow plaque on the tongue;bitter taste in the mouth.

Most often there is a superficial antral reflux-gastritis, as the inflammatory process of the mucous is developing in this part of the stomach.

Methods for diagnosing surface reflux gastritis

While the disease of the antral part of the stomach proceeds without any special symptoms, it can pass into chronic superficial reflux gastritis. Since it is impossible to unambiguously diagnose on the basis of symptoms alone, doctors use a number of methods for this purpose:

  1. Quantitative( X-ray analysis of gastric juice for biochemistry, which helps to accurately determine how much bilirubin and bile acids, ionomonometric, radioisotope).
  2. Qualitative( fibrogastroduodenoscopic, laboratory studies of the contents of the stomach or vomit for the detection of bile).

Treatment of superficial reflux gastritis

To solve the problem, resort to such methods:

  • medicamental;
  • physiotherapeutic;
  • diet therapy;
  • prompt intervention.

The main goal of all therapeutic methods in this case is to reduce the aggressiveness of the bile's effect on the walls of the stomach and to eliminate its entry into it. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the motility of the digestive organ, so that it works more harmoniously and is normally emptied of the contents. With regard to medicines, their comprehensive impact should be aimed at solving the following problems.

  1. Accelerating the progress of food.
  2. Create a protective film to prevent further irritation of the mucosa.
  3. Transfer of bile and its corrosive acids into a water soluble form.
  4. In some cases, vitamins C, A, E are prescribed.

Treatment of superficial gastritis is carried out with the help of electrophoresis and thermal procedures in the form of warmers, ozocerite and paraffin applications. Diathermy also has a good effect. It is applicable in the adrenal gland. Physiotherapy reduces pain, but not everyone. If the patient has increased acidity, then their course can provoke an increase in its production and aggravate the general condition.

Mineral waters occupy the last place in treatment. Depending on how strongly secreted the secretion of hydrochloric acid, they are prescribed with a greater or lesser break between meals. It is important to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol, tea and coffee. Preparations that have an irritant effect on the gastric mucosa should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Operation is resorted to in case of:

  • bleeding in the stomach;
  • of the pyloric weakness;
  • appearance of neoplasm;
  • scarring, worsening peristalsis.

Diet for superficial reflux gastritis

Diet for the disease of superficial gastritis reflux involves monitoring compliance with its basic principles:

  1. Patients need to learn not to overeat, and eat small meals up to 5-6 times a day. It is not necessary to lie down after a meal. This contributes to its delay in the stomach, which can trigger a reflux.
  2. I'd better cook steamed, in the oven or boil. It is desirable to grind it.
  3. Remove from the diet should be all fatty, fried, smoked, sour, salty and sour.
  4. With regard to meat and fish, it should be preferred non-fat varieties.
  5. Broths are better for cooking vegetable.
  6. You can make biscuits out of bread or eat it yesterday.
  7. You can not drink carbonated water, there are fresh sour fruits and vegetables.
  8. Of course, it's not worth talking about fast food and other synthetic products.

All patients with chronic superficial gastritis should go to the gastroenterologist twice a year and take therapeutic courses to maintain the period of remission or relieve the exacerbation. As a rule, it is done in the autumn or spring, when the disease makes itself felt. If the relapse is not observed for three years, the patient is removed from the dispensary. Superficial reflux-gastritis should not be started. It is better to begin treatment on time, then not to resort to radical methods.

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