Nausea in pancreatitis( pancreas disease), why nausea after eating, what to do, how and what to remove( remove) symptom?

Any pancreatic diseases, including pancreatitis, necessarily affect the state of health and the state of the digestive system. In acute conditions, this can be manifested by severe diarrhea and vomiting, in patients with chronic pancreatitis - just a recurring feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium, mild nausea and decreased appetite. However, almost everyone suffering from any pathology of the pancreas complains about the symptom.

Nausea after eating with pancreatitis

If a person is sick with pancreatitis, the symptoms of the disease can worsen and weaken, but eating, especially abundant and heavy( fried, spicy, fiber-rich, drinking coffee and carbonated drinks) necessarily increases the severity of the condition. This is due to the fact that such products are more difficult to digest by the body, and some of them, for example, coffee, also intensify the spasmodic reaction of an already inflamed pancreas. The protrusions narrow even further, and the vicious process of digesting living tissues of the organ is restarted instead of digesting and assimilating nutrients.

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As a result, each meal can cause nausea after eating with pancreatitis, and the more abundant and heavier the food, the greater the risk.

In patients, appetite usually worsens, it can be considered as a kind of attempt of the body to protect itself against another attack of deterioration. However, prolonged starvation or an attempt to arouse an appetite with culinary delights is equally unacceptable. The patient should nevertheless eat regularly, but following a strict diet and, possibly, reducing portions if it is difficult to cope with usual portions.

It is also unacceptable to try to soften the discomfort with smoking and even a small dose of alcohol - this leads to an immediate negative reaction.

Why does it make you sick with pancreas?

The pancreas plays an important role immediately in two body systems - endocrine and digestive. As part of the endocrine system, it is the source of insulin, and in the digestive system its role is to produce digestive enzymes, more precisely their predecessors, proenzymes. In a normal state these substances - still inactive precursors of enzymes - get through the duct of the pancreas into the duodenum and already there are "activated", becoming real enzymes, capable of cleavage of nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

In pancreatitis( or other diseases), the outflow of proenzymes is disrupted, and the process of converting proenzymes into enzymes occurs right in the pancreas itself. This leads immediately to two negative points:

  • Accumulated active enzymes begin the pathological process of digestion of pancreatic tissues, which provokes inflammation.
  • The process of nutrient breakdown is violated, which leads to the formation of toxic substances for the body instead of simple compounds digested in the digestive tract. The body experiences a kind of toxic attack, one of the reactions to which is nausea. There is something like food poisoning, only food is not suitable, and the body is not able to absorb it.

What if I get sick while pancreatitis?

The fact that nausea is an almost unchanged symptom of pancreatitis is a sad fact. But, knowing the nature of the origin of this symptom, you can take certain measures in order to nauseate as little as possible.

This is achieved, first of all, compliance with diet and diet. So, in the first days of exacerbation the patient is better to limit himself only by drinking mineral water and broth of rose hips. This should be done to avoid dehydration and not to provoke new attacks of nausea. In addition, patient pancreatitis is recommended to stay in a cool room and avoid accidental overheating - it also can increase nausea and pain.

In the following days, the diseased person should take easily digestible food - preferably vegetarian soups, cereals with little or no oil, lean meat and fish, cottage cheese, jelly and puddings, and eliminate anything that can irritate the digestive tract.

If a patient with pancreatitis is in remission( sickness decay) sick, then to remove the symptom, he should again return to a strict diet, at least for a while.

How and how to relieve nausea in pancreatitis?

Help in exacerbating pancreatitis is largely the competence of a doctor. But there are several techniques that can alleviate or eliminate nausea in pancreatitis before calling a doctor.

First, on this day, whenever possible, refuse to eat and drink only mineral water;often to remove the nausea helps water with the addition of lemon juice and broth of dogrose.

Secondly, should lie down and attach a bubble with ice or at least cold water to the left side at the level of the hypochondrium. According to some doctors, the cold should be applied from the back.

And another recommendation regarding nausea for any reason: vomiting should not be attempted to restrain. It is better after the attack is over, rinse your mouth, drink mineral or acidified water and try to lie down in the coolness and peace.

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