Laxatives for constipation for the elderly( bedridden patients), the most effective and best, what to take?

With age, the human body is difficult to cope with its functionality. Various diseases that require complex treatment begin to appear. One of the main problems is stool retention. In most cases, laxatives are prescribed for treatment with constipation for the elderly.

Violation of defecation is an unpleasant and sometimes painful problem. At a young age with this problem will cope much easier. It should be remembered that not every remedy for constipation in the elderly will be effective. This is due to the fact that some medicines cause side effects, which are undesirable in old age.

Constipation for elderly people

Laxatives for constipation for the elderly are often prescribed when other methods can not save the patient from the problem. It is best to take all medications prescribed by your doctor. Of course, you can go to the pharmacy and buy something yourself, but there may not be efficiency. In addition, incorrectly selected drugs cause a negative effect on the entire body. Only the doctor will prescribe the most suitable remedy for constipation in the elderly.

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Several groups should be distinguished, which include laxatives for constipation for elderly recumbent and common patients:

  • The first type can include medicines intended to soften feces. They are sometimes called osmolithics. Such laxative drugs can increase the volume of feces and soften it, after sucking the liquid. Medications are valid for 6 hours;
  • The second group can include a remedy for constipation for the elderly irritating the walls of the bowel. Nerve receptors are activated in the intestinal wall. Medications cause the peristals to grow. Thus, there is a movement of the stool to the exit;
  • The third group includes prebiotics. Similar drugs for constipation in the elderly are able to normalize the bacterial composition of the intestine, and are also able to improve the digestive process;
  • Another effective means of constipation for the elderly refers to the group of excipients. Due to their composition, they are able to increase the volume of feces by drawing fluid from the intestinal lumen. Valid for 4 days.

To determine what to take with constipation in the elderly, it is necessary to visit a specialist who after the examination and diagnosis will assign funds related to a particular group. If there are side effects, you need to tell your doctor about it.

What to take with constipation in old age?

After the first symptoms of constipation appear, you should seek the help of specialists. The employees of the medical institution will do all the necessary tests, after which the cause will be determined which caused the violation of defecation.

According to the analysis, doctors will be able to prescribe to their patient treatment. One of the points of treatment is the use of laxatives, without which it is difficult to eliminate the disorder in old age. To choose the best remedy for constipation for the elderly, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of drugs that can eliminate difficult bowel movements.

It is difficult to choose the most effective remedy for constipation in the elderly, but you can do it. It is worth considering the following list of medicines, which includes medicines, most often appointed by specialists:

  • Regulus. This laxative substance refers to strong medications. These are herbal laxatives prescribed for constipation of elderly people. You can not be afraid that it will be addictive. The duration of the drug is 10 hours;
  • Senadé.This laxative refers to herbal preparations. Many are wondering whether it is possible to give Senada with prolonged senile constipation? You should consult your doctor to avoid unforeseen situations;
  • Guttalax. This is another good tool for constipation in an elderly person. The drug has an effective, mild effect. A positive result occurs within 12 hours. The daily dose is 15 drops. Since Guttalax is addictive, it is not recommended to take it for too long;
  • Forlax. Such remedies for constipation belong to the group of osmolytics. Do not abuse, because with excessive use there is a loss of mineral content of blood. It is best to use the drug as directed by a doctor.

It is best if natural laxatives are prescribed for constipation for the elderly. Such drugs will allow painless and without negative consequences to eliminate the violation of defecation. Due to their properties, plant laxatives will be much quicker to cope with the task.

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